The Trump-hating Boomers.

And there are other boomers, across the political spectrum, who see a larger and more disturbing picture. This includes his former WH staff, his former WH lawyers, his former generals, his former cabinet members, his former security team, and many members of his own party.

It's not about Trump, it never has been, so there's no reason to hate him. While vitriol has been directed towards him, in reality this is about the condition of a society that would turn anyone this blatantly dishonest, this bereft of character or integrity, and this psychologically damaged into a literal cult leader at a national political level.

This has been explained so many times at this point, that anyone one doesn't understand it is most likely not reachable.
This post illustrates the mini-Trump that lives rent-free in between your brain and skull and tortures your soul. And the sad thing is: It's all in your head.
Getting through to us NeverTrumper Gen-Xers isn't happening either. This magaturd loyalty litmus test for republicans is the greatest gift they can give the democrats.
Hurr Duurrrp! "Never Trumper Gen-Xer". :auiqs.jpg:

What, you want Romney to run, ya fuckin' fruitcake?

Hillary? You think either one of them would be better?

You're willing to fuck each and every one of your fellow Americans over because Orange Man Bad?

IMO, you have an overly inflated sense of self importance. Fuck your feelings.

It's vote for Trump and Americans or the Commie puppet regime shadow government.

It's not the best of choices ever in America, but that's what it is right now.

You gonna be a selfish douchewad and vote your feels, or vote against a commie takeover of America

from within? That means voting for Trump, because he's the only one standing tough against these

globalist and commie dickwads that don't give a fuck about you. :1peleas:
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And there are other boomers, across the political spectrum, who see a larger and more disturbing picture. This includes his former WH staff, his former WH lawyers, his former generals, his former cabinet members, his former security team, and many members of his own party.

It's not about Trump, it never has been, so there's no reason to hate him. While vitriol has been directed towards him, in reality this is about the condition of a society that would turn anyone this blatantly dishonest, this bereft of character or integrity, and this psychologically damaged into a literal cult leader at a national political level.

This has been explained so many times at this point, that anyone one doesn't understand it is most likely not reachable.

IOW, The Blob aka deep state.

Character? You guys backed doddering Biden and his decades of corruption in DC, and you talk about character? Talk about TDS.
As a boomer I have to make an unfortunate observation about some other Boomers. There is little doubt that we are divided as a generation particularly about Donald Trump. But it goes beyond division about politics. There is a kind of political, ideological, and cultural distemper infecting many Boomers today and it is giving rise to a dangerous zombie apocalypse of elderly, hateful, privileged, beneficieries of a toxic system that will go and vote against Trump not for Harris because they fear losing what they believe is a good deal they got and of course believe they deserve. They keep the rest of us in the cheap seats and and cannot understand why we are not content to have nothing and own nothing. There is no reasoning with these people. These people are in strait-jacket territory because they have a psychotic fear of losing their advantage. They see Donald Trump as a threat to the state that put them in a position of comfort while most ot the rest of the country struggles.

There is no arguing with people like this. They will go and vote against what they see is a danger to their cushy deal. What happens to the rest of us is of no concern to these people and the fate of our democracy isn't even on their radar. They travel the world and take exotic vacations where they run down the country to foreigners. Of course Donald Trump is bad! He is ignorant and crude like you and I and we did not play the game right so we deserve to suffer. We dont even have a coherent leader in Washington! The Trump-hating Boomers don't care. They will just take another vacation and get a second home in some resort area. This is what you are faced with and this is why this election is so important for your children and grandchildren. These Harris Boomers are not going to live much longer but the damage they could do before they go could be lethal for following generations.
If you are sitting around around waiting for a Trump or a Biden or a Harris to improve your financial situation you are fucked. The only path to climb the class ladder is education and then some more education.
People reject Trump outright because he is so obviously unfit.
Example of a terminal case of TDS. .... :cuckoo:
Your typical response........

Which is even a worse case of TDS.
Boomer is a state of mind. Not only age.

It is a pejorative used by Gen Z to lampoon anyone who seems out of touch.
Yehbut, a lot of them are retards.

That doesn't mean we should leave them a pile of steaming dogshit instead of things being more

like the America we grew up in though. That would be a helluva dick move, and it's really fucked up right

now. There needs to be a way found to give them the same opportunities Americans had for over

200 years, whether they're retards. commie indoctrinated retards, whatever, or not, that's on those that

know better, like me, and Trump. MAGA is for that.
And there are other boomers, across the political spectrum, who see a larger and more disturbing picture. This includes his former WH staff, his former WH lawyers, his former generals, his former cabinet members, his former security team, and many members of his own party.

It's not about Trump, it never has been, so there's no reason to hate him. While vitriol has been directed towards him, in reality this is about the condition of a society that would turn anyone this blatantly dishonest, this bereft of character or integrity, and this psychologically damaged into a literal cult leader at a national political level.

This has been explained so many times at this point, that anyone one doesn't understand it is most likely not reachable.
That shit is old news and it means a lot less than it used. Try something new, you tired old hack. People know Trump was an excellent president.
Piss off sycophant.

We’re tired of your fascist bullshit.

I also notice you can’t post Social Security and Medicare which people pay into all their working careers.
Like the millions that just got here? Shut up moron you could not look any dumber.
As a boomer I have to make an unfortunate observation about some other Boomers. There is little doubt that we are divided as a generation particularly about Donald Trump. But it goes beyond division about politics. There is a kind of political, ideological, and cultural distemper infecting many Boomers today and it is giving rise to a dangerous zombie apocalypse of elderly, hateful, privileged, beneficieries of a toxic system that will go and vote against Trump not for Harris because they fear losing what they believe is a good deal they got and of course believe they deserve. They keep the rest of us in the cheap seats and and cannot understand why we are not content to have nothing and own nothing. There is no reasoning with these people. These people are in strait-jacket territory because they have a psychotic fear of losing their advantage. They see Donald Trump as a threat to the state that put them in a position of comfort while most ot the rest of the country struggles.

There is no arguing with people like this. They will go and vote against what they see is a danger to their cushy deal. What happens to the rest of us is of no concern to these people and the fate of our democracy isn't even on their radar. They travel the world and take exotic vacations where they run down the country to foreigners. Of course Donald Trump is bad! He is ignorant and crude like you and I and we did not play the game right so we deserve to suffer. We dont even have a coherent leader in Washington! The Trump-hating Boomers don't care. They will just take another vacation and get a second home in some resort area. This is what you are faced with and this is why this election is so important for your children and grandchildren. These Harris Boomers are not going to live much longer but the damage they could do before they go could be lethal for following generations.
You owe us.

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