Why Jeb Bush should not run for president...he suffers from John McCain disease....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John McCain lost because he never passed up an opportunity to make fun of conservatives...the very people he would eventually want to vote for him, and who had a natural inclination to support him because of his heroic military service...but make fun of people...and they won't vote for you...

Jeb Bush might be this stupid....he attacked the one news outlet that gives conservatives a fair hearing...

Report Jeb Bush Thinks Fox News Annoying

According to a CNN report, "Bush expressed annoyance with the polarizing fights and constant negativity of the political news media--he singled out Fox News, saying he usually watches the channel for a few minutes a day before switching over to SportsCenter--and said he is 'frustrated' by the toxic climate in Washington."

Unlike Bush, conservatives get their news from Fox News. An extensive Pew Research study found that, "when it comes to choosing a media source for political news, conservatives orient strongly around Fox News. Nearly half of consistent conservatives (47%) name it as their main source for government and political news, as do almost a third (31%) of those with mostly conservative views. No other sources come close."

yeah...CNN reports...do you think they will give you a fair hearing jebbie...what a twit...the one news outlet that conservatives actually trust to not attack their values...and he attacks it....great job nitwit...
Jeb Bush is a disgusting statist progressive...even worse than his dipshit older brother.

The left media will no doubt work tirelessly to convince Jeb that he is brilliant and should run.
poor splintered GOP...

Ah yes....the democrats are so together...that must be why none of them wants obama near any of their states this election cycle...
Why he shouldn't run is he is more interested in the ruling class than America. He's GD globalist is what he is. Why would he support Agenda 21? Why would he support Amnesty? Why would he support Common Core? Because he's a globalist.

Likewise, I am sure he supports that small arms treaty that the UN is trying to jam through our congress. . . .


Like Hillary Clinton, Jeb supports not only NAFTA, but he will be on board with that TPP and the TTIP. This nation has only gone down hill since the implementation of NAFTA.

The party bosses and powerful names in both parties supported NAFTA, the American people didn't have a choice, no matter who you voted for, we were screwed. And it DESTROYED the industrial and natural resource production in this nation. The TPP and TTIP will do to other sectors of the economy what NAFTA did to those.

TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results
TPP and TTIP Two Different Trade Agreements Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results Economy In Crisis

The fact is, though the agreement is supposed to be kept secret from us, enough details have leaked out to give us a basic idea of what is going on. And what is going on? Very little trade and a lot of legislating through the executive branch, something that is supposed to be unconstitutional. The vast majority of the TPP deals with Internet freedoms, intellectual property, regulations and other subjects that have no business being part of a trade deal.

This only compounds the problems caused by investor-state dispute resolutions, which allow companies to sue governments for putative lost profits if their products are barred because they do not meet a particular country’s standards. This means that if toxic seafood from Vietnam is barred from entering the United States, U.S. taxpayers would have to compensate that company for its filthy product!

And this is going to encompass 40% of the world’s economy!?

Actually, it’s worse than that. Because there is another agreement on the other side of the globe, one that will encompass 46% of the world’s economy. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership has recently begun negotiations. The countries involved are, admittedly, more suitable trading partners, but the issues involved are going to be the same problematic ones we see in TPP. The executive branch of the United States is using TTIP to legislate, which is strictly forbidden by the Constitution.

Jeb is a rino that's for sure. Plus he's an unconvicted felon since he committed obstruction of justice to get his wife out of smuggling charges.
John McCain lost because he never passed up an opportunity to make fun of conservatives...the very people he would eventually want to vote for him, and who had a natural inclination to support him because of his heroic military service...but make fun of people...and they won't vote for you...

Jeb Bush might be this stupid....he attacked the one news outlet that gives conservatives a fair hearing...

Report Jeb Bush Thinks Fox News Annoying

According to a CNN report, "Bush expressed annoyance with the polarizing fights and constant negativity of the political news media--he singled out Fox News, saying he usually watches the channel for a few minutes a day before switching over to SportsCenter--and said he is 'frustrated' by the toxic climate in Washington."

Unlike Bush, conservatives get their news from Fox News. An extensive Pew Research study found that, "when it comes to choosing a media source for political news, conservatives orient strongly around Fox News. Nearly half of consistent conservatives (47%) name it as their main source for government and political news, as do almost a third (31%) of those with mostly conservative views. No other sources come close."

yeah...CNN reports...do you think they will give you a fair hearing jebbie...what a twit...the one news outlet that conservatives actually trust to not attack their values...and he attacks it....great job nitwit...

Going to be great watching the white christian party imploding in 2016, not that the white christian party has a chance for national office with the demographic shift anyway
John McCain lost because he never passed up an opportunity to make fun of conservatives...the very people he would eventually want to vote for him, and who had a natural inclination to support him because of his heroic military service...but make fun of people...and they won't vote for you...

Jeb Bush might be this stupid....he attacked the one news outlet that gives conservatives a fair hearing...

Report Jeb Bush Thinks Fox News Annoying

According to a CNN report, "Bush expressed annoyance with the polarizing fights and constant negativity of the political news media--he singled out Fox News, saying he usually watches the channel for a few minutes a day before switching over to SportsCenter--and said he is 'frustrated' by the toxic climate in Washington."

Unlike Bush, conservatives get their news from Fox News. An extensive Pew Research study found that, "when it comes to choosing a media source for political news, conservatives orient strongly around Fox News. Nearly half of consistent conservatives (47%) name it as their main source for government and political news, as do almost a third (31%) of those with mostly conservative views. No other sources come close."

yeah...CNN reports...do you think they will give you a fair hearing jebbie...what a twit...the one news outlet that conservatives actually trust to not attack their values...and he attacks it....great job nitwit...

Going to be great watching the white christian party imploding in 2016, not that the white christian party has a chance for national office with the demographic shift anyway

Jeb is a rino that's for sure. Plus he's an unconvicted felon since he committed obstruction of justice to get his wife out of smuggling charges.

Hmmm...I never heard that...but don't worry...if he runs for President every other lefty news service will cover that as if it just happened 24/7...will the establishment republicans never learn...
Jeb is a rino that's for sure. Plus he's an unconvicted felon since he committed obstruction of justice to get his wife out of smuggling charges.
Hmmm. . . I did a Google search, and I couldn't find that, do you mind providing a link to that?

When ever I entered that term, "committed obstruction of justice" with Jeb Bush, Google with grey out and slash the term, "committed obstruction of justice" :rofl:
Jeb is a rino that's for sure. Plus he's an unconvicted felon since he committed obstruction of justice to get his wife out of smuggling charges.

Ron-nie Ray-Gun is a rino by the nutter's standards.

Who cares if Jeb runs? There's plenty of room in the Repub Clown Car and then Hillary will be elected.

Very telling that not one of the nutter RWs can work up even the slightest enthusiasm for another Bush president or even another one in the Repub Clown Car.

I want Rush to run, and put his money where his mouth is, if he has that much money....
John McCain lost because he never passed up an opportunity to make fun of conservatives...the very people he would eventually want to vote for him, and who had a natural inclination to support him because of his heroic military service...but make fun of people...and they won't vote for you...

Jeb Bush might be this stupid....he attacked the one news outlet that gives conservatives a fair hearing...

Report Jeb Bush Thinks Fox News Annoying

According to a CNN report, "Bush expressed annoyance with the polarizing fights and constant negativity of the political news media--he singled out Fox News, saying he usually watches the channel for a few minutes a day before switching over to SportsCenter--and said he is 'frustrated' by the toxic climate in Washington."

Unlike Bush, conservatives get their news from Fox News. An extensive Pew Research study found that, "when it comes to choosing a media source for political news, conservatives orient strongly around Fox News. Nearly half of consistent conservatives (47%) name it as their main source for government and political news, as do almost a third (31%) of those with mostly conservative views. No other sources come close."

yeah...CNN reports...do you think they will give you a fair hearing jebbie...what a twit...the one news outlet that conservatives actually trust to not attack their values...and he attacks it....great job nitwit...

Going to be great watching the white christian party imploding in 2016, not that the white christian party has a chance for national office with the demographic shift anyway
I just love to watch, BIRD SHIT here, spew his hatred of Christians...makes me think he's a fucking muslim Terrorist!

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