Why Is the Navy Building a Shiny Drone Base in Sunny Malibu?

Years ago the radical left would have had a major issue with it. It's amazing what a socialist administration can do.
Point Magu is in the 26th Congressional District, which was recently redrawn to include Malibu. Prior to being redrawn, the district was represented by a Republican for 10 years.

After being redrawn, a Democrat won the seat.

The two US Senators for California are Democrats (Feinstein and Boxer).

Feinstein is the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which has oversight of the CIA, and by extension their drones.

The drone base will bring about 2700 jobs to the area.
Like mebbe Waco or Ruby Ridge?...
Holder: Drone strike against Americans in the U.S. possible
March 5th, 2013 - Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday stopped short of entirely ruling out a drone strike against an American citizen on U.S. soil—without trial.
Holder’s comment came in a letter to Sen. Rand Paul. Paul had sent a letter to President Obama’s CIA director nominee John Brennan asking for the administration’s views on the president’s power to authorize lethal force.


In the letter, Holder said “It is possible I suppose to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. “ In a separate letter, Brennan told Paul that the CIA has no such authority.

The nomination passed its first hurdle Tuesday with the Senate intelligence committee voting to approve the nomination in a 12-3 vote. Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia said he voted against the nomination because of inconsistencies in Brennan's testimony.

Earlier in the day, the White House agreed to provide legal documents written by Justice Department officials explaining the legal rationale for targeting Americans overseas who are involved in terror-related activities that threatened America or American interests.

Granny says, "Dat's right - it's like Pandora lettin' the cat outta the box...
Red dawn: Communist China stepping up drone deployment
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - China’s military is expanding its unmanned aerial vehicle forces with a new Predator-like armed drone and a new unmanned combat aircraft amid growing tensions with neighbors in Asia, according to United States intelligence officials.
New unarmed drone deployments include the recent stationing of reconnaissance and ocean surveillance drones in Northeast Asia near Japan and the Senkaku islands and along China’s southern coast. Drones also are planned for the South China Sea where China has been encroaching on international waters and bullying nations of that region in asserting control over international waters, said officials familiar with intelligence reports. “Unmanned aerial vehicles are emerging as critical enablers for PLA long range precision strike operations,” said Mark Stokes, a former military intelligence official now with the Project 2049 Institute. “A general operational PLA requirement appears to be persistent surveillance of fixed and moving targets out to 3,000 kilometers of Chinese shores.”

Japan, meanwhile, is developing and purchasing military drone capabilities to counter what it regards as Chinese aggression and Beijing’s growing military capabilities as Tokyo’s dispute with China over the Senkaku islands intensifies, the officials said. After Chinese aircraft intruded into Japanese airspace over the Senkakus undetected late last year, Tokyo stepped up efforts to seek drone capabilities. The efforts include building an indigenous missile-tracking drone and high-altitude U.S. drones. So far, unlike Beijing, Tokyo asserts its drone will be unarmed, the officials said. “China has started deploying UAVs for reconnaissance and oceanic surveillance purposes in the vicinity of disputed maritime territories, such as the Senkaku Islands,” said one military source.

Of particular concern to U.S. intelligence agencies are two new missile-equipped drones known as the CH-4 and Yi Long. The aircraft were shown off along with six other military drones at a major Chinese arms show last November in Zhuhai. Photos of the drones reveal the designs appear to be copied from the U.S. Predator armed drone that has been leading the Obama administration’s war on al Qaeda in Pakistan and elsewhere. Photos of the CH-4 show it armed with Blue Arrow-7 anti-tank missiles that appear similar in size to the U.S. Hellfire fired from Predators. Even more of a concern, according to the officials, are intelligence reports from Asia indicating that China is well along in building a large stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV)—an upiloted jet—that was revealed recently in an online Chinese military video.

The drone combat jet is nearly identical in shape to the experimental batwing-shaped U.S. Air Force X-47B currently under development. The X-47B was tested on an aircraft carrier in December. The Chinese UCAV is expected to have enough range to reach the U.S. island of Guam, some 1,800 miles from the Chinese coast and the hub of the Pentagon’s shift to Asia, officials said. Video and photos of the Chinese UCAV were posted on Chinese military enthusiast Internet sites recently. Also, a model of the drone combat jet was on display at Zhuhai. The aircraft is being built by the China Shenyang Aerospace Institute and could be deployed on China’s new aircraft carrier, officials said.

Read more: Red dawn: Communist China stepping up drone deployment - Washington Times
Point Magu is in the 26th Congressional District, which was recently redrawn to include Malibu. Prior to being redrawn, the district was represented by a Republican for 10 years.

After being redrawn, a Democrat won the seat.

The two US Senators for California are Democrats (Feinstein and Boxer).

Feinstein is the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which has oversight of the CIA, and by extension their drones.

The drone base will bring about 2700 jobs to the area.

Oh goody... Obama is creating jobs for people who spy on other people with unmanned aircraft. Hooray!!!! :clap2:
there has been a base there since WW2..........the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division HQ is there,and who knows what goes on there. .....Drones are just another facet of it.......
I used to live very near there, Camarillo to be exact. This is good news for the area, they could use the jobs...

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