Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population

Looks good.

Quail eggs are delicious.

America has the most obese population in the world. Is an embarrassment and it is a threat to the future. We have a child obesity problem. This is an issue for Republicans and Democrats to tackle.
No argument.
What is your solution to obese children in America and kids who don’t have parents at home to give them money for school lunches.
Like I said, if their parents aren't around, make them wards of the state. Problem solved.

Do you think that the state or federal government should adjust the issue or private organizations?
Certainly not the government. If private organizations want to make it a priority, that's fine.

We don’t need a future where the citizens are a bunch of obese, lazy anti-Americans. That’s what anti-Americanism gets us . it’s not just left-wing fanatics that are a threat to the future of the USA. There are also Republicans That are not interested in the American future.
Whatever. I just don't think we need government telling us how to eat

Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population​

One is... JFK Jr.... its why he is rising in the polls... still speaks of what people care about...
Kennedy is talking about traditional kitchen table issues that Democrats used to care about. Like our middle class, the health of the American citizen. Very important issues.

I see Kennedy talking about how many Americans don’t have $1000 to their name to afford an emergency. Other politicians are bombarding us with propaganda every every day about countries thousands of miles away. “Do this do that waive the flag of this country or that country. waive a BLM flag.”

What about the hundred thousand Americans who die each year from fentanyl. That is part of this debate part of the health of our country. What about the children of drug addicts in this country and how they grow up in such a difficult surrounding.

Why aren’t the politicians talking about one of the greatest issues facing America. The Obesity rate and our unhealthy population​

One is... JFK Jr.... its why he is rising in the polls... still speaks of what people care about...
You think people care more about obesity than immigration, inflation, wars, etc.?
Further proof that you haven't been inside a public school building.

20+ yeas ago, soda was sold in vending machines at school.
Today, it's water.
In my PNW public school, the only liquid allowed in the classroom is water (or a juice in special cases). No soda cans of ANY kind are allowed.
There are NO vending machines that sell chips or Oreos.

Now, I can't speak for The South.
When I taught school, snacks and drinks were not available until after school as all machines were set on timers!
When I taught school, snacks and drinks were not available until after school as all machines were set on timers!
The problem at my school is that a number of my students have almost NO food at home. What they can get at school is it for the day. It's why more often than not I end up giving my own lunch away (discreetly).
You can have Cambodia. Wife and I just finished off a couple of yummy T-bones which I cooked over charcoals.

The problem at my school is that a number of my students have almost NO food at home. What they can get at school is it for the day. It's why more often than not I end up giving my own lunch away (discreetly).
Have you reported them to CPS? There is no reason for there to be no food at a child's home unless the parents are trading EBT cards for drugs.

That's what CPS is for, not for parents who don't use the pronouns for their kids that the school psychologist tells them to.
Those are some informative points. Much appreciated. The beginning of the Obama era was kind of before I really got into politics. But my point is Michelle Obama was in the right place. She was right to urge, healthy food for children. So it’s a great idea. The only question is simply how to apply the idea. Sometimes we get it wrong, but it is ultimately the right idea for any responsible adult at least.

To your point about high school lunches. I remember back in my days of high school we had the free lunches. It was perhaps kind of an embarrassment for a youngster to hold out the free lunch card and everybody else sees that they have poor parents. And so there it is really that is the American society for you and is unfair for children but that’s life. It really is something that you have multimillionaire parents, and then you have their kids who can drive sports cars that are sometimes worth more money than what the teachers have.

I was fortunate enough to be raised in the middle-class household. Now that’s something that we don’t really have much of these days in America. Dwindling middle-class is what we have today. And I grew up in the late 90s and early 2000s when we had at least a stronger class compared to today.

And yes, as for high school lunches, the food school serve wasn’t always the best. Sometimes we did have a good salad. Often students would bring their own lunch to school.

Now you talk about your school and by the way, I appreciate your position in being A teacher and mentor to children. As we know, there are different culture’s and settings going on in high schools or middle schools all throughout the USA. There’s different types of populations. Different types of rules. Different ways to address the obesity problems and how to feed our children

I appreciate you taking the time because other people, including Republicans don’t take time on these subjects they simply provide media talking points, and it is not appropriate.

Whether it is the government or not, you pointed out as everybody knows that we have a health problem in America. It’s not just an obesity problem. It’s also a child obesity problem. We also have homeless folks who have a difficult time finding food and they are going hungry.

What we know is that the United States is the richest country in the world. We’ve given hundreds of billions of dollars to countries like Ukraine, Israel, and Egypt. …think about what all of that money or even a fraction of it could do to confront hunger issues in America among children. I recall the statistics saying it wouldn’t really cost that much money perhaps a few billion dollars to solve the homelessness crisis in America

$50 billion allocated toward addressing child obesity, and hungry students across America. For people who might say wait a minute that’s too much money. We the American taxpayers fork over much more money every year to our government. The only question is what will our taxpayers go toward and I said before I would sleep very well at night, knowing that the money went toward school programs For students to eat.

Having a successful program for students to have breakfast and lunch is a different story. And I agree with you. It’s not an easy issue to address.

By the way, it’s not just the free lunch often schools have breakfast programs for youngsters who are poor.
I thank you for the respectful response. I read it all, even if I don't repond to to it all. You are very accurate for most of it, and no more to say.

Just a couple of things:

My point is that the eating of unhealthy food in such large portions is a nationwide problem. Who knows, maybe Biden's inflation leading to shrinkflation may have one benefit. It cannot be solved in the school cafeteria, because the local groceries, convenience stores and fast food restaurants have so much unhealthy food available that the cafeteria cannot compete.

Same holds for education trying to compete with media and video games, now that I think of it.

In my school, kids pay for their lunches by entering a lunch number or scanning their ID's so no one knows who has free lunch, which is a blessing. In my school breakfast is free for all, on the theory that parents who work hard and can afford to pay for lunch, might not take time to fix breakfast. I think that is true of most schools. Ironically, it is standardized testing that brought this about. A hungry kid cannot learn, Maslow's Heirarchy tells us that. With schools being held accountable, they do what they can to make the learning environment productive.*

School lunches were much, much tastier in my day which was the seventies. I didn't realize how good we had it until I saw how kids are fed at school now.

We had rolls so good that people on Youtube show how to duplicate them. Chocolate cake and pie and cookies that were delicious. The entres and vegetables were good also, but the sweets were more memorable of course.

It's our wealth that causes our obesity. in other countries, poor people fight starvation, in this one, poor people fight obesity. Neither are good, but I'll take the latter any old day.

*Not saying that to promote standardized testing as we do it now. It has gone way to far.
Take a look at this wonderful, delicious and healthy spread I got at a restaurant in Cambodia. Quail eggs in the second picture a very strong source of protein and other health benefits.

View attachment 915141

View attachment 915143

But go to the USA in every major city especially the inner cities… you got a Kentucky fried chicken and McDonald’s on every street corner

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 2 in 5 adults are obese, and nearly 1 in 5 children are obese. Furthermore, 19 states in America have obesity rates over 35 percent, increased from 16 states just last year. A decade ago, no states had obesity rates above 35 percent! Obesity is linked to a number of health ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and a number of cancers such as breast and colorectal. If that wasn’t enough, the annual medical cost of obesity was nearly 173 billion dollars in 2019 alone.

We know where the problem is.

Why Red States Suffer Greater Obesity​

Thanks I look forward to watching that video. Kennedy is a model for American physical fitness. A man at his age and being in the healthy condition he is creates a positive influence for our country.

Kennedy is also talking about many kitchen table issues that used to mean a lot to Democrats. Like the fact that middle class Americans can’t afford a house anymore.
Kennedy is a model for American physical fitness.
Well except for his decade and a half drug addiction of course.

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