Why Liberals Want To Ban The AR-15

No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

I love when people who have never shot a gun think they are an expert.
Bunch of gun toting pantywaists, never been in a real hand to hand war in their lives.
As the euros say, "all the Americans need is the crap bombed out of them for 2 years straight"
The AR-15 was originally designed as the Armalite AR-15 (aka the M-16):

ArmaLite AR-15 - Wikipedia

This was designed as a military weapon with devastating firepower - far greater than any reasonable civilian weapon.

"had to penetrate a standard U.S. M1 helmet at 500 yards (460 meters) and retain a velocity in excess of the speed of sound, while matching or exceeding the wounding ability of the .30 Carbine cartridge"

That doesn't sound like a defensive weapon or a hunting rifle now does it?
No, it doesn’t.

But whatever its original intent doesn’t justify banning AR 15s.

That a law might be Constitutional doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good law or its enactment is warranted.

The Ar-15 was not designed for civilian use - there is no reasonable justification for civilians to have one.

In the words of Justice Scalia:

" “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited…”. It is “…not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”"

The AR-15 falls under the category of "any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose"

The Supreme Court has made no such ruling; the High Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of AWBs, it has made no determination as to whether an AR 15 is ‘in common use,’ where its possession is entitled to Constitutional protections, or ‘dangerous and unusual,’ whose possession is outside of the scope of the Second Amendment.

Moreover, citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so; citizens have the right to possess firearms – including AR 15s – without having to justify or legitimize owning such a weapon where they are lawfully allowed to do so.

That’s the mistake conservatives make: they come up with ridiculous reasons in an attempt to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 – when no such ‘justification’ is needed.
You do realize percentage wise people using ARs in violent crime is almost nonexistent?
***\\\This Is My Opinion///***

I believe Liberals want to ban the AR-15 for two reasons...

1. The AR-15 is scary looking, it's that simple. The AR-15 is scary looking and it's easy to get people to think the AR-15 is bad because of the way it looks.

2. Here's the main reason why Liberals want to ban the AR-15. If Liberals are successful, they can then point to other guns as more powerful and say "We banned the AR-15 so we should ban all of these other weapons because they are more powerful and accurate."

That's why the big push to ban the AR-15.

And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Except for this little ranch rifle.

The Mini14's barrel heats up lots faster than the AR15, and it isn't nearly as dependable under extended use. That's mostly due to the metal used in the barrel. Later models are some better, but still don't compare with te AR. AR sights don't suck like on the mini.



You just make shit up with no regard for facts or reality.

No, the barrel doesn't "heat up faster."

The AR is lighter due to a composite stock and has a pistol grip. Those are really the only functional differences.

You leave out the fact that it reloads blindingly fast in comparison to the Mini-14 when under duress by a non combat trained person. The very reason it's the primary gun used by MOST Militaries around the world today.
ARs are sporting rifles nothing more nothing less... fact
And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Sure...but let's say your wet dream came true and ALL AR15's were gone.

Mass shootings would still occur......with other types of guns.....so then, on the heels of succeeding on taking away AR15's that exact same strategy would then be used to remove the NEXT "most dangerous gun"....and the next....and the next....until finally all we had to defend our homes with was a phone and a prayer.

Why don't we instead focus our energy on THE REAL PROBLEM....mental health issues?

Taking away Constitutional Rights does not solve the REAL problem.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The regulation of AR 15s has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘take away’ anyone’s Constitutional rights is a lie.

The courts have consistently upheld as Constitutional AWBs.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled as to the constitutionality of AWBs.

AWBs are unwarranted not because they ‘violate’ anyone’s rights, they’re unwarranted because they’re bad law and bad public policy.

Wrong...the courts have ignored the Supreme Court 2nd Amendment rulings over and over again.

Heller specifically states that all bearable arms are protected and Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in that ruling, stated in Friedman v Highland Park, that the AR-15 by name and all such weapons are protected by the 2nd Amendment...

Alito, writing the opinion in Caetano v Massachusetts also dismissed any use of the dangerous and unusual argument against these rifles..........and affirmed their protection under Heller, and Miller...
You are wrong, and don't know what you are talking about...
Especially Miller has upheld that AR's and any military firearms are protected weapons.
Wrong – this is a lie.

Miller made no such holding, nor did Heller.

Again, nothing but lies from the right.
A quick story...I broke my foot so my daughter is here taking care of me...she just read your post and asked me if I laugh inside when people I could buy many times over claim I lack intelligence...I laughed and told her not at all.

Dude, your daughter has been told her whole life that she is inferior to you just because you are man, of course she thinks you are intelligent, she is really no different than a cult member.

There you go again with your own fabricated bullshit....She has however been taught that a husband and father is the leader of his household. God gave man testicles for reasons beyond procreation. You new-era LefTarded types wouldn’t understand as you prefer your wife hold your nuts for you.
please continue to enlighten us towards Gods light. Why exactly did god give us testicles again? You are off your rocker!

Don't you know, having testicles makes us superior to women. They are stupid and cannot think for themselves, they need their men telling them what to do.
Oh yeah... I guess the hairier the better too right?

I wonder if eating bull testicles helps make even more manlier and dominant.
I'm neither I am a well-armed law-abiding citizen not willing to allow my rights to be taken away.

Sounds like your a paranoid nut case.

So according to your earlier post, you should not be qualified to own a gun.

Of course your earlier post was inaccurate. Colombia vs. Heller is the law of the land.
Talk about a spoiled brat
Here you go one more time
The Supreme Court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
In your opinion – not as a fact of Constitutional law.

And yet again: the Supreme Court has not ruled as to the status of AR 15s: ‘in common use’ or ‘dangerous and unusual.’

The lower courts have consistently held the latter.

Until such time as the Supreme Court makes that determination, prohibitions of AR 15s are perfectly lawful and consistent with the Second Amendment.
The courts will never rule the ARs are any different than any other semi automatic rifle... Trump is loading up the courts with conservative judges
A quick story...I broke my foot so my daughter is here taking care of me...she just read your post and asked me if I laugh inside when people I could buy many times over claim I lack intelligence...I laughed and told her not at all.

Dude, your daughter has been told her whole life that she is inferior to you just because you are man, of course she thinks you are intelligent, she is really no different than a cult member.

There you go again with your own fabricated bullshit....She has however been taught that a husband and father is the leader of his household. God gave man testicles for reasons beyond procreation. You new-era LefTarded types wouldn’t understand as you prefer your wife hold your nuts for you.
please continue to enlighten us towards Gods light. Why exactly did god give us testicles again? You are off your rocker!

Again, you wouldn’t understand...I’m certain you surrendered your balls years ago. You are way to soft, fragile and FEELZ based to possess a scrotum.
wow, you got me there. Good one
No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

I love when people who have never shot a gun think they are an expert.
Bunch of gun toting pantywaists, never been in a real hand to hand war in their lives.
As the euros say, "all the Americans need is the crap bombed out of them for 2 years straight"
And yet Europe totally depends on the US to be it’s policeman so shut the fuck up you spineless motherfucker
Since Obama and Holder and the dumb dems started talking about gun control the number of guns bought has quadrupled....
A quick story...I broke my foot so my daughter is here taking care of me...she just read your post and asked me if I laugh inside when people I could buy many times over claim I lack intelligence...I laughed and told her not at all.

Dude, your daughter has been told her whole life that she is inferior to you just because you are man, of course she thinks you are intelligent, she is really no different than a cult member.

There you go again with your own fabricated bullshit....She has however been taught that a husband and father is the leader of his household. God gave man testicles for reasons beyond procreation. You new-era LefTarded types wouldn’t understand as you prefer your wife hold your nuts for you.
please continue to enlighten us towards Gods light. Why exactly did god give us testicles again? You are off your rocker!

Don't you know, having testicles makes us superior to women. They are stupid and cannot think for themselves, they need their men telling them what to do.
Oh yeah... I guess the hairier the better too right?

I wonder if eating bull testicles helps make even more manlier and dominant.

I have no doubt that BL has had more than a few pairs of balls in his mouth. The most anti-gay people almost always turn out to be closet gays.
so libs want to ban an AR-15

can the gun nuts here tell me why anyone would need one?


With the exposure of DNC hack Eric Ciaramella as the fraudulent "whistleblower" the latest attempt at the coup to undo the 2016 election has failed. Pelosi will shut it down. The desperation of democrats to undo the election and protect the embezzlement of foreign aid payments by the well connected is at a fevered pitch.Every trick the democrats have tried has failed.

One last ditch effort by the democrats, assassinate president Trump. WE ALL know you're going to try it. IF you succeed, we ALL need AR-15's to put you traitor fucks down.

Rump is finished. He's either finished today, sometime this year of he might be reelected and still be finished further down the road. In his wake, the Republican Party is finished many times over. I suggest you spend less time defending Rump and more time rebuilding the GOP. If you can't get started soon, your worst fears just might become a reality. I would prefer a strong GOP with Strong Values instead of what we have today.
The GOP establishment of yesterday is as spineless as you are, they were never conservative you fucking moron.
You need to go back to your safe space
The AR-15 was originally designed as the Armalite AR-15 (aka the M-16):

ArmaLite AR-15 - Wikipedia

This was designed as a military weapon with devastating firepower - far greater than any reasonable civilian weapon.

"had to penetrate a standard U.S. M1 helmet at 500 yards (460 meters) and retain a velocity in excess of the speed of sound, while matching or exceeding the wounding ability of the .30 Carbine cartridge"

That doesn't sound like a defensive weapon or a hunting rifle now does it?

The actual AR-15 has never been used by the military has never been used in war...it is no different than any other semi-automatic rifle on the civilian market. You guys keep lying making it easier and easier to see your end game.

The Bolt action deer hunting rifle is a current military weapon.

The pump action, 5 shot, shotgun is a current military weapon.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military.

The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the M16 dumbass!

So technically it's never been used by the military - they use the fully automatic version.

But other than that, it's the same weapon.

Actually, the US Army has purchased a few of them. You'll find them used for some standing guard positions. As for semi versus full, the normal operation of a M-16 in combat is in the single shot setting. The reason the full auto was changed to the 3 shot burst was the conservation of ammo. And in the 3 shot burst, the only shot that will be on target will be usually the first. That means you are going to waste 66% of all you ammo. So they generally use the M-16 in the single shot setting. Meaning, in combat, there ISN"T any difference.
Over the counter ARs are no where near the same as military grade m-16/m-4s... fact
Spineless people like you and Richard need to get over it
so libs want to ban an AR-15

can the gun nuts here tell me why anyone would need one?


With the exposure of DNC hack Eric Ciaramella as the fraudulent "whistleblower" the latest attempt at the coup to undo the 2016 election has failed. Pelosi will shut it down. The desperation of democrats to undo the election and protect the embezzlement of foreign aid payments by the well connected is at a fevered pitch.Every trick the democrats have tried has failed.

One last ditch effort by the democrats, assassinate president Trump. WE ALL know you're going to try it. IF you succeed, we ALL need AR-15's to put you traitor fucks down.

Rump is finished. He's either finished today, sometime this year of he might be reelected and still be finished further down the road. In his wake, the Republican Party is finished many times over. I suggest you spend less time defending Rump and more time rebuilding the GOP. If you can't get started soon, your worst fears just might become a reality. I would prefer a strong GOP with Strong Values instead of what we have today.
The GOP establishment of yesterday is as spineless as you are, they were never conservative you fucking moron.
You need to go back to your safe space

always a pleasure reading such a patriot here....:boohoo:~S~

Moreover, citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so; citizens have the right to possess firearms – including AR 15s – without having to justify or legitimize owning such a weapon where they are lawfully allowed to do so.

no one needs to Clay

i'm asking , not demanding...

No one needs to justify to government why he wishes to exercise a fundamental right; indeed, the burden falls on government to justify why it seeks to place limits and restrictions on citizens’ rights.

The fact is there is no ‘need’ to own an AR 15, where the absence of a need doesn’t justify prohibiting possessing AR 15s.

Otherwise, there are three general aspects to AR 15s that make them desirable to own.

First, they’re modular – there are at least a half-dozen upper receiver chamberings for the AR platform; meaning that you can use one mil-spec AR 15 complete lower to accommodate those complete uppers.

And because the complete lower alone is considered to be the firearm, one can have complete uppers delivered directly to his front door – no background checks or transfer fees required.

A complete upper chambered in .300 BLK, for example, can use the same BCG and magazine as the 5.56 mm upper.

That AR 15s are modular also means that there is an endless supply of accessories available – which is why the AR is often referred to as ‘Barbie for men.’

Second, AR 15s are a very accurate semi-automatic rifle/carbine; serious target shooters will invariably own at least one AR to take to the range.

Last, they’re reliable – which wasn’t always the case.

However trite, it was nonetheless true: the AR platform was decades ahead of its time, and as such it often suffered from functionally issues.

That’s changed over the last ten years or so with advancements in computer design and manufacturing along with the availability of advanced materials.
First of all as an overview you are as fucking stupid as a box of rocks that being said...
Personal firearm ownership is the business of the individual and no one else’s… And certainly none of the federal government’s business
Hate to break it to you but if they get the chance to ban AR's no firearm will be safe from the next ban.

In some areas, the AR is already banned. Or it's highly regulated. Where is your doomsday prediction? The Courts have already nixed what you are claiming that the future holds.
Yes in some areas it is it's shouldn't be but I can't help that because I am not a sheep that lives in those areas.

And the last Judge to make the ruling in favor of banning the AR for a specific area (Boston) agrees with you. She said that if you didn't like the law there, move to an area better to your liking.
The supreme court will be hearing a couple of cases that will be killing these gun bans. within the next couple of years.

Perhaps not.

But until that happens it remains a fact of Constitutional law that the current regulation of AR 15s in no manner violates the Second Amendment or infringes on the right of the people to possess firearms.

One would think that a ‘conservative’ Supreme Court should rule consistent with “states’ rights” dogma, and allow the bans enacted by the states to stand.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right.
The supreme court will be hearing the case involving New York even though New York killed the law they created the supreme court said it didn't matter they will hear it.
No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

I love when people who have never shot a gun think they are an expert.
Bunch of gun toting pantywaists, never been in a real hand to hand war in their lives.
As the euros say, "all the Americans need is the crap bombed out of them for 2 years straight"

Good people living among savage wetbacks must protect themselves. Why does that suck?
No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

I love when people who have never shot a gun think they are an expert.
Bunch of gun toting pantywaists, never been in a real hand to hand war in their lives.
As the euros say, "all the Americans need is the crap bombed out of them for 2 years straight"

Good people living among savage wetbacks must protect themselves. Why does that suck?
at least you got God on your side BL. What else do you need?!

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