Oh the damage they have done

Women voters put Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden in the White House. Not enough thought was put into the process when women were given the vote. If only we could really build a time machine out of a DeLorean.

---Sororities are mobilizing for Harris and they're not planning on stopping after the election---

At this point, women are smarter than men. For women, the right to an abortion can be a matter of life and death. Women do not want a fascist dictatorship in the US.
So Republicans took abortion rights away from women and now they want to take away voting rights.

Why would a woman ever vote Republican

For anything
Because they buy groceries?
Because they buy gas?
Because they don't want to be raped?
Because they don't want to be mugged?
Because they don't want to be murdered?

Not terribly bright are you.
Because they buy groceries?
Because they buy gas?
Because they don't want to be raped?
Because they don't want to be mugged?
Because they don't want to be murdered?

Not terribly bright are you.
Just paid $2.80 for gas. Almost down to Covid prices

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