Harris continues to move ahead

Poor pathetic little commie, I've been with the same woman since 1976.
Let's go with that.
It's the internet, you know.
Be as good and righteous as you dream yourself to be.
Hell, be who you wanna be.
It is the internet, you know.
Let's go with that.
It's the internet, you know.
Be as good and righteous as you dream yourself to be.
Hell, be who you wanna be.
It is the internet, you know.

Great pile of projection, not everyone is as dishonest as you are. BTW, I reported your posting violation. Oh, and why didn't you answer my question, TROLL?

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Are you now going to admit YOU LIED when you said this:
JD voted against it when she and joe tried.

They wanted to run on the "crisis", not fix the problem.
There are two facts, 1st there was no mention of an actual vote in the link you provided. And 2nd, there reason there was no mention of an actual vote on that BS bill, is no vote was ever taken on it in either chamber of congress. You owe the whole board an apology for lying to them.

Are you now going to admit YOU LIED when you said this:

There are two facts, 1st there was no mention of an actual vote in the link you provided. And 2nd, there reason there was no mention of an actual vote on that BS bill, is no vote was ever taken on it in either chamber of congress. You owe the whole board an apology for lying to them.

Meh, I forgot it got killed in the senate by republicans. I was mistaken

As far as an apology you can take it and use it to scratch your tonsils from the back side, pervert.
Meh, I forgot it got killed in the senate by republicans. I was mistaken

As far as an apology you can take it and use it to scratch your tonsils from the back side, pervert.

Wow, more lies from the commie propagandist, not one single republican, in the senate, has the power to bring a bill to the floor for a vote. Right now, only a commiecrat from ny has that power.

Wow, more lies from the commie propagandist, not one single republican, in the senate, has the power to bring a bill to the floor for a vote. Right now, only a commiecrat from ny has that power.

And now you're lying.

"BTW, I reported your posting violation.
"Cool beans. Finally! That is the most interesting item you have ever posted, I think.

However, whatever you "reported", well, I'd hafta plead ignorance of the law.
'Cause I have no idea in a good god's green earth.....whadahell you are talkin' about.

So, mi amigo, mansplain it to me and my avatar.
And the forum.

Tell us all what my poor avatar posted that hurt you so much.

Thanks, in advance. ✌️
And now you're lying.

And now you're lying.

Once again you lied, you link was talking about a procedural vote, not an actual vote, to see if there were adequate votes to pass a multitopic "National Security Bill", not just the BS border bill. So when I said there has never been an actual floor vote on the border bill is a FACT.

"Cool beans. Finally! That is the most interesting item you have ever posted, I think.

However, whatever you "reported", well, I'd hafta plead ignorance of the law.
'Cause I have no idea in a good god's green earth.....whadahell you are talkin' about.

So, mi amigo, mansplain it to me and my avatar.
And the forum.

Tell us all what my poor avatar posted that hurt you so much.

Thanks, in advance. ✌️

Try reading the rules commie retard. I'll allow the folks with the authority to enforce them to explain it to ya.

"Tell us all what my poor avatar posted that hurt you so much."

"Try reading the rules commie retard."
Ah, I was serious poster O-Tx. We were offering you the opportunity to vent your angst about what it is that my poor avatar posted that hurt you so badly.

In short, it is an invitation for you to present your case, explain your feelings, and seek the forum's empathy for your pain.

And the opportunity is still open.
Tell us how you feel. Let your emotions have a free and receptive opportunity to heal.

Good luck. 🖖

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