Zone1 Are all people equally valuable?

To the credit of Christianity, most of the different churches stopped sending unbaptized babies to the firelake.

But that's no comfort to the hundreds of millions who went there before the bible's revisions.

How can we respect that? The churches that abolished that belief weren't worse than the ones that still do it.
It's always so refreshing to hear what a militant atheist intent on subordinating Christianity has to say about Christianity. :rolleyes:
I agree that facts establish truth. So my rejecting the ridiculously large positive feedbacks associated with CO2 is an atheism of sorts?
It's a word used to describe unbelievers. A religious term. There are no words to identify people who reject astrology or alchemy for example.
It's a word used to describe unbelievers. A religious term. There are no words to identify people who reject astrology or alchemy for example.
Maybe the difference is that short of studying what God created faith is the realm of philosophy whereas astrology and alchemy try to pass themselves off as science. Just spit balling here. I'm not heavily invested in this explanation.
Maybe the difference is that short of studying what God created faith is the realm of philosophy whereas astrology and alchemy try to pass themselves off as science. Just spit balling here. I'm not heavily invested in this explanation.
Me neither. However, for millions every word in the Bible is pure truth. Even completely ridiculous stuff like the creation story. For an atheist truth and fact belong together. A fact free document can't be truth.
You're claiming that God loves humanity, yet your version of God keeps human beings conscious in hell for all eternity, for not believing in your Christian religion and dogmas.
That is NOT what Christians believe, it is a parody. It is a lie that God sends people to Hell. They send themselves because they refuse to face, shall we say, "moral reality." When you sin egregiously (adultery, abortion, etc) you damage your soul to the point you would not "fit in" in Heaven (for lack of a better way to put it). An analogy: If you are invited by the president to the White House, you don't wallow in the mud beforehand and wear your dirty clothes to the meeting (unless maybe you want to make some kind of point, but the president will not be amused and you will be escorted out). It's not that God is a snob, it is that Heaven is holy and pure. It is LOVE (which means loving yourself enough to give up sin that harms you) and if you don't have that love, you not only wouldn't fit in but would ruin things for everyone there. Yes, your sins torment you in Hell, but it is because you chose those sins over holiness/goodness/truth/peace and love. Yes, God lets us choose... So rant away at Him over that, but as they say "it is what it is." God does not change.
what? I don't get what you're saying. What same response

That they are the 'truth' , despite all that is on this rock that would counter it Fork

Rise above to an objective stance Fork, all these 'religions' that claim to be the word of whatever God they bow to all hate the sh*t outta any others, h*ll , they even hate themselves should they not bow without question

What does that tell you?????

That they are the 'truth' , despite all that is on this rock that would counter it Fork

Rise above to an objective stance Fork, all these 'religions' that claim to be the word of whatever God they bow to all hate the sh*t outta any others, h*ll , they even hate themselves should they not bow without question

What does that tell you?????

so let me get this straight. You are saying that all religions are bad and make you hate others?
I don't hate others. I hate what they say, at times, because it sounds hateful or arrogant or whatever, but I don't hate people. I have far more compassion for others now that I've become a stronger Catholic. Jesus is the only one who can enable someone to have compassion on others.. real compassion (which means trying to help people not to believe lies, etc)
I don't understand the thing you say about objective truth. I have been pursuing objective truth for decades.. Frankly, I don't see a lot of others doing that. In any case, I am still baffled by what you say in this post.. Maybe if you could write out your main point in one concise sentence.. Maybe I'm more tired than I thought or something but just dont understand what you are primarily saying.

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