Zone1 It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values

There are traditional concepts in how a society composes itself. Remember, the suffragettes were a minority coalition, most women didn’t want to vote so they could stay above the political/labor/military fray.

I’m not advocating for restricting voting, but when you know even a bit about world history, feminism sells disinformation meant to rile modern women up…. and portray an oppression amidst some wonderful society back then.

Life was hard back then, most people barely made it. Women and men joined together to survive. Men were more biologically fit work, women more biologically fit to organize and obviously nurture children. Those roles make absolute sense, yet, modern feminists act like they’re experiencing an exorcism when confronted with them, and whine about oppression.

Women aren’t oppressed, and even when they were not voting they were given plenty of bad things they could avoid, so they weren’t some oppressed slave class as modern feminists portray. They were the prize men fought for, and traditional women know how to gain control of men if they want to.

Modern feminism needs to stop lying.
Yeah, women liked being barefoot, pregnant and silent in the kitchen.

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