Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

So, you still believe you are 'free" in America?
Try refusing to pay your unfair taxes.

America is quickly becoming a cruel master as well.
The ruling political class only cares about it's own power and wealth.
Also, it's hard to trade with a nation that has nothing to offer.
Boeing machinists just went on strike. Boeing (as just one example) is failing. All of Americas industry is collapsing if not from the sheer weight of government control, then internally from diversity programs.

America cannot compete. We are too spoiled and used to having the government move wealth around from those who produce to those who will vote "properly". It's a mess. Probably cannot be fixed at this point.

It may not be etched in stone, but is certainly the handwriting on the wall.
The "Deep State" is not responsible for your disappointment in your failed life.
Honestly, I don't really care, because China isn't really an enemy.

They spy on us, we spy on them. Big whoop.

Unless you are black. Or gay. Or Transgender. Or an undocumented immigrant. Or a woman in a red state with an unwanted pregnancy.
None of that is true

Except for illegal aliens who should not be in America to begin with
Our laws say otherwise. If you request asylum, you are legal until your case is resolved.
wrong your request must be valid and not just a rote forma declaration. Most of the people coming have no legal basis to claim asylum and the Biden admin is just letting them get away with it.
wrong your request must be valid and not just a rote forma declaration. Most of the people coming have no legal basis to claim asylum and the Biden admin is just letting them get away with it.
Again, my wife claimed asylum after coming here on a tourist visa. She was waiting for 7 years to get a hearing before we married and she got permanent residency as the spouse of a citizen.

Um, no, it's way too easy to claim asylum.
Again, my wife claimed asylum after coming here on a tourist visa. She was waiting for 7 years to get a hearing before we married and she got permanent residency as the spouse of a citizen.

Um, no, it's way too easy to claim asylum.
so, you admit China is so bad that its citizens can claim asylum, but you defend the Chinese Government anyway.
Our laws say otherwise. If you request asylum, you are legal until your case is resolved.
you said “undocumented immigrant”

Which just is just Liberish for “illegal alien”

Migrants requesting asylum may be liars, but they are not undocumented
so, you admit China is so bad that its citizens can claim asylum, but you defend the Chinese Government anyway.

Never said it wasn't a horrible place to live.

It's just not OUR enemy.

I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp. I love my wife, but she's not worth nuclear armageddon. Neither is Taiwan, or the Spratley Islands, or you being upset a rich person moved your job there.
you said “undocumented immigrant”

Which just is just Liberish for “illegal alien”

Migrants requesting asylum may be liars, but they are not undocumented

Nope, undocumented immigrant means exactly that. They immigrated here and they don't have documents.

Now, because we don't enforce a national ID system, and because people are willing to hire them, they are willing to work with fake documents or no documents at all, but that's on us.
Nope, undocumented immigrant means exactly that. They immigrated here and they don't have documents.

Now, because we don't enforce a national ID system, and because people are willing to hire them, they are willing to work with fake documents or no documents at all, but that's on us.
Again, they are here illegally and should be deported

I dont like fake asylum scam, but thanks to insane democrat policies they are here legally and are not undocumented
Again, they are here illegally and should be deported

I dont like fake asylum scam, but thanks to insane democrat policies they are here legally and are not undocumented
When we create a national ID system and a sensible guest worker program, THEN you can come back and whine to me about "illegals".

Otherwise, it's like you left your backpack on a park bench unattended and someone walked off with it.
When we create a national ID system and a sensible guest worker program, THEN you can come back and whine to me about "illegals".

Otherwise, it's like you left your backpack on a park bench unattended and someone walked off with it.
No, I can complain now and I will

If we ever have a guest worker program maybe a few of them can return at our choosing

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