Why Is January 6th A Bigger Deal Than BLM and ANTIFA Riots?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm specifically asking the left on this one, but I probably won't receive an answer.
This has been answered many times. BLM protested over actual, real violations of their rights by the government and the governments representatives.

1/6 was about people who were poor losers over losing an election.

1. We didn't lose.
2. Which situation had more violence?
Because it gives the Democrat left an excuse to shift the narrative away from their 2020 year of protesting, rioting, looting, burning, assaulting, and murdering, during the George Floyd riots.

It's really nothing more than the left making good use of Saul Alinsky's rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules."
1. We didn't lose.
2. Which situation had more violence?

Violence was something the founders understood would at times be necessary.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

And you did lose.
This has been answered many times. BLM protested over actual, real violations of their rights by the government and the governments representatives.

1/6 was about people who were poor losers over losing an election.

Apparently you don't know the difference between a rowdy "protest" and what BLM and antifa did in 2020.

BLM and antifa burned down entire parts of cities. There was billions of dollars worth of damage, looting, and at least 25 people killed. All over one dead dope addict.
Apparently you don't know the difference between a rowdy "protest" and what BLM and antifa did in 2020.

BLM and antifa burned down entire parts of cities. There was billions of dollars worth of damage, looting, and at least 25 people killed. All over one dead dope addict.
Which cities and what parts? Those state governments should have done more to prosecute the criminals.
I will be your Huckleberry.
1. It was an organized attempt to stop the electoral count.
2. It was an attack on the People's House.
3. It was Federal, not state.
1. It had American flags and baby carriages protesting the illegal leftyvirus mailin ballot harvesting.
2. The protestors were let in to the "People's House" according to the Dimmer plan.
3. And therefore a single protest, not the destruction, burning, looting of several cities and murder of their occupants.
This has been answered many times. BLM protested over actual, real violations of their rights by the government and the governments representatives.

1/6 was about people who were poor losers over losing an election.

Everyone protesting was a drug using felon?
Apparently you don't know the difference between a rowdy "protest" and what BLM and antifa did in 2020.

BLM and antifa burned down entire parts of cities. There was billions of dollars worth of damage, looting, and at least 25 people killed. All over one dead dope addict.

And now we know the VAST majority of the left actually supports cops shooting and killing unarmed citizens, so we KNOW their outrage over the George Floyd incident is just an act, an excuse to burn, steal, and kill.
1. It had American flags and baby carriages protesting the illegal leftyvirus mailin ballot harvesting.
2. The protestors were let in to the "People's House" according to the Dimmer plan.
3. And therefore a single protest, not the destruction, burning, looting of several cities and murder of their occupants.

You're dealing with a leftist soy boy.

J6 was something and BLM and Anifta was nothing

His agenda is obvious
So depending on the context you're okay with political violence from the left?

No, under certain context I support political violence from anyone. Just as Thomas Jefferson understood would have to happen.

I don't believe being a poor loser is a valid reason.
1. It had American flags and baby carriages protesting the illegal leftyvirus mailin ballot harvesting.
And felony convictions for sedition, and beat a cop so badly he died from the trauma.
2. The protestors were let in to the "People's House" according to the Dimmer plan.
Thats why they had to fight their way in right?
3. And therefore a single protest, not the destruction, burning, looting of several cities and murder of their occupants.
Cities were burned? Citation please. Thats a state issue and you should be directing that to those states.
Over $2 billion dollars worth of damage.
Which cities?
Which cities and which parts.....hahahahahahahahaha
Yes, which cities and which parts.

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