How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Here's a link explaining at kids level !!!! Like Bernie Sanders, some don't understand that Welfare and Socialism are not the same.

Thanks. I'm not confused about socialism or welfare.
Here's a link explaining at kids level !!!! Like Bernie Sanders, some don't understand that Welfare and Socialism are not the same.

Agreed. Not the same thing. But, socialists have traditional seen expanding the welfare state as a bridge to socialism, and so have opponents of socialism. Basically, anything that gives government more power over our economic decisions is pushing things in their direction.
Per capita, Florida residents contribute $9,139 to the federal government but receive $11,325 in federally supplied funds.
First of all, I've never heard of "," so I can't lend them any credence at all.

If those numbers are correct, then the difference is a matter of the number of people from all over the country who retire to Florida, bringing their Social Security and any Federal retirement benefits with them.

Illegal aliens cost Americans far more than the difference per capita that it claims between Floridians paying tax, and Florida recieving tax funds.

With illegal immigration now costing $150.7 billion annually, the burden inevitably trickles down to the taxpayer. Individually, the FAIR study found that each illegal alien or their U.S.-born child costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.

Of the $8,776, each American taxpayer is paying roughly $1,156 per year, FAIR found, or about $957 each after factoring in the taxes paid by illegal aliens.

That's from Newsweek, which I have heard of.

So, if you are in such a tizzy about people getting more from the Federal government than they pay into it, it would seem that illegal immigrants would be your first target, not people who advocate stopping the government from spending us into bankruptcy.
Agreed. Not the same thing. But, socialists have traditional seen expanding the welfare state as a bridge to socialism, and so have opponents of socialism. Basically, anything that gives government more power over our economic decisions is pushing things in their direction.
High welfare is the Nordic model because of high taxation (taxation is not socialism), and those Scandinavian countries are capitalist because the means of production is in private ownership. So they're known as cuddly capitalist but not Socialism whatsoever.

If the state nationalised, say the electric companies, then the means of production is owned by the people through the state. Profits given to a state would be, "How much shall we give to Florida".

So there's no socialism going to Florida, it's taxation raised of the private individual.

You have Capitalism, Socialism, and under both Welfare

So back to school for BULLDOG
High welfare is the Nordic model because of high taxation (taxation is not socialism), and those Scandinavian countries are capitalist because the means of production is in private ownership. So they're known as cuddly capitalist but not Socialism whatsoever.
Whatever. I'm not interested in arm-wrestling over definitions. I'm just pointing out that the welfare state expands government control over the economy, and is seen widely as a bridge to socialism. Marx himself cited it as such.
Whatever. I'm not interested in arm-wrestling over definitions. I'm just pointing out that the welfare state expands government control over the economy, and is seen widely as a bridge to socialism. Marx himself cited it as such.
Having read down umpteen pages, I didn't see that. Marx's ideas were heavily criticised and you need a lot of Utopian belief for socialism to work (hence why it fails) -

Having read down umpteen pages, I didn't see that. Marx's ideas were heavily criticised and you need a lot of Utopian belief for socialism to work (hence why it fails) -

LOL - I don't need links to half-assed encylopedia entries. You don't want to acknowledge my point. OK. I can't care. I think it's a perfectly valid observation.
LOL - I don't need a fucking link. My words stand for themselves.
Your words stand for you're a lying thick asshole.

You think the government taking tax off private owned businesses etc.. and giving it to someone to repair their private house by them paying for the labour and materials is socialism, or on the road to socialism?

You are clueless, absolutely clueless. Utter mong.
welfare is one of many stepping stones to socialism,,
Socialism is often depicted as evil and is claimed to harm its recipients more than it helps them. The tragic damage that has befallen Florida will take years and billions of dollars to recover from. Federal government traditionally is there to help those recover who would never recover without help. Most would say it's our government's place to do as it has always done and immediately come to their aid. This is a conundrum. Government aid in this case can only be described as socialism. A major portion of the MAGA universe has determined socialism is evil. How do hard right-wing members justify the dichotomy of expending all that socialism across Florida.

What’s funny is you think you’ve made a point here.
I don't think that's what socialism says. There never has been, and never will be a time when everybody is equal on all terms. Socialism only says everybody has an equal say in the choices being made. A recent example would be Vance advocating for people with children having additional votes to cast. Socialism would vehemently oppose that.
Democrats advocate for non citizens to cast votes, why can’t children? I oppose both cases but nothing wrong with advocating for it.

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