How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Socialism is often depicted as evil and is claimed to harm its recipients more than it helps them. The tragic damage that has befallen Florida will take years and billions of dollars to recover from. Federal government traditionally is there to help those recover who would never recover without help. Most would say it's our government's place to do as it has always done and immediately come to their aid. This is a conundrum. Government aid in this case can only be described as socialism. A major portion of the MAGA universe has determined socialism is evil. How do hard right-wing members justify the dichotomy of expending all that socialism across Florida.
Fuck off with with every last bit of it you think you got, bitch!
Flawda don't need none of your commie bullshit.
Oh! You tryin' ta slam people that got fucked up by the storm.
Wow, you're a fuckin' peckerneck and a half.
When people need help you know right away that they have some serious character flaws. Otherwise they would have never gotten themselves into a situation where they need help.
What a load of crap.
The best anyone can do for the people in Florida right now is lead em to God and baby Jesus.
They're dead.
Thoughts and prayers are aways a good help. Don't cost anything either.
... and do nothing too.
If the people in Florida need your help (and they do) then donate directly. What we need is for charity to be put back in the hands of the people. When people receive charity from another person, they feel thankful and the charitable person feels a satisfaction of helping someone else. However, when the government does “charity” the person receiving becomes entitled and the person being taxed feels cheated.
…..To paraphrase someone more observant than myself.
Guess what the republicans forgot to put in their stopgap funding bill.

The funding omission was made all the more striking by the fact that lawmakers were leaving Washington two days ahead of schedule, in part because of the hurricane. And some members, like Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Matt Gaetz, both Florida Republicans who have opposed efforts to preemptively appropriate disaster dollars, either voted against the CR or skipped the vote to be in Florida ahead of Helene’s landfall.
“The right-wingers here, the MAGA crowd, even after disasters happen, they have opposed disaster aid for communities in need,” said a frustrated Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.).
“I’m fearful of it because we’ve lived through it a number of times,” she added. “Even members from Florida after a disaster have opposed initial aid going in, and it’s not the way to have a government function, or FEMA function. It’s not right.”

Best government money can buy...
Fuck off with with every last bit of it you think you got, bitch!
Flawda don't need none of your commie bullshit.
Oh! You tryin' ta slam people that got fucked up by the storm.
Wow, you're a fuckin' peckerneck and a half.
No one should be living directly on the coast, and rebuilding the same areas that were wiped out...without change, over and over again with our tax dollars as help is not a prudent decision.

Help with food, water, shelter, but helping to rebuild right in the same vulnerable spot in the same way, is unwise, and not money well spent.

There has got to be a wiser move....?

Stronger homes? All on high stilts? I dunno?
Fuck off with with every last bit of it you think you got, bitch!
Flawda don't need none of your commie bullshit.
Oh! You tryin' ta slam people that got fucked up by the storm.
Wow, you're a fuckin' peckerneck and a half.
The Duke needs to pipe down.
Socialism is often depicted as evil and is claimed to harm its recipients more than it helps them. The tragic damage that has befallen Florida will take years and billions of dollars to recover from. Federal government traditionally is there to help those recover who would never recover without help. Most would say it's our government's place to do as it has always done and immediately come to their aid. This is a conundrum. Government aid in this case can only be described as socialism. A major portion of the MAGA universe has determined socialism is evil. How do hard right-wing members justify the dichotomy of expending all that socialism across Florida.
None, Florida residents pay federal taxes and helps fund fema, so, disaster relief isn’t “socialism”
That's hard to believe in a place that elected DeSantis but you'd know better than me.
You better believe it. I have been herding goats and sheep all my life and that's how I know all the secrets of the universe. I should probably write a Bible and clue people in on what's going on.

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