Could WWIII be around the corner?

Democrats are fucking around and soon may find out.


Democrats here say Democrats in cities like NYC are ready and willing to die in Russian responses
They can die in Russian responses! What's wrong with that?
First of all the Russian military is more powerful and I don’t think the Russians will lose.

The Russians don’t want a hostile military alliance so close to home.

JFK didn’t want Russia and their missiles in Cuba. We almost went to war over these missiles.

What if Russia nukes Kiev? Would the US retaliate?

Russia can't defeat Ukraine. They would not last more than a few days in a conventional war with NATO
What will prolonging the war accomplish? How many dead bodies is enough for you?

Ukraine can’t win. Even if by some miracle they push the Russian army out, Russia can always go nuclear.

A negotiated peace with a neutral, independent Ukraine is the best solution.

Why do you want the U.S. to be the world policeman? When are you heading to the front?

You do realize they are invading because they want the land and using a nuclear weapon would render the land unusable for decades, right?
Fucking liar. Eat shit, dickhead. Why would Putin wait until Potatohead was in office?

You are unhappy, yes, Kleetus. Trumpys are about Trump not the country. Yes, you are losing.
Max pawnage.

Why did Putin wait?

I knew the war was a joke when Biden stopped migs from Poland when they could have made a difference. Zelensky was begging for them.

Democrats = traitors

I hope not. But thanks to Thief in Chief Biden in large part (but not totally) we could be staring that in the face. If dimbulb Cackling Kamala gets in this may well happen.

  1. Russia and China had joint exercises near Japan recently, and a Russian aircraft went into Japanese airspace three times in one day.
  2. China is sharply increasing its violent attacks against Philippine vessels and sailors in disputed waters off the Philippine coast. With so many Chinese vessels in the area, it might be difficult to tell what is just harassment and what is an actual full blown attack until it is too late.
  3. Likewise, Taiwan’s defense minister, Wellington Koo, said China’s increased military activity around Taiwan makes it harder to spot potential acts of war.
  4. Russian and Chinese incursions into U.S. zones off Alaska have become an increasingly frequent occurrence as well.
  5. China has enough advanced missiles not only to destroy nearly every U.S. military base in Asia quickly, but also to target and attack most U.S. Navy warships in the region.
  6. Beijing has specialized satellite-killer missiles created to go into space and knock out military satellites, as well as commercial satellites that provide GPS data.
  7. Russia has developed advanced military bases in the Arctic, housing strategic missile defense systems and submarines.
  8. A Chinese company runs the Panama Canal, which means if there is war, our ships could be blocked from moving quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

If Harris falls behind any further, then yeah, the Satanic Reptilian Masters of the democrat Party who eat their young for fun would prefer WWIII > losing
You do realize they are invading because they want the land and using a nuclear weapon would render the land unusable for decades, right?
Russian goals include acquiring territory and a Ukraine outside of NATO. The territory Russia especially covets does not include Kiev.

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