How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Socialism is often depicted as evil and is claimed to harm its recipients more than it helps them. The tragic damage that has befallen Florida will take years and billions of dollars to recover from. Federal government traditionally is there to help those recover who would never recover without help. Most would say it's our government's place to do as it has always done and immediately come to their aid. This is a conundrum. Government aid in this case can only be described as socialism. A major portion of the MAGA universe has determined socialism is evil. How do hard right-wing members justify the dichotomy of expending all that socialism across Florida.
Giving aid money to the states during an emergency isn't socialism. That's fucking
So tell me the difference. Perhaps our disagreement is nothing more than a misunderstanding.
In a natural disaster, people are entitled to emergency support and recovery services. That’s not socialism….. that’s smart government. If the government is putting conditions on support or dolling out more support or add-ons quid pro quo, then that could be socialism.
I am opposed to all over reach by the feds,,

FEMA could be acceptable system if not for all the other actions taken by the feds that they have no authority to be involved in,,

what gets me is you cock suckers using FEMA as a whipping pony to justify bigger government,,
Either you approve of what FEMA does or you don't. Which is it? FEMA is pure socialism.
Giving aid money to the states during an emergency isn't socialism. That's fucking
It's damn sure not capitalism. Your remark might have some validity if you could define what you think socialism is. How is giving aid for hurricane recovery different from aid for other things that help the country as a whole?
In a natural disaster, people are entitled to emergency support and recovery services. That’s not socialism….. that’s smart government. If the government is putting conditions on support or dolling out more support or add-ons quid pro quo, then that could be socialism.
Like more support for a big, destroyed house than for a smaller destroyed house? More support for a displaced family than for a single man?
So, you can't explain your beliefs. Imagine my surprise. dumb ass.
I can but I also know how you sick cock suckers like to make things personal and use that to attack who youre talking to instead of discussing the topic

I will give you this

so tell me how agreeing to help fellow americans in a natural disaster meets the first criteria of socialism,,
I am opposed to all over reach by the feds,,

FEMA could be acceptable system if not for all the other actions taken by the feds that they have no authority to be involved in,,

what gets me is you cock suckers using FEMA as a whipping pony to justify bigger government,,
You’re an idiot.

Considering you’re voting for the revenge, retribution and grifting cult show.
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So, Florida can't take care of themselves. You read the part about them regularly receiving more from the federal government than they pay in federal taxes, didn't you? dumb ass.
Sure they can. If left alone they would not be flooded with expensive cash-draining illegals, imbecile
Giving aid money to the states during an emergency isn't socialism. That's fucking
Yes, it’s taking from people not involved in the event and given to those affected.

Why should we who don’t live in hurricane prone areas pay for people that do.
Spend MY tax dollar on Florida? What's in it for ME???
Oh please. Many in blue states deduct their ridiculous property taxes on their federal returns which means the rest of us are subsidizing your state's poor fiscal policies.
I can but I also know how you sick cock suckers like to make things personal and use that to attack who youre talking to instead of discussing the topic

I will give you this

so tell me how agreeing to help fellow americans in a natural disaster meets the first criteria of socialism,,
Obviously, you are going to continue to tap dance around the subject, so why don't you point out a socialist government program you don't like and explain why you think it is improper.

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