Why Is Trump, Pelosi and Mitch Against $1200 Stimulus Checks??

danny how it works is if you dont like what company A wants to pay you,try company B and C and down the line.....sooner or later you will hit paydirt...

Not always. If you are unhappy with your pay, and nobody else will pay you more, it means that's all your labor is worth. It's not up to industry to artificially make a persons labor worth more, it's up to the individual to make their labor worth more.

How is our worth determined? Our job is only worth as much as an employer can find another person to do the same quality of work for the same money. I don't care how many years you spent in college, how many years you spent in trade school, if there are ample people to do your job, then your skills are only worth what those others would be willing to take your job for.
most of the time....
danny how it works is if you dont like what company A wants to pay you,try company B and C and down the line.....sooner or later you will hit paydirt...

Not always. If you are unhappy with your pay, and nobody else will pay you more, it means that's all your labor is worth. It's not up to industry to artificially make a persons labor worth more, it's up to the individual to make their labor worth more.

How is our worth determined? Our job is only worth as much as an employer can find another person to do the same quality of work for the same money. I don't care how many years you spent in college, how many years you spent in trade school, if there are ample people to do your job, then your skills are only worth what those others would be willing to take your job for.
Our markets are more regulated than your simplified version suggests.

Whence any homeless problem if getting a job is so easy?
Homelessness is overwhelmingly self induced and/or mental illness.
You want to go back to forced institutionalization?
The vast majority of homeless are not employable for a variety of reasons. They do not fit into conventional economic policy or economic discussion, unless homelessness numbers are generally due to economic reasons. And in America, extremely few are homeless due to systemic economic issues.
I agree to disagree regarding homelessness in our market based economy. What you allege is merely a symptom not a Cause. A simple poverty of capital is the problem and it is institutional. We should have no homeless problem in our first world economy.

And, we have a general welfare clause not a general badfare clause. Public policies must promote the general welfare.
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Yet, the right wing believes in no minimum wages at all, just like in the good olde days.

Wages have nothing to do with left vs. right. None.
It has everything to do with supply and demand, and modern corporatism strongly supported by both party leaders. Equally.
America has a ravenous appetite for low prices. And could care less how they get it.
There is something ironic and moronic about a people who bitch about low wages on their way to Walmart to buy more cheap shit.
Americans are brain dead in that way. Never considering for 2 seconds how they contribute to the very problems they lament.
Right wingers would prefer no statutory minimum wages. We already know capitalism doesn't work or wages for the Labor as the least wealthy would not have stagnated while wages for the richest, virtually skyrocketed.
danny how it works is if you dont like what company A wants to pay you,try company B and C and down the line.....sooner or later you will hit paydirt...
Even with Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment? How would that work even if Labor were required to obtain a doctorate before providing labor input to our economy?
yes even with.....
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment even with a requirement that labor obtain a doctorate before being qualified to participate in the market for labor.
Public policies must promote the general welfare.
No they don't.
Generally... yes. But not without clauses.
No society can be successful if within that society, an unproductive person can live in the same comfort as a productive one.
Only in extraordinary circumstances, such as Qatar can a society exist with those circumstances.
For obvious reasons. Given the choice, the majority of people would choose to be unproductive... obviously.
Therefore, unproductive people must pay a price for their laziness and chronic poor decisions.
Without that, there is no incentive to improve yourself.
No society can be successful if within that society, an unproductive person can live in the same comfort as a productive one.
No one is claiming that but right wingers and You. They would still be Poor just not in poverty and would need to indulge the vice of greed under our form of Capitalism to strive to be richer.

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