Why Is Ronald Reagan Still Considered A Conservative Hero?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Instead of privatizing Social Security, he raised taxes

The Greenspan Commission....he signed it into law, and it raised taxes on Social Security.

He negotiated with terrorists, sending -- over and over again -- arms to Iran in exchange for hostages; by contrast Jimmy Carter didn't give an inch to the Iranians.

Reagan gave amnesty to people who are breaking the law and living in the country illegally. He said, "Forget about it. Stay here forever." He cut and ran from Lebanon. How many hundreds of Marines were killed?

Why is Reagan a hero to conservatives?

He's a tax raiser, an amnesty giver, a cut-and-runner, and he negotiated with terrorists.

Why is Ronald a hero to conservatives?
Probably the same reason why FDR is considered a liberal hero.

The mythology has outpaced and eclipsed the reality.
Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.

Certainly, Reagan's boldest move as president was his 1981 tax cut, a sweeping measure that slashed the marginal rate on the wealthiest Americans from 70 percent to 50 percent. The legislation also included smaller cuts in lower tax brackets, as well as big breaks for corporations and the oil industry. But the following year, as the economy was mired in recession and the federal deficit was spiraling out of control, even groups such as the Business Roundtable lobbied Reagan to raise taxes. And he did: The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 was, at the time, the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history.

Ultimately, Reagan signed measures that increased federal taxes every year of his two-term presidency except the first and the last. These included a higher gasoline levy, a 1986 tax reform deal that included the largest corporate tax increase in American history, and a substantial raise in payroll taxes in 1983 as part of a deal to keep Social Security solvent. While wealthy Americans benefitted from Reagan's tax policies, blue-collar Americans paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes when Reagan left office than when he came in.

4. Reagan shrank the federal government.

Reagan famously declared at his 1981 inauguration that "in the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." This rhetorical flourish didn't stop the 40th president from increasing the federal government's size by every possible measure during his eight years in office.

Federal spending grew by an average of 2.5 percent a year, adjusted for inflation, while Reagan was president. The national debt exploded, increasing from about $700 billion to nearly $3 trillion. Many experts believe that Reagan's massive deficits not only worsened the recession of the early 1990s but doomed his successor, George H.W. Bush, to a one-term presidency by forcing him to abandon his "no new taxes" pledge.

The number of federal employees grew from 2.8 million to 3 million under Reagan, in large part because of his buildup at the Pentagon. (It took the Democratic administration of President Bill Clinton to trim the employee rolls back to 2.7 million.) Reagan also abandoned a campaign pledge to get rid of two Cabinet agencies - Energy and Education - and added a new one, Veterans Affairs.

Laughing at you dumbass fucking Repugs who worship Ronald Reagan.
Bigger question: Why today are we still bickering about this? Forget D's and R's.

Our current president just handed over all the nuclear secrets of the British to the Russians. MASSIVE story with global consequences. He also is backing an Islamic radical takeover of Egypt, which if you know history, is the center of what previously caused the 6 Day War, and is setting up a scenario in which Israel could soon be surrounded by large, Islamic ruled nations with military power and soon nuclear weapons (Iran). This could spark a global war, the scale of which the Bible speaks of.

Our current president, party not important, has sold out England, sold out Israel, and sympathized with Russia, China, Iran and Islamic radical takeovers.

This is leading our country, and our world, into a situation which could literally spark WW3.

Yet..........the left wants to keep talking about how dumb Palin is and how our president 20 years ago wasnt' really following party lines.
Another RWer all-too-anxious to ignore the past.

Another RWer all-too-anxious to ignore the past.


Ignore the past? How ironic.

You are talking about a dead, former president who is not coming back. Your point has no consequence on today, or our future. It is only to attempt to bring up some ironic reality that you have conjured up in your mind.

I'm paying attention to the past. In particular, the part in the late 60's when combined radical Islamic forces that had surrounded Israel sparked a conflict that nearly brought the world into global warfare, but the US was able to aid in halting.

That scenario is slowly re-emerging, but this time, with the HELP of the the US president to the Islamic side. Yes, a complete reversal of allied aid, from aiding the Israelis, to now sympathizing with the Islamic forces that are rising 360 degrees from Israel.

If you are not concerned about that, well, then you are just a stupid motherfucker who there is little chance of having a real debate with.

So.......lets take it back down to your intellect level: "Nah-uh, Ronald Reagan was too a conservative! And nah-uh, Palin ain't stupid, she's smart! You're just stupid!"

There, was that elementary enough for you?
Check it out. The worst Presidents in American History! Together again!

Everybody sing! "Ebony and Ivory!..."


Let's see; "Why Obama 'hearts' Reagan and what he's learned from him".

Reagan must have been a hyoooooge fuckup because that's certainly what Barry is. Anyone think differently?
Over the past two weeks, there has been incessant chatter about the parallels between the presidencies of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan, and with good reason: As we celebrate the Gipper’s Centennial birthday today, it’s only natural that he’s back in our focus.

Truth be told, the comparisons began long before the President’s State of the Union address last week, where he seemed to echo Ronald Reagan’s more cherished beliefs, such as corporate tax cuts, a simpler income tax code, a freeze on discretionary spending, and the need for entitlement reform.

As early as the Democratic primary in the winter of 2008, then-candidate Obama proffered Ronald Reagan as a role model to be emulated – much to the Clinton’s chagrin – should he capture the White House. “I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not,” he confessed to reporters during the Nevada primary – an admission that nearly came back to haunt him with Democratic voters.

On the face of it, the comparisons are easy to understand. Like Reagan, Obama is a skillful communicator adept at inspiring audiences and evoking stirring imagery with his words. True enough, Reagan had more of hand in writing his speeches than Obama — a fact that is often overlooked — but there’s no denying that both men rank among the elite talkers to occupy the White House.

And like Reagan, President Obama seems to be affixed with a permanently sunny disposition that only rarely crests from his countenance. Part of both men’s appeal, it has been posited, is attributable in some measure to their belief in our better angels, an uncommon trait among many of their cohorts.
FoxNews.com - Reagan and Obama -- The Big Difference Between These Two Presidents

Pretty generous comparison.
I think I understand how they are similar!

Reagan had contempt of Congress via Iran/Contra, Obama has contempt of the Constitution via National Health Care.

That about right?
Republicans, Rightwingers, Conservatives, conservatives and Neo-Cons all worship Reagan. Obama knows this and is giving due respect to him publicly to gain more support from them.

Is that about right?
Runs Deep The The Stupid In This Thread It Does.

Reagan was not an authoritarian dictator. He was a president who had to deal with two houses of Congress with split party control. He was saavy enough to focus on a few priorities instead of thinking that he could Transform The Country. He reduced inflation, cut taxes on a net basis, and spurred a significant cycle of economic growth and job creation - while ending the Cold War. Contrast these with the pathetic, amateurish, and arrogant set of programs enacted by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

Here's his record on taxes:

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Skippy should stick to peanuts. :lol: His biggest question for the Cosmos is Smooth or Crunchy?
Second is Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't. Why! Why God Why!
Most never mention the tax increases of Reagan that happened with the elimination of several personal income tax deductions.
I used to be able to write off gas tax, interest on misc loans, car loans, Income averaging, etc.
Republicans, Rightwingers, Conservatives, conservatives and Neo-Cons all worship Reagan. Obama knows this and is giving due respect to him publicly to gain more support from them.

Is that about right?
So Obama is jusy trying to bullshit us right? Just like he did in 2008?

Let me ask you a question Marc. How do you know when Obama is just trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes? You know he's bullshitting us now, did you know he was bullshitting us then?

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