Zone1 Why Kamala Harris is an important case to discuss for the Reparations debate.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks
How many black slaves does she currently own?
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks
And she also has already profited GREATLY thanks to her skin color. She would never have been a senator or the VP if she were white.
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks

If it winds up in a Court for Reparations, in 2048, then I think they might have us Caucasoids stumped and trapped on this part, Mr. Marathon.

It appears that historical facts might show that many of the Kamala-family type of Blacks were operating under a different guise of law and reality, than our Caucasoid ancestors who owned them as Slaves. Many Blacks who gained freedom and wealth [like Kamala's family] would go back and buy their relatives from White slave owners. Then take those relatives and family back, to their plantation, to live freely as only ostensible slaves. This happened in the Louisiana area often too, according to some critics I encountered online with this topic a few years back.

I think you and I both know, that our Caucasoid ancestors way back then, were not treating Black slaves that way on our [Liberal-Democrat] plantations.
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If it winds up in a Court for Reparations, in 2048, then I think they might have us Caucasoids stumped and trapped on this part, Mr. Marathon.

It appears that historical facts might show that many of the Kamala-family type of Blacks were operating under a different guise of law and reality, than our Caucasoid ancestors who owned them as Slaves. Many Blacks who gained freedom and wealth [like Kamala's family] would go back and buy their relatives from White slave owners. Then take those relatives and family back, to their plantation, to live freely as only ostensible slaves. This happened in the Louisiana area often too, according to some critics I encountered online with this topic a few years back.

I think you and I both know, that our Caucasoid ancestors way back then, were not treating Black slaves that way on our [Liberal-Democrat] plantations.
There were certainly many variations to the slavery theme, especially in other countries. The slaves on Jamaican Sugar Plantations would have switched places with American slaves in a heart beat. Be that as it may, Kamala's lineage and history is a perfect use case for why Reparations is not only absurd on it's face, it would be impossible to administer all the special situations.
There were certainly many variations to the slavery theme

True indeed. I was focused on the aspect that I don't think we could defeat Reparationists in any court no matter the country. That is why I stuck to a universal aspect, a comprehensive theme of it, an element of it which is applicable in all cases no matter the society.
For example... I think every where on Earth, it would be viewed differently when regarding this circumstance or similar:

Black slaver owner = owned Black Slaves because once he became free, acquired small wealth, he then used it to go back and buy his enslaved relatives from White Slave owners. Then bring them back to his Estate to live Peacefully and freely on the land.
White slave owner = owned Black Slaves because he wanted to profit.
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks
She also already benefitted from her skin color. She NEVER would have been picked as VP if she were white. So, she’s been “reparated” enough.
She also already benefitted from her skin color. She NEVER would have been picked as VP if she were white. So, she’s been “reparated” enough.
Logically that is very true. But the entire reparations discussion is illogical and from what I have read there are no exceptions for Black people who are wealthy.
Logically that is very true. But the entire reparations discussion is illogical and from what I have read there are no exceptions for Black people who are wealthy.
Two-thirds of blacks admitted to medical school got in by virtue of their race, while whites with better metrics were rejected. These beneficiaries go on to medical careers earning large incomes. Why should they, as just one example, get reparations a second time?
There were certainly many variations to the slavery theme, especially in other countries. The slaves on Jamaican Sugar Plantations would have switched places with American slaves in a heart beat. Be that as it may, Kamala's lineage and history is a perfect use case for why Reparations is not only absurd on it's face, it would be impossible to administer all the special situations.

The bottom line is the injustice of punishing a white (or whatever color) person today for what somebody did to a black person more than 150 years ago. How about the many many millions of white people (or whatever color) who descended from those who risked and or gave their blood and treasure to free those slaves? Even if you throw in the Jim Crow laws, it has been 60 years since those were outlawed and there are very few people still living who supported them or who suffered any significant damages because of those laws.

How disadvantaged are wealthy black business owners, athletes, entertainers, politicians etc.? How can they claim damages from slavery and be entitled to reparations?

And all the many millions of people who immigrated to the United States long after slavery was abolished here. Why should they be assessed for damages to descendants generations removed from slavery? Or if they are black, how is it they are entitled to reparations?

For sure. Walter Williams, himself descended from slaves, from time to time used his syndicated column to illustrate all the reasons there is absolutely no way to administer reparations in a way that would be fair to anybody. He outlined a lot of them here:

And Thomas Sowell, also a descendant of slaves, utilizes rational common sense to illustrate the self-serving politics that pushes the reparations 'fraud':
Apparently black suffer from poverty today because their grandparents weren't allowed to drink from White people's water fountains.
Ok let's say Reparations is signed into law and every Black American citizen gets a share of the payout. Would Kamala Harris receive a share of the money? Let's briefly go over some facts and to help clarify her case:

1. Kamala Harris is indeed a "Black American" citizen of the US.
2.Kamala Harris' lineage does NOT in anyway trace back to American black slavery.
3. She is descended from JAMAICAN plantation owners who owned many Black slaves.
4. She is extremely wealthy and powerful, so would that affect her share or not?

Obviously, Kamala Harris opens up the proverbial can of worms on the entire Reparations narrative. Can any of the boards Reparation experts comment on Kamala Harris' situation as it pertains to her being eligible for Reparations payout? Thanks
How then do you “ determine “ who gets reparations and who doesn’t? Hypothetically say we found out that JG ‘s family were once slaves Should. HE get reparations? Don’t think so !

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