Why is Putin regarded as a dictator if there are elections?

If the U.S. really thought Putin was some kind of deranged, evil, madman they wouldn't be doing any of this, because I'm pretty sure they're aware of the fact that Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world.
You see, that they don't mess around too much with North Korea
Name all the wars the US has been since 1990 and who was president when they happened. It's not the democrats who start wars.

Why would "cOrRuPtioN" be a motivation to stay in Ukraine when it was a nearly foregone conclusion by every expert that Kyiv would fall within days? It's kind of hard to maintain a "corrupt" government when Putin wants to hang you. :auiqs.jpg:

So, if you're the US, and you had the opportunity to cripple your geopolitical enemy for decades, for just 3.5% of our defense budget you wouldn't do it? LOL.

"Mexico paid for the wall......indirectly." LMAO

Do you see how dumb far right rhetoric is, and how moronic it makes you sound? Everything you say is filled with nothing but emotions and dogma rather being rational and objective.
Why does it matter to US citizens if Ukraine rejoins Russia? Why is it worth billions of our money to try to prevent it? Oh, domino theory, right? Tell that to the 58,000 americans who died in Viet Nam for that fake theory.
Putin is popular among most Russian people.
Would it better to have a mutually beneficial trading relationship with Russia or a nuclear war with them? Those are the only two options going forward. The dems want a war. Why?
Would it better to have a mutually beneficial trading relationship with Russia or a nuclear war with them? Those are the only two options going forward. The dems want a war. Why?
Of course peace is the better alternative.
Why does it matter to US citizens if Ukraine rejoins Russia? Why is it worth billions of our money to try to prevent it? Oh, domino theory, right? Tell that to the 58,000 americans who died in Viet Nam for that fake theory.

My question to you would be, why are you so concerned over Russia being trashed back to the stone age using just 3.5% of our defense budget? Why are you so concerned over Putin? Hmmm...

The 58,000 americans who died in the Vietnam war would probably be cheering what we're doing, and they'd be spitting on americans like you for cheerleading a fascist dictator.
We know "good" elections when we see them, and these aren't working out. When the US has meddled in foreign elections for 70 years, with varying success, do you honestly think that ours would be sacred? Really. Nuland : "This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European (...) However, this is not what Putin did," https://en.topwar.ru/237100-jeto-ne...ossijskoe-rukovodstvo-ne-ustraivaet-ssha.html
My question to you would be, why are you so concerned over Russia being trashed back to the stone age using just 3.5% of our defense budget? Why are you so concerned over Putin? Hmmm...

The 58,000 americans who died in the Vietnam war would probably be cheering what we're doing, and they'd be spitting on americans like you for cheerleading a fascist dictator.
you are FOS. I am not supporting Putin. just trying to get you to justify your position that we should spend billions trying to keep Ukraine from rejoining Russia. What is it about corrupt UKraine that you support? is it the payments to the Biden family? are you getting your cut of that?
you are FOS. I am not supporting Putin. just trying to get you to justify your position that we should spend billions trying to keep Ukraine from rejoining Russia. What is it about corrupt UKraine that you support? is it the payments to the Biden family? are you getting your cut of that?

So you're a useful idiot then, which is it? Spreading russian propaganda is exactly how you support Putin. This is no different to how americans supported Hitler back in the day.

Continuing to repeat the ridiculous claim that Biden is somehow getting a percentage is so dim witted I don't know where to start. It's no wonder the GOP finds it so easy to lie to their constituents. Who's going to ask any questions or want proof? Not republicans, we're just a bunch of suckers who will believe anything.
You don't even know how your brain has been warped, there are no jackbooted enforcers.
Spot on as always!

In no way are dissidents or protestors ever jailed or assassinated in Russia.

Thank goodness you are here to correct us with the Russian State TV propaganda.


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