Ukraine Update Thread

It's been that way for some time, those Storm shadow missiles can't be launched without US tech help.
I saw an article stating that. I wasn't aware of the extent of US help. They have to be targeted and fed coordinates via satellite by NATO people prior to launch. So Putin is correct in saying NATO is attacking Russia.
I saw an article stating that. I wasn't aware of the extent of US help. They have to be targeted and fed coordinates via satellite by NATO people prior to launch. So Putin is correct in saying NATO is attacking Russia.
That is correct but many of the war pig herd screaming for the attack on Russia are too ignorant for their own good, they will only wake up when missiles are hitting their homes and Cities, they are under the illusion that couldn't happen.
Its what Zelensky says, too.

First mistake that clown made was calling Zelensky Mr President, his term ran out months ago so he is a dictator, second it doesn't matter what he says Washington is running the Ukrainian horror show, and i doubt Russia will want anymore talks about Ukraine they have been double crossed before like Minsk 2 and the talks in Turkey, now they will dictate terms and that won't be pretty for Kiev.
First mistake that clown made was calling Zelensky Mr President, his term ran out months ago so he is a dictator, second it doesn't matter what he says Washington is running the Ukrainian horror show, and i doubt Russia will want anymore talks about Ukraine they have been double crossed before like Minsk 2 and the talks in Turkey, now they will dictate terms and that won't be pretty for Kiev.
The constitution allows for the suspension of elections during wartime, which is why this is simply incorrect. As for the Russian willingness to negotiate you are probably right.

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