Why many Americans hate Russia?


Gold Member
Russia is not less liberal and democratic then Israel or let alone Saudi Arabia. Who are good allies of the USA. I dont think Russia wants to conquer the world. The cold war is over. Yet still many americans see Russia as enemy, and especially the elites and the ones who make american politics. I dont know about the average joe or population.
I'll try to answer OP's question the way I see the current situation in USA.

1. Judging from this forum the vast majority of Americans "know" about Russia from their lying Media which belongs to Elites/Establishment who see Russia standing in their way to install their "Open Borders" all over the world

2. Today, the major outlets are almost all owned by six conglomerates. They can easily hide the truth or spread all kinds of lies simultaneously. And that's basically what we have been witnessing lately.

The 6 Companies That Own (almost) All Media [Infographic] | WebFX

3. The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN
the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Also very important:
Washington Post:
4. The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies. As Robert Hunter, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO, recently observed: “Allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election campaign become a tool to limit, if not cripple, President Trump’s attempts to change the downward course of U.S. and Western relations with Russia.”

Tamir Halperin (Poland): “They [ Dems] are using “Russia the monster” as a tool to attract as much compassion as possible. They simply need an artificial enemy to get more support inside their system.”

And due to all above:
Any person calling for a better relationship between the US and Russia nowadays risks being branded an agent of the Kremlin, Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation magazine said.
Those in US who call for detente with Russia are branded Putin’s puppets – The Nation’s chief-editor

'MSM wants us to cast Russia as an enemy & it's wrong' – Ron Paul to RT
Is Russia your main enemy? I don't think so.

You are so wrong. Putin is still kgb.

The guys like you can only repeat "Putin is KGB" no better than parrots. That is just showing your ignorance: yes, Putin WAS a KGB employee (in his 30-s) but it was during Soviet Union times. Soviet Union (and KGB) stopped its existence in 1991, 28 years ago. Putin is now 66 y.o., he has got a lot more experience and has done a lot of things which make the people in Russia and abroad respect him.

Dear Americans, before writing about Putin, bother yourself to learn at least something about him. Surprise me.
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I despise communists of any shape or form, but I don't hate Russia. How can anyone hate a country that came up with something as awesome as the AK-47 and the Mosin-Nagant? I own one of each of them, thanks to my wonderful U.S. constitution.


Wouldn't care to live there though. Too cold and too much "gangster culture".
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

I'm a "nationalist" and have no respect for either Hitler or Stalin. They both had millions of people murdered.
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

I'm a "nationalist" and have no respect for either Hitler or Stalin. They both had millions of people murdered.

I see but many nationalists think of Hitler as great man though.
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

I'm a "nationalist" and have no respect for either Hitler or Stalin. They both had millions of people murdered.

I see but many nationalists think of Hitler as great man though.

That's a line of BS the leftist news media pushes. No American nationalist I know of thinks Hitler was such a great guy. Most of us support Israel, while it's the leftists and liberals who are anti-semitic.
Dont worry

Republicans still love Russia

Actually I'm kinda disappointed in them. They neglected to return those 30,000 of Hillary's missing emails. The news media sure wanted to see what was in them.
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

I'm a "nationalist" and have no respect for either Hitler or Stalin. They both had millions of people murdered.

I see but many nationalists think of Hitler as great man though.
You are confusing Americans who believe in American exceptionalism with the much smaller subset who are also Racist Extremists. They all fall under the umbrella of "Nationalists" like myself, but only a small number are neo-Nazi extremists.
This question goes out specifically to nationalists not liberals though

Why is Stalin worse then Hitler? Why so many nationalists have high respect for Hitler but dislike Stalin. The eastern communists werent solely cultural-marxists as the eqvivalent in the west nowadays. They didnt had LGBTQ propaganda and thousand gender identities. They didnt had mass immigration and they were nationalist, maybe not racialist but they were patriotic think of the military parades and leader worship also that the people rule "rule of the people" and own the means of production. Well the eastern block had more then only Whites, but thats because Russia is partly in asia and there always have been asians and such there but they didnt imported masses of migrants. They had border controll and protection. Similar as Chinas economy isnt solely marxist and the chinese are also nationalist. As foreigner you cant get chinese citizenship or very hard not even if you are Born there, only in very rare cases and yet it is a communist country. The communists were internationalists as oppossed to nationalists but their nationalism was based on solidarity of the people across the globe and to install socialist governments in eatch country and cooperation not on free for all open borders. I rather blame the neo-liberals for the free for all open borders, and the capital and huge corporations. The communists also put high value on work and progress. The only thing I blame them for is their anti-Religion stance and anti-culture stance that they destroyed cultural heritage like in China and Russia. Well it was because they believed in progressivism of technology and society. But the nazis did similar and hold similar beliefs, the nazis were also revolutionaries not reactionaries yet the nationalists respect them and like them. Any opinions?

I'm a "nationalist" and have no respect for either Hitler or Stalin. They both had millions of people murdered.

I see but many nationalists think of Hitler as great man though.
You are confusing Americans who believe in American exceptionalism with the much smaller subset who are also Racist Extremists. They all fall under the umbrella of "Nationalists" like myself, but only a small number are neo-Nazi extremists.

Thats true. But many White Nationalists are anti-semitic and they believe that jews work to subvert america, europe and gentiles.
Russia is not less liberal and democratic then Israel or let alone Saudi Arabia. Who are good allies of the USA. I dont think Russia wants to conquer the world. The cold war is over. Yet still many americans see Russia as enemy, and especially the elites and the ones who make american politics. I dont know about the average joe or population.


Israel is an actual democracy in function.
Saudi Arabia is a dictatorship in function.
Russia is very similar to Saudi Arabia.

The reason we support Israel, is because it is moral, and because it is a western style democracy, and because they respect human rights.

The reason we support Saudi Arabia, is because they are friendly to the US, and they have a bunch of absolute crazy people in their own country, and in surrounding countries, that the Saudis are a check against. Think of it like what happened with the Shaw of Iran was overthrown. They were overthrown by crazy people, and now Iran is a regional destabilizing force. If you can imagine what would happen if crazy people got control of Saudi Arabia, it would be a nightmare for everyone in the area.

As for Russia.... Generally Russia's internal politics, are not all that important to me. It doesn't bother me that Putin was an ex-soviet officer, or that Russia wants to gain more regional influence.

The issue I have is how they go about doing that. They invaded Georgia.... for what? Because they arrest four clear Russian spies? If you found US spies in Russia, would you not arrest them? And then they expelled Georgia people who had lived and worked in Russia as Russian citizens for decades, over having your spies caught?

And then landing troops in Ukraine? Waging a war without cause or reason? For what?

So this is the problem we're having with Russia. Russia has tons of natural resources, and tons of land. They have so much they could do to build their country up, without randomly killing people without real cause, and stealing land.

Russia needs to do one thing, and relations will start to mend.
Pull out of Ukraine completely. Stop lying about all those rebel groups, and local militias. We all know Russia is supplying the rebels, and that members of their own military, are currently in action in the Ukraine. Pull them all out. All of them. Cut off funding and support for the war effort.
Russia is not less liberal and democratic then Israel or let alone Saudi Arabia. Who are good allies of the USA. I dont think Russia wants to conquer the world. The cold war is over. Yet still many americans see Russia as enemy, and especially the elites and the ones who make american politics. I dont know about the average joe or population.
Perhaps if they returned to a democratic constitutional government and stopped annexing neighbors, Americans would trust them more?

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