Why LIVs Love Obama


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Richard Butrick
March 18, 2013

LIVs love Pop Media. Pop Media loves Obama. Ergo, LIVs love Obama. It is that simple. So sayeth Clayton Cramer in an article in PJ Media. According to Clayton, low information voters (LIVs) don't know if the national debt is 16B or 16T, they think Benghazi is a strip joint on K street and "they know that gay marriage is a good thing because all their favorite actors and musicians think it is so cool!"

The better-informed LIVs read Us or People. Most of an LIV's knowledge of economics, politics, and history comes from watching movies, television shows, The Daily Show, and stuff that one of his leftist friends posts on Facebook. You know why President Obama won the election? He was doing local radio shows and The View. He was being promoted by rap musicians and actors.

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