Will Economy be the primary driver for voters?

I did explain it. There are sad stories in every economy.

IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE SERIOUS you’d actually address the real issue in America which in inequity. The Top 10% have consolidated $75T more wealth at the expense of the bottom 90%. In aggregate we are very prosperous but those at the bottom struggle in 2024 like they did in 2019 like they did in 2009 like they did in 1999.

The things that address inequity to help those at the bottom are pissed on by you and the GOP. You really think there isn’t enough pie when there is enough pie… it’s just all being eaten at the top.

Real solutions:
  • Minimum wage increases
  • Guaranteed healthcare
  • Childcare option
  • Affordable education and post high school skill development for non-grads
  • Significantly reworked tax structure to move more burden to the top

How much of the tax burden should the top pay?

Top 1%?

Top 10%

Top 25%?

give is some numbers citygator
You asked for one. I provided one. Noted that you have provided no real drivers of inflation.
Yes I have you just choose to ignore them. 20mil illegals become consumers and add to inflation. Higher energy costs lead to inflation. Build back broke lead to inflation
Yes I have you just choose to ignore them. 20mil illegals become consumers and add to inflation. Higher energy costs lead to inflation. Build back broke lead to inflation
I already showed you the impact of fuel prices. Very small. My company moves billions. I know what the impact is. Maybe you have your own source to quantify it?
Yes I have you just choose to ignore them. 20mil illegals become consumers and add to inflation. Higher energy costs lead to inflation. Build back broke lead to inflation
I already showed you the impact of fuel prices. Very small. My company moves billions. I know what the impact is. Maybe you have your own source to quantify it?
No you don’t. You’re full of it. You didn’t show me anything. What company? You speak in riddles.
Biden was due to Covid. Obama due to the Great Recession. Prior ones were from a party that no longer exists. This Progressive Ideology has zero in common with the party of JFK. I was never a Bush fan. I liked WJC.

Your post proves nothing
Excuse for everything. Even before covid trump spent more every year than the year before while Obama had the deficit under control.
Excuse for everything. Even before covid trump spent more every year than the year before while Obama had the deficit under control.
Nope. Obama spent more than Bush. Trump spent to rebuild the military. But yes, he spent too much and didn’t eliminate useless govt jobs. His bad and almost caused me not to vote for him the 2nd time.
No you don’t. You’re full of it. You didn’t show me anything. What company? You speak in riddles.
You have no idea on input costs. I can tell the freight cost on just about anything and I can tell you the actual fuel cost is a small part of freight (25-30% max), And freight overall is around 4% of stuff. Way less if you are shipping diamonds and way more if you are shipping canoes. But it all blends around 4% or less. You can’t have fuel go up enough to cause massive inflation. The math doesn’t math.

A truck gets 7 miles per gallon. So if you ship 1,000 miles the truck will use 140 gallons at less than $4 per gallon you are talking about $600 in fuel. Most trucks carry $300,000 to $1,000,000 in stuff. That is not even one percent. But load on fuel cost from china or more than 1,000 miles shipped and you end up around 2% of cost is fuel.. a little less. It can’t drive inflation much.
You have no idea on input costs. I can tell the freight cost on just about anything and I can tell you the actual fuel cost is a small part of freight (25-30% max), And freight overall is around 4% of stuff. Way less if you are shipping diamonds and way more if you are shipping canoes. But it all blends around 4% or less. You can’t have fuel go up enough to cause massive inflation. The math doesn’t math.

A truck gets 7 miles per gallon. So if you ship 1,000 miles the truck will use 140 gallons at less than $4 per gallon you are talking about $600 in fuel. Most trucks carry $300,000 to $1,000,000 in stuff. That is not even one percent. But load on fuel cost from china or more than 1,000 miles shipped and you end up around 2% of cost is fuel.. a little less. It can’t drive inflation much.
Multiply that by 1000s of trucks and you’re doubling the fuel cost. You just did your own math. LOL
Life is expensive. Shelter, energy and especially food. Good article attached about the price of the Whopper. My goodness. Frankly eye opening. To me this is the primary issue as it also ties in the border and flood of illegals. Abortion isn’t even in the top 10 issues. What does everyone else think?

Absolutely. Kamalanomics = Bidenomics = Obamaomics.

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