Could WWIII be around the corner?

The left wing propaganda addicts used to keep a "doomsday clock" during republican administrations. Now that we have a mentally impaired president and a phantom administration, the same freaking idiots who used the doomsday clock for a political agenda now try to push the U.S. into a shooting war with the 2nd most prolific nuclear armed country in the world. WTF?
The democrats WEF masters want ww3 to depopulate earth.
I hope not. But thanks to Thief in Chief Biden in large part (but not totally) we could be staring that in the face. If dimbulb Cackling Kamala gets in this may well happen.

  1. Russia and China had joint exercises near Japan recently, and a Russian aircraft went into Japanese airspace three times in one day.
  2. China is sharply increasing its violent attacks against Philippine vessels and sailors in disputed waters off the Philippine coast. With so many Chinese vessels in the area, it might be difficult to tell what is just harassment and what is an actual full blown attack until it is too late.
  3. Likewise, Taiwan’s defense minister, Wellington Koo, said China’s increased military activity around Taiwan makes it harder to spot potential acts of war.
  4. Russian and Chinese incursions into U.S. zones off Alaska have become an increasingly frequent occurrence as well.
  5. China has enough advanced missiles not only to destroy nearly every U.S. military base in Asia quickly, but also to target and attack most U.S. Navy warships in the region.
  6. Beijing has specialized satellite-killer missiles created to go into space and knock out military satellites, as well as commercial satellites that provide GPS data.
  7. Russia has developed advanced military bases in the Arctic, housing strategic missile defense systems and submarines.
  8. A Chinese company runs the Panama Canal, which means if there is war, our ships could be blocked from moving quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

If you think Biden is responsible for most of the problems right now, you don't put much effort into understanding what's going on in the world.


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