Nigel Farage: West provoked Ukraine war

If so then this is our decision and not the decision of Put9in and his counterpart Donald Trump.

Which German economy? Do we have something like this?

The KGB is anything else than stupid. I'm sure they have a lot of people in the western world under their control.
No one is taking any lectures about Russia from a unrepentant NAZI with your History in that part of the World, now sit down and zip it.
It appears Genocide Joe and K want nuclear war over Ukraine. Could anything be more ludicrous and ignorant? Trump’s opposition to this provoked idiotic war might be the only reason to vote for him over the War Party headed by cackling K.
Harris blasts proposals for Ukraine to cede territory to Russia during Zelenskyy meeting

Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President

SEP 27
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 when the Obama-Biden Administration carried out a coup in Ukraine, which replaced that country’s democraticaly elected neutralist leader and installed a rabidly anti-Russian one, thus starting the war in Ukraine.
The U.S. armaments lobby is so huge that even its sub-lobbies are huge. For example, the InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) lobby is huge. The owners of these companies own (or at least control) the U.S. Government. They dominate the Congress and the White House. (They need to, in order to control their market, which is the U.S. Government and its colonies or ‘allies’.) Consequently, for a long time now, the armaments-producing industry has been far more profitable than any other segment of the U.S. stock market. (In fact, most of America’s military aid to Ukraine stays right in the U.S. itself. This is what happens when a nation’s Military-Industrial Complex controls its Government. And most of that money goes to the owners of these corporations — not to their workers.)
For Russia, the stakes in Ukraine are everything, because for America to post a missile 300 miles from The Kremlin would mean the end of Russians’ sovereignty over their own land. Vladimir Putin has therefore repeatedly stated that he will not accept that and that he would initiate nuclear war against any country that would do such a thing. For America, the stakes in Ukraine are to “keep the good times rolling” for America’s billionaires — the people who provide most of the funding for U.S. political campaigns. Ukraine is not a U.S. state. And it borders Russia, NOT the U.S. That is the reason why the U.S. Government took it in 2014.
Anyone who says that Russia’s 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked” is either a fool or a liar, because that’s demonstrably false.
Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President
It appears Genocide Joe and K want nuclear war over Ukraine. Could anything be more ludicrous and ignorant? Trump’s opposition to this provoked idiotic war might be the only reason to vote for him over the War Party headed by cackling K.
Harris blasts proposals for Ukraine to cede territory to Russia during Zelenskyy meeting

Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President

SEP 27
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 when the Obama-Biden Administration carried out a coup in Ukraine, which replaced that country’s democraticaly elected neutralist leader and installed a rabidly anti-Russian one, thus starting the war in Ukraine.
The U.S. armaments lobby is so huge that even its sub-lobbies are huge. For example, the InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) lobby is huge. The owners of these companies own (or at least control) the U.S. Government. They dominate the Congress and the White House. (They need to, in order to control their market, which is the U.S. Government and its colonies or ‘allies’.) Consequently, for a long time now, the armaments-producing industry has been far more profitable than any other segment of the U.S. stock market. (In fact, most of America’s military aid to Ukraine stays right in the U.S. itself. This is what happens when a nation’s Military-Industrial Complex controls its Government. And most of that money goes to the owners of these corporations — not to their workers.)
For Russia, the stakes in Ukraine are everything, because for America to post a missile 300 miles from The Kremlin would mean the end of Russians’ sovereignty over their own land. Vladimir Putin has therefore repeatedly stated that he will not accept that and that he would initiate nuclear war against any country that would do such a thing. For America, the stakes in Ukraine are to “keep the good times rolling” for America’s billionaires — the people who provide most of the funding for U.S. political campaigns. Ukraine is not a U.S. state. And it borders Russia, NOT the U.S. That is the reason why the U.S. Government took it in 2014.
Anyone who says that Russia’s 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked” is either a fool or a liar, because that’s demonstrably false.
Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President
Well they don't think it can happen, until one day it does and they will just have time to say oh shit what have we done.
Gorbachev gave the Ukraine independence based on treaty promises, such as Russian use of Sevastopol forever, the Ukraine never joining an alliance hostile to Russia, no harm to ethnic Russian natives, etc.
So the ethnic Polish generals in Kyiv deliberately started this war, after being bribed by Hunter Biden.

Can you feed yourself?
It appears Genocide Joe and K want nuclear war over Ukraine. Could anything be more ludicrous and ignorant? Trump’s opposition to this provoked idiotic war might be the only reason to vote for him over the War Party headed by cackling K.
Harris blasts proposals for Ukraine to cede territory to Russia during Zelenskyy meeting

Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President

SEP 27
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 when the Obama-Biden Administration carried out a coup in Ukraine, which replaced that country’s democraticaly elected neutralist leader and installed a rabidly anti-Russian one, thus starting the war in Ukraine.
The U.S. armaments lobby is so huge that even its sub-lobbies are huge. For example, the InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) lobby is huge. The owners of these companies own (or at least control) the U.S. Government. They dominate the Congress and the White House. (They need to, in order to control their market, which is the U.S. Government and its colonies or ‘allies’.) Consequently, for a long time now, the armaments-producing industry has been far more profitable than any other segment of the U.S. stock market. (In fact, most of America’s military aid to Ukraine stays right in the U.S. itself. This is what happens when a nation’s Military-Industrial Complex controls its Government. And most of that money goes to the owners of these corporations — not to their workers.)
For Russia, the stakes in Ukraine are everything, because for America to post a missile 300 miles from The Kremlin would mean the end of Russians’ sovereignty over their own land. Vladimir Putin has therefore repeatedly stated that he will not accept that and that he would initiate nuclear war against any country that would do such a thing. For America, the stakes in Ukraine are to “keep the good times rolling” for America’s billionaires — the people who provide most of the funding for U.S. political campaigns. Ukraine is not a U.S. state. And it borders Russia, NOT the U.S. That is the reason why the U.S. Government took it in 2014.
Anyone who says that Russia’s 24 February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked” is either a fool or a liar, because that’s demonstrably false.
Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President
You're a stooge for russian propaganda.

Why is that?
It was the same with Finland after the war the Soviets allowed it to remain as a independent State as long as they were neutral and didn't become an enemy of Russia, that worked out great didn't it :abgg2q.jpg:
And Austria too. I can't imagine what level of stupidity the Swedish and Finnish 'elites' have reached to scrap their generations long neutrality to become a tool of American financial syndicate.
Kamala has yet to pick up on the fact that Trump has renewed his information on America being to blame for starting the war against Russia.

It should be a bombshell for her side but it's not so far.

That can only indicate that she fears rebutting Trump's claim.

How would the American people react to Trump's assertion if Kamala makes it a campaign issue?

She doesn't know and her handlers don't know either. But Trump is certainly goading her to risk it!
Kamala has yet to pick up on the fact that Trump has renewed his information on America being to blame for starting the war against Russia.

It should be a bombshell for her side but it's not so far.

That can only indicate that she fears rebutting Trump's claim.

How would the American people react to Trump's assertion if Kamala makes it a campaign issue?

She doesn't know and her handlers don't know either. But Trump is certainly goading her to risk it!
She doesn't have to engage with Fat Elvis on this point. She just needs to point out that his plan is to screw the Ukrainian people in favor of the pootin.

Which she very effectively did in the debate.
She doesn't have to engage with Fat Elvis on this point. She just needs to point out that his plan is to screw the Ukrainian people in favor of the pootin.

Which she very effectively did in the debate.
She could take the invitation from Trump to take a side, which then obligates Trump to take the other.

Or Trump could risk continuing to goad her and that would force her into it.

Trump has already made his claim on America's guilt a couple of times at least, and Farage is pushing it for him.
Kamala still hasn't taken the bait.

My explanation is that Americans who support Trump are still uncomfortable with the truth.

The fuse has been lit on this question!

Is Trump fearing consequences if he blows this up?
You're a stooge for russian propaganda.

Why is that?
Yeah I’ve been called that by fools like you, who believe the lying establishment media and government. You are childlike in that you see things as black or white. Nothing in between.

Russia is not your enemy. Your enemy is much closer to home, but I doubt you’ll ever comprehend this fact.
And Austria too. I can't imagine what level of stupidity the Swedish and Finnish 'elites' have reached to scrap their generations long neutrality to become a tool of American financial syndicate.
To me it makes no sense at all, i must have missed the referendums on NATO membership in those Countries. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah I’ve been called that by fools like you, who believe the lying establishment media and government. You are childlike in that you see things as black or white. Nothing in between.

Russia is not your enemy. Your enemy is much closer to home, but I doubt you’ll ever comprehend this fact.
The pootin is our adversary. He represents dictators not personal freedoms or Democracy.

Why do you support that?
You're a stooge for russian propaganda.

Why is that?
he is a 🇷🇺 Muscovite


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