Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population

Heavy kids aren't "disruptive," and everyone deserves an education. Shove your segregationist bullshit right back up your ass.
Your misunderstanding and false assumptions have got you all riled up.

I didn't say they were. I said they should have their own lunchroom, if they eat school food, the food should be portion/calorie controlled. When in school kids are under 'care and control' of the state. The state should do their due diligence regarding their welfare.

And, I doubt if you would allow continuously disruptive kids to remain in your classes.
That's a fucking chart, not any kind of obligation.
Of course not. Telling you what you should eat isn't making you eat it. Fat kids can have the same food as the other students, but not as much of it, if it's under the control of the school. Of course this must be done in cooperation with the parents.
Of course not. Telling you what you should eat isn't making you eat it. Fat kids can have the same food as the other students, but not as much of it, if it's under the control of the school.

Shut the fuck up and go make some chicken pot pie, Michelle.
Schools shouldn’t be offering unhealthy options period.

It’s a free country and if kids and parents want to bring in junk food from home as a cold lunch, whatever.

But can anyone give me one good reason schools should have fast food or junk food vending machines or soda machines at all?
Perhaps the schools can help with this problem.

They could start by putting all fat teachers on probation to lose weight. A fat teacher is giving their students permission to also be fat.

You're never going to be the dictator you want to be. Go ask Kim Jong Un to adopt you.
You're never going to be the dictator you want to be. Go ask Kim Jong Un to adopt you.
News flash. Laws are dictates. Those who make laws are dictators. Therefore, we are governed by dictators. However, in a democracy we get to elect our dictators.

"Legal behavior follows the dictates of laws, which are written down and interpreted by the courts. In decision making, determining the legality of a course of action is facilitated by the existence of statutes, regulations, and codes. Unlike ethical considerations, there are established penalties for behaving in a way that conflicts with the law."
Many politicians are fat and out of shape and really can't tell anyone to eat healthy when they are in such pitiful condition.
News flash. Laws are dictates. Those who make laws are dictators. Therefore, we are governed by dictators. However, in a democracy we get to elect our dictators.

The important question is the scope and reach of those laws. Should we allow the dictators we elect to pass laws telling us how to eat? I think that's a bizarre invasion of privacy.

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