Who pays tariffs?

Did you say all economists have said that Democrats fix Republican messes? That is simply untrue. Academia, where many economists work, are notoriously leftist to a fault. They are great at theory, but not so good in reality. Political ideology influences their "expertise". It is a shame, but it is happening in science as well. It shouldn't, but it does. Facts take a back seat to their ideology. I blame education indoctrination which has been at play for quite some time in our country courtesy of our enemies slow playing us. I know you won't understand, but at least try to put 2 and 2 together.

Economists Aren’t As Nonpartisan As We Think

Now, couple that with the fact that there are 4.5 Democrat economist for every 1 Republican in academia and maybe you can see the problem. They aren't Democrats because of their economic beliefs as evidenced by the overwhelming number of Democrats in other fields of non-political academics. This study is from 2017. Given the direction of education, I would expect these numbers to be higher now.


Bush Republicans are Democrat light. I don't care what they say.
Well all I can say about you is you’re full of BULL SHIT … Reagan republicans are the Reagan lite democrats too ??? You can’t accept that$ these honorable republicans are voting against Trump …you can’t stand that thought ..so you come up with the biggest BULL SHIT post I’ve ever seen … how can one argue with stupid people like you … so if trump gets elected and everything these republicans have said come true and you are winning about all this money you are losing … all I can say for you is we told you so…
Well all I can say about you is you’re full of BULL SHIT … Reagan republicans are the Reagan lite democrats too ??? You can’t accept that$ these honorable republicans are voting against Trump …you can’t stand that thought ..so you come up with the biggest BULL SHIT post I’ve ever seen … how can one argue with stupid people like you … so if trump gets elected and everything these republicans have said come true and you are winning about all this money you are losing … all I can say for you is we told you so…

What are you going to say if Harris wins and everything us folks with economic sense have told you comes true? Her economic proposals are disastrous for our economy. I will simply say I told you so, but the problem is that I will be in the same sinking boat.
If you firmly believe trade barriers and tariffs are such a bad idea then how do propose forcing a country to adopt open and free trade?
What are you going to say if Harris wins and everything us folks with economic sense have told you comes true? Her economic proposals are disastrous for our economy. I will simply say I told you so, but the problem is that I will be in the same sinking boat.
this is the same thing you said about Biden's economics that they are disastrous which you on the right are wrong here ... the market has doubled under Biden.. he got the country moving from shortages by getting vaccines out to the country... where Trump tried everything he could to convince you it was poison... according to all the doctors the majority of covid victims were republicans pleading, begging to get a shot ...because they realized they were wrong.. but died ... then trump does this the economy is failing that biden economic is failing when it has turned the mess Trump made around ... trump new he had to convince you maga idiots that Biden is failing ....lie after lie he told and you fools bought it ... the majority of the ecominest have said he has turned trumps mess around and you come up with your bull shit post trying to save face its not working
Thanks for showing us that you know fuck all about how economics works..

Next you are going to tell us the magic of how Tax Cuts help regular people... That is a real work of fiction..
Explain how letting "regular people" (whatever the fuck that is) keep more of THEIR MONEY doesn't help them, Simp.
Thanks for showing us that you know fuck all about how economics works..

Next you are going to tell us the magic of how Tax Cuts help regular people... That is a real work of fiction..
So, one little question, did each of the tax brackets receive a cut?

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