Portland the "Liberal" Utopia has lost it's shine.

Portland went to shit back when they used to say "it's a great place for young people" and billed itself as progressive.

You don't need draconian oversight and total control, but you need rules, laws, and responsibility in a society or else it goes to shit as it did there.

A society is like a household. If the parents don't make and enforce rules, and if they don't teach their kids to be decent, considerate, smart, strong, and responsible then those kids will become shitballs. And Portland decided to encourage hedonists and well, they became shitballs.
I dont hold the drug companies responsible for selling a legal product prescribed by medical doctors

Slip and fall lawyers can convince juries of almost anything

But I hope some good comes out of this

Purdue was sued because they told doctors for years their drugs were not addictive when they knew they were.
I suspect you people are screwed if you can't handle your internal politics. Pelosi, never affected TN politics. TN turned to a red state, immediately when Governor Blanton, got caught selling pardons to convicted criminals with ties to the governor or friends, along with liquor licenses to the highest kickback bidder or briber under the table. It was so bad, Camden (in a dry county) had a state licensed liquor store 3 blocks from court square with parking and open/closed sign on the door, not subject to state enforcement, and protected locally by the same asshole sheriff that through me in jail. After they stole my brand-new Chevy van, to haul other prisoners to jail, because I refused to give them the keys.
Tennessee politics, man just today i was listening about what the fuck is going on in your Blue Cities there. And Joe Biteme has been installed since when again?

Tennessee politics, man just today i was listening about what the fuck is going on in your Blue Cities there. And Joe Biteme has been installed since when again?

I stay out of Memphis. Recommend you do, also. I had a decorated combat veteran, in uniform, on and overnight convoy stop, almost killed there. When I do, go there, it is on specific mission, I am heavily armed, I maintain awareness, I don't go to the bars or marketed entertainment areas, and then I get out. If your car, tires and fuel onboard are not good, don't go. There isn't a safe place in that city, interstate or surface streets, to break down, where you are safe. Doubly so, at night. I look at it as a demilitarized zone at best, and many areas, not even that. :cool:
I stay out of Memphis. Recommend you do, also. I had a decorated combat veteran, in uniform, on and overnight convoy stop, almost killed there. When I do, go there, it is on specific mission, I am heavily armed, I maintain awareness, I don't go to the bars or marketed entertainment areas, and then I get out. If your car, tires and fuel onboard are not good, don't go. There isn't a safe place in that city, interstate or surface streets, to break down, where you are safe. Doubly so, at night. I look at it as a demilitarized zone at best, and many areas, not even that. :cool:
And you voted for in the 2020 election again?
A. K. A. Biden supporters . A. K . A. Democrats.
Nope. More specifically Oregon voters, totally and solely responsible for the content and output of their state legislature. Probably why you don't see that kind of legislation anywhere but the left coast.
BS. I am not affected by or responsible for the left coast and their policies, nor their outcomes. You go gettem' leftwinger. Grab your lance Quixote. Ride over there and slay their failing windmills and more power to ya.

I think I'll stretch, yawn and have another cup of coffee, well over 2,000 miles away.
Yea, you yawn and stretch while you vote for the most corrupt administration sin e Obama... I
Yea, you yawn and stretch while you vote for the most corrupt administration sin e Obama... I
2301 miles to be exact, 32 hours and 4 minutes, and yes, I yawned reading your post, as I am definitely not responsible for Oregon's drug policy mistakes.
yeah but, one can't help but be suspicious of any government that wants it's people doped up W6...:eek:


Doped up + queer, trans, unarmed and non-white.

Biden gun strip LR.jpg

2301 miles to be exact, 32 hours and 4 minutes, and yes, I yawned reading your post, as I am definitely not responsible for Oregon's drug policy mistakes.
Yet this guy love living in a Red State and stays away from cities that have Marxists/Demofascists running them. He also "supposedly" carries weapons to defend himself, while those like Joe Biteme wants to make it real hard for you to own a gun. Maybe this guy here is Bi-Polar....
I remember the old saying of the left "If it feels good, just do it". Every time the left does it, it ends up in ruin. The whole reason for this country to come into existence was that the people were the government and as long as the people followed the law of the land (based upon the 10 commandments) then the country would prosper. But those who hate this country and God, will never follow the law and thus we have crime out of control, drugs out of control, homelessness out of control, and litter out of control. On top of that, we have million of diseased illegals entering our country and they too are adding to all the problems the US faces. This is planned by the left, they are accelerating the attempt to destroy, because the people have awakened to the EVIL of the left and are planning a regime change this November. Whites, blacks and browns are all moving away from the Party of Hate, and are unifying once again to root out the EVIL that is amongst US.

Progressive candidates seem to have taken a licking in Oregon on Tuesday...

Progressives flop in Oregon: 5 takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries

Hopefully the people have had enough, but it's probably unlikely that the establishment Dems who won instead will actually fix things; they'll just slow the decline a bit.
Oregon might have seen like a "utopia" to transient homeless but it never had a "shine". Seattle and Portland invited lunatic drug addicts before it was even trendy. I remember a 1980's visit to Seattle and seeing once beautiful parks taken over by drug addicts in tents, pissing and shitting in public. It only got worse.

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