Why is tyranny suddenly beginning to win?

The question is if Trump had been reelected for a second term would he have been able to orchestrate a Afghanistan pullout that was not a total fiasco worse than the Vietnam pullout?

My bet is Trump would have done a much better job than Biden has. Of course that is a very low bar.
It's winning in America because we let it win.

American citizens let tyranny happen to us because we are cucks that sit back and let others ruin our country and take our freedom all the while thinking "it's happening to me" and one day it will happen to us but it will be so slow and gradual by the time it's too late, it is too late.

Me, you, all of us that love america are sitting back and letting it get fucked like a proverbial wife while we wait in the other room.

Tyranny takes over because we're all bitches too weak to fight it.
Because BIG TECH banned our ability to protest and discuss how awful it is about what is going on, while distracting a large mass of the population with hatred directed toward Trump.


. . . it isn't happening, it's all a "conspiracy theory." :rolleyes:


All that and more in Donald J Trump’s alternative America! See grown men and women melting into perpetual victimhood! See how the DeepStateAntifaPoweredDefeneratePedoElectionStealers suppress them brave patriots fighting for legitimacy, liberty and freedom. Oh....and while we’re busy streaming you our version of alternative facts don’t forget to donate money and support our attempts at have (small) government pass laws forbidding teachers from teaching history or any ideas that might make you uncomfortable even though you don’t really understand them (not to worry, we will tell you what they mean). Meanwhile, we will continue to feed your hatred of the evil Hussein Obama and his anti American minions, Cankles Clinton, and Bumbling Biden. (No, Obama doesn’t live rent free in our heads, he’s just behind all these terrible things happening like stolen elections and such).
He correctly observed that the populations of the Middle East particularly Afghanistan had that very thing....a deep, pure and indomitable spirit such as the original founders of this nation had. He also pointed out that the American identity was in the terminal stages of decline and that it would only be a matter of a decade or two before it was completely gone. He predicted that we would lose all of our adventures in that region because we simply did not have the will or the identity to carry forward the cause despite our Superior power and technology. I argued viciously with him at the time... But no more.
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All that and more in Donald J Trump’s alternative America! See grown men and women melting into perpetual victimhood! See how the DeepStateAntifaPoweredDefeneratePedoElectionStealers suppress them brave patriots fighting for legitimacy, liberty and freedom. Oh....and while we’re busy streaming you our version of alternative facts don’t forget to donate money and support our attempts at have (small) government pass laws forbidding teachers from teaching history or any ideas that might make you uncomfortable even though you don’t really understand them (not to worry, we will tell you what they mean). Meanwhile, we will continue to feed your hatred of the evil Hussein Obama and his anti American minions, Cankles Clinton, and Bumbling Biden. (No, Obama doesn’t live rent free in our heads, he’s just behind all these terrible things happening like stolen elections and such).
Interesting perspective.

Nice to see you standing with global billionaires at censoring the conversation.

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The fascist democrats are tyranny.

They have power over America right now. They should be put down by force of arms, but we lack the fortitude to do what is right, what the greatest generation did to Hitler's Nazis.

Tyranny and evil will win until we vanquish the democrats.
We all grew up with the fairy tale happy ending that the good guys will eventually triumph and that the bad guys will eventually go down and pay the price for their badness. Fairy tales is where that idea belongs.

I can recall 20 years ago when posting on political boards first became all the rage arguing back and forth with a pragmatist whom I loathed at that the time but later on came to appreciate.

His experienced viewpoint on matters of escalation and international dominance were not based on military superiority but instead on something he called Elan Moral. A strength of intrinsic identity that transcends both cultural and geographical barriers and cannot be routed out by a missile attack... Or destroyed by a superior army.

He correctly observed that the populations of the Middle East particularly Afghanistan had that very thing....a deep, pure and indomitable spirit such as the original founders of this nation had. He also pointed out that the American identity was in the terminal stages of decline and that it would only be a matter of a decade or two before it was completely gone. He predicted that we would lose all of our adventures in that region because we simply did not have the will or the identity to carry forward the cause despite our Superior power and technology. I argued viciously with him at the time... But no more.

I rest my case with the the recent events of Afghanistan.

Who the hell are you talking about? Surely not sleepy Joe?

Stockholm syndrome is an emotional response. It happens to some abuse and hostage victims when they have positive feelings toward an abuser or captor.
How it happened is simple, the wealthy corrupted the system to their decadent hand print, as time went by, and they installed their pets into the most powerful positions in government, they began "picking" your so-called political representatives for you(see Mitch Mcconnell), and the consequence of that is just as simple, you now have absolutely no political representation!

Thats how it happened! You have one remaining hope, but it is fleeting, you have a 2nd amendment, and this is exactly why it was crafted by founders, all of whom were envisioning psychopathic animals like Biden/Harris, Mcconnell, Ryan, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, and on and on and on and on!

You want your freedom back, your children not indoctrinated by the most evil of sexual deviants, then you're gonna have to use that 2nd and be willing to die in the doing thereof! Absent will to hop right to that task, you are slaves, and I promise you that 2nd is gone before the midterm, most likely by this next summer....

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