Why Juneteenth represents freedom better than July 4 for many Americans


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Mar 11, 2015
On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, as 13 colonies separated from Great Britain and established the United States of America. But while the Fourth of July is known to represent equality and freedom, all Americans were not free at the time.

That’s why more and more Americans celebrate Juneteenth.

“Too many Americans think of the Fourth of July as a day marking the triumph of freedom and equality in America, as if everyone enjoys the same liberties and opportunities,” Ethan Kytle, professor of history at California State University Fresno, told Yahoo News.

The slavery of Black people would continue for almost a century after the Revolutionary War. Women were denied basic rights.

“White male Americans became free — only white males,” said Chad Dion Lassiter, a national expert on race relations and executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

This is true. Not everybody was free on July 4th, 1776. Besides none of the so-called "non racist, colorblind" right wing should not be oppos to a day celebrating the end of slavery.
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On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, as 13 colonies separated from Great Britain and established the United States of America. But while the Fourth of July is known to represent equality and freedom, all Americans were not free at the time.

That’s why more and more Americans celebrate Juneteenth.

“Too many Americans think of the Fourth of July as a day marking the triumph of freedom and equality in America, as if everyone enjoys the same liberties and opportunities,” Ethan Kytle, professor of history at California State University Fresno, told Yahoo News.

The slavery of Black people would continue for almost a century after the Revolutionary War. Women were denied basic rights.

“White male Americans became free — only white males,” said Chad Dion Lassiter, a national expert on race relations and executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

This is true. Not everybody was free on July 4th, 1776. Besides none of the so-called "non racist, colorblind" right wing should not be oppos to a day celebrating the end of slavery.
Why would a bunch of white men build a new nation for uneducated negroes being used for cheap labor?

Why would women get to vote? They don’t fight in wars.
So IM2 would rather celebrate a day when a bunch of white men showed up and announced that slaves were to be freed in Texas.

Either way, aren’t you still just celebrating a White Savior holiday?
Nah, We're celebrating the day the last white slaveowners were made to free their slaves.
So IM2 would rather celebrate a day when a bunch of white men showed up and announced that slaves were to be freed in Texas.

Either way, aren’t you still just celebrating a White Savior holiday?
Juneteenth actually Commemorates that Texans were told that the war ended 2 1/2 years ago. Juneteenth, the day on which nothing whatever happened.
Well you are correct, the date is only when a bunch of white men declared their independence. It would be many years before the war was won and their freedom realized.

Would you rather they never made such a declaration?
No, you're wrong. But I'll acknowledge your jealously and butthurt over a day made for blacks to celebrate.
Juneteenth actually Commemorates that Texans were told that the war ended 2 1/2 years ago. Juneteenth, the day on which nothing whatever happened.
So was July 4th.

This is 2023 and its pathetic that whites like you still exist.
And once again we are shown that the same white racism that existed on June 19th, 1865 exists on June 19th, 2023.
Nah, We're celebrating the day the last white slaveowners were made to free their slaves.
And what did the freed slaves do? Go back to Africa? Fuck no! They would rather live in racist white man’s country since it is a thousand times better than anything in Africa. Still true to this day.
And once again we are shown that the same white racism that existed on June 19th, 1865 exists on June 19th, 2023.
White Supremacy still exists, thanks to blacks that refuse to leave America.

Blacks would rather stay here, speak a white man’s language, dress and act like white men, use white man’s technology.

You’re the white supremacist, you prefer white culture to African culture and life. That is why you will never go back to Africa.
If you don't like our existence, why don't you do something about it. Besides killing one another that is.
Well you see, those racist “white guys” who did July 4th gave us all the right to bear arms, so he knows they’d be put down. That’s why he hates July 4th and the US Constitution. That’s why he serves his new masters, the white and Jewish Marxists that want to take away our constitutional rights. Only when that happened can he have his revenge for his imagined crimes.
Let’s all celebrate that Western White culture had the moral clarity to end its comparatively brief tenure with slavery. Look at the countries and cultures still practicing slavery:

North Korea
Saudi Arabia

With the exception of Russia (eastern Whites), all of the leading countries and cultures still practicing slavery are non-White. Also, note the African nations still practicing slavery - practiced slavery long before the US did and long after to this day. Finally, one of the earliest slaveowners in America was a wealthy African (Black) from Angola who settled in Virginia and traded for African slaves.

Indeed, a day to celebrate America’s moral clarity.
On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, as 13 colonies separated from Great Britain and established the United States of America. But while the Fourth of July is known to represent equality and freedom, all Americans were not free at the time.

That’s why more and more Americans celebrate Juneteenth.

“Too many Americans think of the Fourth of July as a day marking the triumph of freedom and equality in America, as if everyone enjoys the same liberties and opportunities,” Ethan Kytle, professor of history at California State University Fresno, told Yahoo News.

The slavery of Black people would continue for almost a century after the Revolutionary War. Women were denied basic rights.

“White male Americans became free — only white males,” said Chad Dion Lassiter, a national expert on race relations and executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

This is true. Not everybody was free on July 4th, 1776. Besides none of the so-called "non racist, colorblind" right wing should not be oppos to a day celebrating the end of slavery.

I don't get all teary eyed on July 4th either if that makes you feel better. My only problem with Juneteenth is that is a stupid ebonics name. Call it Freedom Day or something else. Associating blacks with something as illiterate sounding as "Juneteenth" takes away gravity from the occasion. It would be the same as renaming all the roads named after Dr. King "Martin Luther King, Jr. Skreet"

Why Juneteenth represents freedom better than July 4 for many Americans​

Someone writes the stupid shit and you swallow it. 90 years after the inception of this country, they succeeded in formally abolishing slavery which they tried in 1775 but some states just weren't on board with it yet to get the Declaration signed. So there haven't been any slaves for a long, long, LONG time not to be served by the 4th of July! But it serves YOU, dumbass and every other descendant of once enslaved people as you wouldn't even be here without now that Independence Day!

Worse, what "juneteenth" supposedly celebrates actually happened late September! So juneteenth is just a made up phony holiday to make all you idiots SHUT THE HELL UP after 2020, BLM, and wrecking half the country because some thug fought arrest until he died trying to pass off phony money so he could beat up more women high.

But since you are "freer" now, I'm sure all you people will be happier now and go out and get jobs or something? No, instead, this "holiday" will just be used now as a lever to pry GREATER division, social unrest and MORE racial violence stoked up into the country.

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