Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population

It is static reasoning, which went like this: 'Our cafeteria food has fat, sugar and spices. The kids eat it up. We'll take out the fat, sugar, and spices, and when the kids eat it up, it will be more healthy for them.'

They never once asked themselves whether the kids would still eat the food. Never had the lab cook up samples of the proposed menu for them to taste. They are much too important to eat the food of peasants. Meanwhile, you think Mickey D's would make the slightest change to their fries without the executives tasking the new version first?
The solution to obese school kids is to have a separate lunchroom and kitchen for them that serves portion-controlled food. Kids that aren't fat can eat whatever they want. The dirty little secrets is that people can thrive on most any food whether fatty, sweet, or whatever if they don't overeat. Muscles and brains run on sucrose (sugar). Even so-called junk foods contain most of the nutrients we need.
"Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population."

Because it's none of their business.
Their business or not, wouldn’t it be great if their efforts towards public health actually improved public health?
The solution to obese school kids is to have a separate lunchroom and kitchen for them that serves portion-controlled food. Kids that aren't fat can eat whatever they want. The dirty little secrets is that people can thrive on most any food whether fatty, sweet, or whatever if they don't overeat. Muscles and brains run on sucrose (sugar). Even so-called junk foods contain most of the nutrients we need.
Take the Big Mac for example. Great nutrition, but a little too salty. Problem is the fries and shake that are ordered along with it.

A) Trump is obese himself

B) so is most of his base

It would not be a fruitful subject for him to pursue, politically
Why should they talk about it? Obesity is a personal choice.
Except when the rest of us have to pay taxes to support the expensive care millions of Americans with preventable chronic conditions need because they spent a lifetime ignoring their doctors and making poor life choices
Take a look at this wonderful, delicious and healthy spread I got at a restaurant in Cambodia. Quail eggs in the second picture a very strong source of protein and other health benefits.

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But go to the USA in every major city especially the inner cities… you got a Kentucky fried chicken and McDonald’s on every street corner

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 2 in 5 adults are obese, and nearly 1 in 5 children are obese. Furthermore, 19 states in America have obesity rates over 35 percent, increased from 16 states just last year. A decade ago, no states had obesity rates above 35 percent! Obesity is linked to a number of health ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and a number of cancers such as breast and colorectal. If that wasn’t enough, the annual medical cost of obesity was nearly 173 billion dollars in 2019 alone.

Fuck you, I'd die for some KFC.
Wow, what a stupid idea.
When I was in school kids with serious problems were separated from normal kids. Worked out great.

Schools should be just as concerned with what goes into the student's stomachs as what goes into their heads.

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