If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

That's not True. Welfare is wealth redistribution. Republicans have had periods where they Controlled the Executive branch and both Congressional chambers, yet they still supported welfare. That makes them commies according to you, right?

There's no evidence they don't stop. They did stop the one time they had the chance not to. And at no time during that decade did they go after other guns.

And Turley, a respectable attorney, was wrong. Trump has lost every appeal in that case that Turley said could prevail. Where Trump did prevail was getting sentencing delayed. First by the SCOTUS who dragged their feet on the immunity issue. That delayed sentencing until later this month. But Trump lost in the appellate court which ruled the SCOTUS ruling on immunity doesn't apply in the NY case, so sentencing could go on. But now Judge Merchan has pushed the sentencing date back until after the election. And not because of a potential error in the case but on the enormity of the election.
1. Welfare is not wealth redistribution, its a social safety net, that I'd end back to the states. The Federal Budget can't support it, states can put people to work. (Your communism argument is nonsense.)

2. Turley can only predict what appeals SHOULD prevail according to the LAW. That they don't in NY just proves Lawfare. This is assuming that some higher court will actually overturn the verdict. We'll see who is right about Lawfare.

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