Why is the USA defending UKRAINE?

You are an idiot. Show me the "was" in what I posted.
Listen, dumbass, we're discussing reasons why we don't mind our own business in regards to the Ukraine situation, and your retarded ass says "we don't defend Putin" as a reason. I get that you don't think well, but it's rather obvious.
Why would France care if Poland were invaded? None of their business, right?

You answered by question with 2 questions.

Why, specifically, should the USA POSSIBLY spill blood and POSSIBLY spend treasure defending Ukraine.
in 19 minutes but like i said

sorry we used to be freedom fighters until the GOP was taken over by mindless rupert murdoch and internet crazies who have the same propaganda as the god dam Putinists....
Yea we used to be freedom fighters. Then Obama supported the insurrection and overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

Besides, these days we are busy arresting business owners for being open and letting violent criminals on the streets.

Our Dear Leader called up Justin Casteau and told him to use the full force of the federal government against completely peaceful protesters.

I’m sure all those things are a Republican’s fault. Somehow, some way, it was all a Republican’s fault.
Listen, dumbass, we're discussing reasons why we don't mind our own business in regards to the Ukraine situation, and your retarded ass says "we don't defend Putin" as a reason. I get that you don't think well, but it's rather obvious.
Now you understand what I said. It is obvious. Good for you idiot.

Is Putin our ally? No. Do we defend our allies? Yes. I hope you understand that, simple one.
You answered by question with 2 questions.

Why, specifically, should the USA POSSIBLY spill blood and POSSIBLY spend treasure defending Ukraine.
Why, specifically, would France care that Austria was annexed? What business is it of theirs?
How many of Biden's devotees at Berkeley or NYU are willing to volunteer for the front lines and die in Ukraine?

I suspect none, and if he'd roll up a recruitment bus to any of these liberal schools, his supposed supporters would tell him to go fuck himself.

While I'm sure all the Neo-GOPer are on their way to Russia to help recapture the Rhineland from the West.
Apparently someone slept through Sleepy Joe's speech.

He said that he's moving additional U.S. troops to the Baltic states on NATO’s eastern flank bordering Russia.
Now tell me this: How do you think Putin's going to react when we put additional troops right on his border?
We have a defense pac with NATO. We don't have one with the Ukraine. It would be a mistake for Putin to attack American forces anywhere we have them stationed.
Now you understand what I said. It is obvious. Good for you idiot.

Is Putin our ally? No. Do we defend our allies? Yes. I hope you understand that, simple one.
Damn, you're dense.
Doing nothing is not "defending" Putin.
Now GFY.
We should not be spending one dime or spill one drop of American blood over Ukraine.
Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?
the US isnt defending Ukraine ..... sanctions are not military actions .... NATO and the west have occupied themselves with left wing wokeness instead of military strength and defense ! Ukraine is in the actual backyard of the majority of NATO members ... sadly it seems NATO will not come to Ukraines aid militarily .. sanctions ? yeah they'll slap sanctions on Russia but thats about it ... Taiwan is probably next on the list for invasion . what a difference a year makes eh dems ??? its just sad ....:(
Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?

Why is the US defending a European country that is an elected Democracy, that was liberated from the former Soviet Union?

Is that your question?

And if you're asking it. There is no explaining it to you.
How many of Biden's devotees at Berkeley or NYU are willing to volunteer for the front lines and die in Ukraine?

I suspect none, and if he'd roll up a recruitment bus to any of these liberal schools, his supposed supporters would tell him to go fuck himself.

Same to the "Conservative" Chickenhawks projecting Biden as a weakling and portraying Putin as an aggressor whom he doesn't have the guts to stop. All this drumbeat only because Biden is the Commander in Chief now. We should never even had sanctions on Russia for protecting its borders. That has cost us trillions, but the 1% already has trillions; that's why they don't care.

Draft these sheltered warmongers' kids right after their prep-school graduation. No college deferments, no bribing doctors or draft boards to give them fake medical disabilities. National Guard and Reserves for veterans only.
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You answered by question with 2 questions.

Why, specifically, should the USA POSSIBLY spill blood and POSSIBLY spend treasure defending Ukraine.
Like Kuwait, Chickenhawk Ukraine Has No Right to Exist

Again, we're losing treasure with the sanctions against Russia's Monroe Doctrine. That is costing the American people far more than financing the mooching Ukie military would.
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