Could WWIII be around the corner?

The odds of war go up exponentially when you have appeasers like Trump at the helm. History has proven this time and time again.

You would be amazed just how much you pantywaists sound like the limp-wristed useful idiot commie sympathizer faggots of the 80s who said Reagan was going to get us into WWIII.


What kind of dem uses the f word?!?! Shame
We don’t have a formal alliance with Ukraine.

You want to risk WW III which would mean 100s of millions dead over the precise borders of the Donbas region?
I am not risking anything. I know the Russians will not go nuclear over Ukraine. anything else is insane and then all bets are off. No one will survive.

Russia found out in fighting Ukraine that their equipment is ancient, their soldiers suck, conscripts don't want to fight, their air power and missiles can't hit the broad side of a barn, and Ukrainians are a hell of a lot better at war than they thought.

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