Why More Men Are Avoiding Marriage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are a lot of reasons but one of the main one listed in the cited article is there is no longer a matter of a husband who supports a wife who maintains the home and raises the kids. Now, it's supposed to be a matter of love. And, everyone knows that familiarity erases romantic love. If you're a guy and you're just dating, you get your fair share of sex.

So if you’re a man, getting married means LESS SEX and with the same woman, instead of potentially sleeping with multiple women. It also means risking a soul ripping divorce, where the court system will be stacked against you and you may be fleeced by a woman who takes your kids away from you. Oh, and don’t even mention the old, “Getting married? Wow, I’ll be treated like a king” fantasy that men used to now. Today, you’re more likely to be treated to demands that you do half the housework. When you look at that sort of thing, it’s easy to understand why some men are simply opposed to marriage. I am not one of those men, but I will tell you the scales have tipped too far against men in marriage. By that, I mean marriage is much less attractive to men than it used to be. That means less children overall, more children born out of wedlock and a less stable society. Unless something changes that shifts the institution of marriage back onto more favorable ground for men, marriage is likely to continue to dissolve in America. Since marriage is one of the most important building blocks of a successful society, that’s something none of us should want.

Interesting piece @ Why More Men Than Ever View Marriage as a Bad Deal | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

There's no way in hell I'd get married again at my age.

Any woman that wants me better be a flower child who believes in free love and all that stuff.


The no fault divorce, and absolute raping men take in court, have killed marriage for many forward thinking men.
Women are increasingly becoming more educated than men, who become less attractive as life-long mates.

The test-tube baby and a good job means a women can be on her own, if she can control the Romance Gene in her make up.
Glad to say I made it to 57 without falling into the marriage trap. I did however, have a truly bizarre experience in the military. The short and sweet version is my chain of command tried to bully me into getting married to a girl from my hometown. Went on for a few months. And as anyone would do, I refused to marry someone I had no interest in. It got to the point where I was forced to insist if the chain of command really believed I was screwing up so bad, they bring me up on charges. Finally a female O3 hired an attorney. And yelled at our CO in front of others that if he "ever cooperated with her stalker, he would be so fucked...with about 6 congressional inquiries in his lap" So the senior officers shifted into ass covering mode, and had a restraining order served on the girl, her father, and brother. Like I previously said, it was a truly bizarre experience.

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