I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

20+Asccuse Women him Sexual Misconduct.

Convicted on 34-Felony Counts of Fraud.

An Adjudicated Rapist.

Illegally Classified Material to Shit-A-Lago.

Facing Violations Georgia RICO Statutes.

Lies about Dogs, Cat, Ducks and Geese being in Springfield Ohio.
False, bedwetting inbred. I don't hate Trump, I hate what Trump has done to America. Nor do I hate his followers. I pity them for being so stupid they let Trump tow them by the nose. As far as America, I love this country. You'll note, YOU'RE the one who doesn't think it's great and YOU'RE the one who wants to change it.
Inbred, I'm just trying to help you. Obviously you've been fooled by democrats and the mainstream media. All the hoaxes that you've fallen for? You believe firmly in the lawfair that is being practiced in an illegitimate way by demo rats. You rooted on and it fuels your hate filled rants. I have found you to be one of the most cement-headed, biased narrow minded- reprehensible MAGA hating nasty little bots in this forum. You spare no energy trying to belittle American loving Citizens and protect lying dishonest Democrats. Then you lie and say you are not one. LOL you have to be stupid to believe what you believe, and you are. So. Fucking. Stupid.
You are a liar. Trump and Republicans did this:

i. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231211 {Post •12025} RetiredGySgt in Srvwgo: “In the laws for elections is a process to challenge electoral votes it is neither radical nor illegal“ rtrdgysgt 231211 Srvwgo12025

ii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231211 {Post •12026} NotfooledbyW Dec’23 Vrvwgo: Trump’s illegal action on January 6 and leading up to it with the organization of the fake electors has absolutely nothing to do with challenging the existence of fraudulent votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

The Eastman memo makes it clear that the objective on January 6 was for Mike Pence to throw out those seven states so they would not be included during the counting of the votes in a Joint Session of Congress on January 6.

After not counting the votes, from those seven states, Pence was supposed to declare that he and Trump had won the election to cause chaos, and a constitutional crisis that might be settled by one vote majority in the House of Representatives for Republicans. Such a declaration, chaos, disenfranchisement of every American voter would’ve been based on fraud, and Pence would not do it.

Surely the top law enforcement officer in the land must be restrained from even the slightest attempt to overturn an election when they are a sitting president who loses.

The only deterrent in this case is forceful prosecution of Donald J Trump and his accomplices for the attempt. nfbw 231211 rvwgo12026
You are delusional. Roe versus Wade was overturned because it was unconstitutional. No other reason, wake up
Roe versus Wade was overturned because it was unconstitutional
Roe versus Wade was overturned because Don Trump added three additional Catholic Menstruation Gestapo to the three Catholic Menstruation Gestapo who were already there.

The six Catholic Menstruation Gestapo on the Supreme Court decided that menstruating Americans do not have equal constitutional protections from governmental search and seizure of their body from the moment of conception to the final natural completion of gestation.
Roe versus Wade was overturned because Don Trump added three additional Catholic Menstruation Gestapo to the three Catholic Menstruation Gestapo who were already there.

The six Catholic Menstruation Gestapo on the Supreme Court decided that menstruating Americans do not have equal constitutional protections from governmental search and seizure of their body from the moment of conception to the final natural completion of gestation.
Wrong again! Unconstitutional

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