What is “immigration reform” Democrat style?

The phrase, “IMMIGRATION REFORM” sounds so neat...it sounds like something that is supposed to ONLY benefit real Americans.....but is it in the context that Democrats use it?
I have a feeling “IMMIGRATION REFORM” as Democrats know it is ONLY to benefit Mexico’s citizens and the like while phucking Americans over.
Is there a courageous Dem here that will give it to us straight?
What is your idea of “IMMIGRATION REFORM”?

The left's idea is to reform immigration so that they have enough votes in swing states to never give up power again.

They want Latinos but they are anti-catholic.
The left's idea is to reform immigration so that they have enough votes in swing states to never give up power again.

They want Latinos but they are anti-catholic.
It has NOTHING to do with votes asshole.

Illegals can not vote
American birth rates are too low. And forget about women stepping up. That's not happening. So we need a constant level of immigrants to keep our population up.
American birth rates are too low. And forget about women stepping up. That's not happening. So we need a constant level of immigrants to keep our population up.
There are immigrants and there are immigrants. So far, our immigrants are the criminals, violent and terminally lazy. Why? Because the worthwhile people are improving their own countries.
American birth rates are too low. And forget about women stepping up. That's not happening. So we need a constant level of immigrants to keep our population up.

You realize we have a housing shortage right? Pumping more people into our system TO FAST.. increases the cost of that housing and diminishes the availability. There is a reason immigration was 1 million a year in the past. Its better to have lower population and more demand for them than people sitting around on public assistance. We have enough of our own who need that assistance or are using it.
Dont take my word for it, you have heard already from mayors of affected cities.
Nah, they surely aren't. They are trying to clean Sweden up from the muslims they let in with their immigration reform.
If you need immigrants you take those that want to immigrate. They are usually from countries with big problems - war, widespread and lasting poverty and political unrest. If you get too finicky you end up with lots of ghost towns like Springfield.
There are immigrants and there are immigrants. So far, our immigrants are the criminals, violent and terminally lazy. Why? Because the worthwhile people are improving their own countries.

No, they are not all criminals. Most of them are hard workers but they are low wage earners who compete with our own poor or down on their luck who could use some of those jobs. The real problem is just the numbers..and the effect those numbers have on our support systems... school, hospital etc. The money those people earn doesnt offset that cost and plus 500 Billion a year is sent back to those peoples home countries. Its not being spent here. I know to American Leftists/ Democrats none of that is seen as important. They cant get past thier own racism projection.
If you need immigrants you take those that want to immigrate. They are usually from countries with big problems - war, widespread and lasting poverty and political unrest. If you get too finicky you end up with lots of ghost towns like Springfield.

They are not allowed to force their way in by sheer numbers. Causing a situation where they cannot be vetted. That puts THEM in control of our border, not US.
In what world is that correct?
They are not allowed to force their way in by sheer numbers. Causing a situation where they cannot be vetted. That puts THEM in control of our border, not US.
In what world is that correct?
In a world where the most conservative border bill in decades fails because Trumpy needs to run on something besides his stories about Hannibal Lecter.
There are immigrants and there are immigrants. So far, our immigrants are the criminals, violent and terminally lazy. Why? Because the worthwhile people are improving their own countries.
Oh fucking bullshit.

Immigrants and especially illegal immigrants have a far lower rate of criminality than citizens… you racist piece of shit

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