Why is the Most Critical Instigator on J6, Scaffold Commander, Not Wanted by the FBI?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

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"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

View attachment 889614

The most critical instigator has been indicted 91 times.
The most critical instigator has been indicted 91 times.

People did not break the law that day by being there to protest the election results. They broke the law by brealing and entering the capitol building. DO YOU understand that? are you capable?
You cant mix the two because the ladys on the view do that shit. You understand they get paid for being entertaining? and politicians do the same thing to get ahead , but none of it is real.... which is WHYY
Trump was never indicted for insurrection. Its not real.. just a left wing fantasy.

Show where trump told people to break into the capitol building and you have your cas efor insurrection, if he instructed them to do that.
If you have someone like the Scaffold guy clearly directing people to surge and break into the capitol, then I would agree he is guilty. thats what it takes, and so far the FBI is letting him skate. Considering there were FBI whistleblowers who claim FEDS were mingling in the crowd, we can ask the question.
People did not break the law that day by being there to protest the election results. They broke the law by brealing and entering the capitol building. DO YOU understand that? are you capable?
You cant mix the two because the ladys on the view do that shit. You understand they get paid for being entertaining? and politicians do the same thing to get ahead , but none of it is real.... which is WHYY
Trump was never indicted for insurrection. Its not real.. just a left wing fantasy.
The View?
Show where trump told people to break into the capitol building and you have your cas efor insurrection, if he instructed them to do that.
If you have someone like the Scaffold guy clearly directing people to surge and break into the capitol, then I would agree he is guilty. thats what it takes, and so far the FBI is letting him skate. Considering there were FBI whistleblowers who claim FEDS were mingling in the crowd, we can ask the question.
He didn’t tell them to “fight like hell” and say that the “election was stolen”?
The View?

He didn’t tell them to “fight like hell” and say that the “election was stolen”?

Every politician has said in a speech to FIGHT LIKE HELL... its common. Democrats said Trump was an illigitimate President. SO what? Even if Trump was speaking bullshit, the right to assemble and protest is still a right that is protected. It's not a subjective thing based on who you think is right or wrong. Its pretty simple. If there is clear evidence that Trump gave an order to STorm the capitol building, then that would be a crime. Again, this is why Trump was not brought up on charges of insurrection.

Yeah, the view. I was pertty sure you watched them.

"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

View attachment 889614

he must be a democrat agent. he looks just like that girl you guys love to post screaming after ms clinton lost, but the blue hat gives him away as antifa (the totally biden controlled democrat brown shirts.)

how many of those poor non violent tourists did this guy force to enter th building?
So who is he?

FBI. It was all a set up (The capitol police are heard saying it themselves on video) as an engineered conflagration to try to blame on Trump.

Think about it: 100% of every case, every attack on Trump ever since has all been based on that day, all the while they try to suppress EVERY bit of proof that Trump tried to prevent and stop it.

Without that J6 riot, they would have absolutely NOTHING to try to hang on Trump, and they told you for EIGHT YEARS that they were going to get him, whatever it took.
Every politician has said in a speech to FIGHT LIKE HELL... its common.
Not even remotely true. Especially after telling them that the election was stolen from them.
Even if Trump was speaking bullshit,
Is there ever a time when he’s not?
the right to assemble and protest is still a right that is protected.
That much is true. Trying to stop an official proceeding is a crime though.
It's not a subjective thing based on who you think is right or wrong. Its pretty simple. If there is clear evidence that Trump gave an order to STorm the capitol building, then that would be a crime. Again, this is why Trump was not brought up on charges of insurrection.

Yeah, the view. I was pertty sure you watched them.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. That makes two of us.

"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

View attachment 889614

Never been sought by the FBI?

The most critical instigator has been indicted 91 times.
That's a bingo. I agree with poster 'candycorn'.
Without Trump (and his warm-up acts) urging a fight.....well, the J6 attack on our elected Representatives would never have happened. IMHO

so far the FBI is letting him skate.
You gotta explain that one poster Yarddog.
It is analogous to letting the guy who set the bombs that day....skate.
It's analogous to letting Osama Bin Laden 'skate' for 10yrs.
It is nonsense.
If they find the guy. If Sedition Hunters ID the guy........things will change.
I can be persuaded that the guy is living a life right now of.......of looking over his shoulder, dreading that a big black SUV is gonna drive into his trailer park.....with a warrant.


all the while they try to suppress EVERY bit of proof that Trump tried to prevent and stop it.
Suppress? They did?
OK, 2bfreak, what evidence is that?
You say they are suppressing it....well then, you must know what it is they are suppressing.
Show us.
It's show & tell time.
Whatcha got?


and they told you for EIGHT YEARS that they were going to get him, whatever it took.
So, starting in 2012 "they" told somebody they were gonna get Trump?
Who is "they"?
And link us to something that back up your "8 year" claim.

Batter up, mon ami.

"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

View attachment 889614

Agent Provacateur

The cult doesnt want any of them punished because they love that it was an inside job. They are communists.
That's a bingo. I agree with poster 'candycorn'.
Without Trump (and his warm-up acts) urging a fight.....well, the J6 attack on our elected Representatives would never have happened. IMHO


You gotta explain that one poster Yarddog.
It is analogous to letting the guy who set the bombs that day....skate.
It's analogous to letting Osama Bin Laden 'skate' for 10yrs.
It is nonsense.
If they find the guy. If Sedition Hunters ID the guy........things will change.
I can be persuaded that the guy is living a life right now of.......of looking over his shoulder, dreading that a big black SUV is gonna drive into his trailer park.....with a warrant.


Suppress? They did?
OK, 2bfreak, what evidence is that?
You say they are suppressing it....well then, you must know what it is they are suppressing.
Show us.
It's show & tell time.
Whatcha got?


So, starting in 2012 "they" told somebody they were gonna get Trump?
Who is "they"?
And link us to something that back up your "8 year" claim.

Batter up, mon ami.

Sorry, you can convince me, that as out in front that guy was, that he should not be a priority for the FBI to find. He acted as a leader and if anyone believes this was a planned Insurrection, then it would make him a top target to find.

You can clearly see his face. With Todays technology, no I think its pretty impossible that he would still be running around and not arrested unless he was a government insider. I dont even know why this is hard for you people to believe.
The ensuing break in destroyed any slim hopes Trump had of overturning the election. The break in played in the Democrats favor when you look at it strartegically.
Not even remotely true. Especially after telling them that the election was stolen from them.

Is there ever a time when he’s not?

That much is true. Trying to stop an official proceeding is a crime though.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. That makes two of us.

Here's a paragraph from Trump's speech... its online you can look it up.

And you have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don't fight. You primary them. We're going to. We're going to let you know who they are. I can already tell you, frankly.

As you can see, here he uses the word fight three times and its all in the political context.. this is what people with normal brains understand his words to mean when Trump said to Fight.
When he is talking about Primarying the Hell out of them... it should add some context to his speech. But you know Democrat Senators and prosecutors avoided this paragraph, cherry picked and only added the words they could twist. They couldnt do anything with this one.

In short, when he said to fight, his words were political. I just showed you that context in the speech. Now its your turn. Show me some context where Trump said to break into the capitol building.
which is WHYY
Trump was never indicted for insurrection. Its not real.. just a left wing fantasy.

You are wrong here.
We all saw Trump do it live, for months.
Its the technically of the law and his clever mob boss speak that caused this particular charge to not be brought.

"Scaffold Commander was seen “urging people to go into the Capitol from a platform set up for Biden’s inauguration.” He did so monomaniacally for over an hour, every bit the professional agitator.

Yet Scaffold Commander has never been sought by the FBI, or identified despite clear pictures, nor is he on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. In other words, Scaffold Commander was an FBI asset, placed to entrap as many protesters as possible into entering the building, most of them peacefully and past welcoming police."

So who is he?

FOIA video of Capitol Police ushering in peaceful protesters through West entrance (view at Rumble)

View attachment 889614

He literally cut and removed the fencing.

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