Trump calls Kamala mentally impaired.... what a child

Problem is he can't, and the reasons he can't are some of the reasons why he shouldn't be president.

So Trump can't be president for calling a crook a crook, yet all you democrats do is name-call Trump as orange, fat, mean, deplorable, an insurrectionist, a dictator, or a danger to democracy.

So the real name-callers are you.

He says Kamala lied in the "most shameless and horrible way possible"... which is ironic because in the same speech he says "Kamala is mentally impaired" and he said "Kamala was born that way"...

How can such a person be anywhere near public office. He's shameless, he's a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Damn. Talk about a hair trigger

He says Kamala lied in the "most shameless and horrible way possible"... which is ironic because in the same speech he says "Kamala is mentally impaired" and he said "Kamala was born that way"...

How can such a person be anywhere near public office. He's shameless, he's a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Don't agree with him on this one.

She is an idiot.

There are better ways to say it.
Unfortunately, Trump Cult members and blind partisan Republican hacks will vote for Trump regardless the fact that Trump is unfit to be president.

So true, until you democrats come up with someone remotely as good or better!
Meanwhile, you blinded partisan Democrat hacks support a woman who
  • failed to ever get even a single primary vote, in TWO elections!
  • was the least popular candidate in 2020.
  • hasn't done squat in office (any office).
  • was about 12 stories below your radar until Trump mopped the floor with Biden.
  • can't even sit down with a journalist to answer any real questions.
  • can't even sell her own policies instead resorting to circular platitudes that say nothing.
That is your candidate. Like Biden, her entire campaign is summed up as:


And look where that got us--- the four worst years in American history.
So true, until you democrats come up with someone remotely as good or better!
Meanwhile, you blinded partisan Democrat hacks support a woman who
  • failed to ever get even a single primary vote, in TWO elections!
  • was the least popular candidate in 2020.
  • hasn't done squat in office (any office).
  • was about 12 stories below your radar until Trump mopped the floor with Biden.
  • can't even sit down with a journalist to answer any real questions.
  • can't even sell her own policies instead resorting to circular platitudes that say nothing.
That is your candidate. Like Biden, her entire campaign is summed up as:


And look where that got us--- the four worst years in American history.
Trump is a child, Trump is a liar, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

He says Kamala lied in the "most shameless and horrible way possible"... which is ironic because in the same speech he says "Kamala is mentally impaired" and he said "Kamala was born that way"...

How can such a person be anywhere near public office. He's shameless, he's a disgusting excuse for a human being.

The Pope called Trumpy the smallest man ever.
Trump is a child, Trump is a liar, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

There you go again with your name-calling and hate speech. Not only is all of that more true about Harris, all you speak of is why you still hate Trump--- it says nothing about why Harris is any better. And if Harris is so much better, then why weren't you calling for her to run instead of Joe four months ago? Huh???

Harris is literally running on the disastrous, failed Biden policies of the last four years! She took them right off his website!

Worse, everything she is running on and promising to do, one must wonder, if she intends to do any of this, then why isn't she already doing them?

Does Kamala know she is running against herself??? The horrible incumbent she is seeking to replace for a better America---

--- is HER.
Trump is a child, Trump is a liar, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.


Who know more about the Constitution than you could learn in a 1000 years.

End of discussion.

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