Justice Sam Alito Busted For Flying Flag Upside Down In Solidarity With MAGA After Biden Win In 2020. Blames It On His Wife

Judges and their households are permitted to vote and have a reaction to an outcome
Pearl clutch and couch faint hooey.
A judges family is being attacked and some hysterical puss wad needs to issue a gag order.
We are living through, perhaps the most corrupt, version of the SCOTUS.

They are highly partisan, highly radical, and highly activist.

And they DGAF about it.

The far rightwing organization The Heritage Foundation really got their money's worth.

They need to be brought to heel!

"Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot."

Legal and political experts, not to mention many ordinary Americans, are expressing great concern, with some even calling for Alito's ouster, and some even using the word "impeachment."

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), responding to the news, blasted both Justices Alito and Clarence Thomas.

"A judge is supposed to act in a way that enables all parties and lawyers appearing before the Court to believe they will be treated fairly," Sen. Kaine wrote. "Alito and Thomas have brazenly destroyed this bedrock principle."

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history and a scholar of authoritarians and fascism, also pointed to both for Alito and Thomas, and called for their ouster.

"Clean up the Court," she urged. "Thomas and Alito must go. They are far-right activists masquerading as impartial justices, that is why so many anti-democratic forces (Federalist, billionaires) have invested in them."

Political scientist Norman Ornstein, the highly-respected emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a contributing editor for The Atlantic, responded to the Alito scandal.

"Sam Alito is a partisan insurrectionist. He has no business being on the Supreme Court," he wrote Thursday night.

It is time for a House member to introduce an impeachment resolution against Sam Alito," Ornstein added an hour later. "He has openly and blatantly violated every standard we expect for any judge, not to mention the Supreme Court. And time for Dick Durbin to suck it up and hold hearings on this abuse of power," he said, referring to the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Richard Painter, a professor of law and a former chief White House ethics lawyer, cut to the chase, posting the U.S. Code requiring recusal:

" 'Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.'

28 USC Section 455"

"Justice Alito should be impeached and removed!!" declared SiriusXM host and attorney Dean Obeidallah. "If a liberal justice flew a flag in support of coup attempt waged by a Democratic President, the House GOP would immediately impeach him! We need Senate Dems to hold hearings!"

Veteran journalist John Harwood, responding to the Alito article, remarked, "bitter fanatic on the court."
And the first time a Republican appointed judge's wife states that her husband forbids her to express political opinions publicly that are contrary to his, you will be first in line with the stone in your hand.
In that case…..The Judge needs to be clear that his wife’s views are not his own

He didnt do that
Look libtards... justices like it or not are human beings and American citizens... they can vote and they enjoy free speech just like the rest of us.....
And... they are appointed by the president...
Elections have consequences....
In that case…..The Judge needs to be clear that his wife’s views are not his own

He didnt do that
Irrelevant, he's not going to state his political views. Republican appointed Justices don't do that, because they are independent jurists, unlike democrat appointed partisans. No, you first insist Republican appointed Justices are supposed to squash their wives' political expression, then claim he's supposed to state his own opinions when she contradicts his. You really don't have a leg to stand on in this one.
We are living through, perhaps the most corrupt, version of the SCOTUS.

They are highly partisan, highly radical, and highly activist.

And they DGAF about it.

The far rightwing organization The Heritage Foundation really got their money's worth.

They need to be brought to heel!

Round up your posse of wannabes with rakes and pitchforks
Irrelevant, he's not going to state his political views. Republican appointed Justices don't do that, because they are independent jurists, unlike democrat appointed partisans. No, you first insist Republican appointed Justices are supposed to squash their wives' political expression, then claim he's supposed to state his own opinions when she contradicts his. You really don't have a leg to stand on in this one.
Based on Alitos flag, it is clear he displays his political partisanship
This just another attempt by democrats to change the number of conservative votes on any specific case. when it doesn't work, they make up another excuse for the next case.
My husband is not a supreme court justice.

All the recusal reasons include the judge's wife/ husband and children who may live with them....?

the purpose... is for the judge's appearance of neutrality.

Besides Alito and Thomas, has there ever been a judge's wife that has shown their involvement in political discourse on issues that their husbands were likely to have brought before them while sitting on the court?

I did a quick research on it and found none, in our history....
Did Ginsburg ever recuse herself from an abortion case after making her views on the subject well known? I think we agree she did not, yet here the usual suspects are waxing indignant that the spouse of a Justice expressed a political opinion.
Good to see Conservatives finally admitting that the judges they appoint are partisan
Going by the plain wording of the Constitution instead of making up penumbras and emanations to get the desired result is partisan? Who woulda ever thought that?

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