Zone1 Mary's sinlessness

because mary was not raped and was not afraid of the liar moses and judaism and is praised by the heavens for her courage and chosen path of self determination than servitude and denial.
You think she just cheated and lied about it?

Given the status of women at the time, I see rape as possibly more likely.
How could the bearer of Jesus Christ have committed sin? Here is the verse that supports it: Luke 1:28-30 "highly favored"

Highly favored does not mean sinless.

And how can you even ask that question? The bible is crystal clear that ALL have sinned. Mary was not a deity, she was a human being. Highly favored because of her strong faith, yes. But that is not the same thing as perfect and sinless! Only God is.
Luke 1:46-47
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Here Mary recognizes Jesus as her Savior. Why would Mary need a Savior if she was without sin?

The only one born on this earth that lived life without sin was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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You think she just cheated and lied about it?
mary was not raped and was not afraid of the liar moses and judaism and is praised by the heavens for her courage and chosen path of self determination than servitude and denial.

you do have a reading comprehension issue from time to time ...

they are the repudiation of judaism the christian bible tries to disguise and latter islam - the heavens sought the true religion in the 1st century, theirs.
Luke 1:46-47
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Here Mary recognizes Jesus as her Savior. Why would Mary need a Savior if she was without sin.

The only one born on this earth that lived life without sin was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Exactly! And that's just one example, of many, that shows she understood that she was not a deity or "sinless."
you do have a reading comprehension issue from time to time ...

they are the repudiation of judaism the christian bible tries to disguise and latter islam - the heavens sought the true religion in the 1st century, theirs.
If she wasn't raped, then she lied.

You do have a problem with basic logic, from time to time.
Luke 1:46-47
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Here Mary recognizes Jesus as her Savior. Why would Mary need a Savior if she was without sin?

The only one born on this earth that lived life without sin was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Going to later translations, I note. Let's go with that. How does a sinful soul magnify the Lord?
Going to later translations, I note. Let's go with that. How does a sinful soul magnify the Lord?
From my perspective as a sinful soul, I magnify the Lord when I praise and worship him and teach others to love and honor him and follow his teachings and seek his redemption and let my light so shine that they may see my good works and glorify my Father which is in heaven. God glory is magnified through those who spread his message of salvation with others.
From my perspective as a sinful soul, I magnify the Lord when I praise and worship him and teach others to love and honor him and follow his teachings and seek his redemption and let my light so shine that they may see my good works and glorify my Father which is in heaven. God glory is magnified through those who spread his message of salvation with others.
That is you, in your body, praising and worshiping the Lord. Mary said it was her soul doing this.
That is you, in your body, praising and worshiping the Lord. Mary said it was her soul doing this.
The uniting of the spirit with the body is the soul of man.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Then we come to Isaiah and of being someone with unclean lips living in the midst of people with unclean lips.

I'm merely pointing out that Mary did not note that she was proclaiming the greatness of God, it was her soul that was proclaiming/magnifying His greatness.
Then we come to Isaiah and of being someone with unclean lips living in the midst of people with unclean lips.

I'm merely pointing out that Mary did not note that she was proclaiming the greatness of God, it was her soul that was proclaiming/magnifying His greatness.

Romans 3:23​

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

I added the bold. It says ALL. It doesn't say "All except Mary." You're ignoring clear scripture.

Psalm 14:3​

"There is none who does good, No, not one."

Again, it does not say "There is none who does good except Mary." It says "There is none who does good, No, not one."

The bible also warns: do not add to scripture or subtract from it. (Revelation 22:18-19)

Luke 1:47​

"And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."

As someone else already said, a sinless person has no need for salvation.

To me this one is not even controversial. It's so clear. Mary was a human being, not a deity, and the bible is clear that ALL have sinned.

Romans 3:23​

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

I added the bold. It says ALL. It doesn't say "All except Mary." You're ignoring clear scripture.

Psalm 14:3​

"There is none who does good, No, not one."

Again, it does not say "There is none who does good except Mary." It says "There is none who does good, No, not one."

The bible also warns: do not add to scripture or subtract from it. (Revelation 22:18-19)

Luke 1:47​

"And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."

As someone else already said, a sinless person has no need for salvation.

To me this one is not even controversial. It's so clear. Mary was a human being, not a deity, and the bible is clear that ALL have sinned.
1. I've already explained the meaning of the Biblical Greek word Luke used that is translated 'full of grace'. By going to Paul, you are giving Paul's words a higher Biblical priority than the words of an angel and of Mary. You are saying anything Paul says negates what is said by anyone else, even an angel.

2. Saving grace comes from God. Everything we own comes from God. Would you say no one should thank God for what they have because they already have it?

I get all of you have already made up your minds that early Christians were wrong when in comes to Mary, which means you made up your mind that Catholics are wrong. Or, perhaps you made up your minds Catholics are wrong, therefore early Christians are also wrong. We understand how/why you reached your conclusions. Do you understand how/why Catholics reached their conclusions?
1. I've already explained the meaning of the Biblical Greek word Luke used that is translated 'full of grace'. By going to Paul, you are giving Paul's words a higher Biblical priority than the words of an angel and of Mary. You are saying anything Paul says negates what is said by anyone else, even an angel.

2. Saving grace comes from God. Everything we own comes from God. Would you say no one should thank God for what they have because they already have it?

I get all of you have already made up your minds that early Christians were wrong when in comes to Mary, which means you made up your mind that Catholics are wrong. Or, perhaps you made up your minds Catholics are wrong, therefore early Christians are also wrong. We understand how/why you reached your conclusions. Do you understand how/why Catholics reached their conclusions?

This thread is 16 pages long, I'm not going to go back and search for your reply, at least not right now because I have to head out the door in a few minutes, for something important.

But for now I quickly looked up the original word translated as "highly favored" in most translations, in Strong's Concordance, and nowhere did it say sinless, or even imply sinlessness.

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