Why Palin's connection with Alaskan separatists party is troubling

Tell me how I'm wrong about the Obama aspect.

And Republicans already do say all those things about him.
she was NEVER a member of AIP, the state elections board proved it
she didnt "address" their convention, she sent a video tape
her husband was breifly a member by voter registration and attended one convention when it was in his home town(something i might do had one been here**yes, even a dem convetion**)
Here is a group of people who's leader curses our Flag.
The Gov wants god to bless them Preying for terrorists.
What will be next with the McObscene campaign?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwvPNXYrIyI]YouTube - Sarah Palin and the Alaska Independence Party. Palin addresses AIP convention[/ame]

One good smear deserves another.:cuckoo:
The McCain campaign denies that Palin ever joined the AIP. But while it is in dispute whether she attended its 1994 convention, she did visit the 2000 one and addressed AIP conventions in 2006 and 2008. Her husband, Todd, was a registered AIP member from 1995 to 2002, and the AIP leadership certainly considers her one of their own.

Video footage shows AIP Vice Chairman Dexter Clark describing Palin at the 2007 North American Secessionist Convention as an "AIP member before she got the job as a mayor of a small town -- that was a nonpartisan job. But you get along to go along. She eventually joined the Republican Party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won't go into that." (No need to. The Alaska Legislature's ethics investigators are on the case.) Apparently with Palin in mind, Clark then went on to urge AIP members to "infiltrate" the major parties.

Palin's secession flirtation - Los Angeles Times

This is the kind of news that could make me change my vote to Palin!

Let's scrap this fucker and start over!

for God Sakes we are a society that is addicted to the media,pornography and drugs that is 50% of Americans are guilty of gluttony. Never underestimate the power of stupidity in numbers
yes, I am concerned as President when McCain croaks, not only will she make abortion illegal, but she will also sell Alaska to Russia for cheap.

She won't make abortion illegal. She can't, and she wouldn't try. She would appoint a judge that would overturn Roe v. Wade, which is the right thing to do since it is a completely unconstitutional ruling.

If she doesn't win, expect Todd to tell her to pack her shit up and they are leaving America. Because he does call all her shots. She isn't even the boss. Todd wears the pants, even in the Governors office, he is the boss. A red neck, but the boss none the less.

Link or it didn't happen.
I love how you ellipsed out the part where she called the AIP a welcomed competitor to her views, fucking piece of trash.

She called the AIP a welcomed competitor to her views?

Sounds like a quote to me.

And she said no such thing.
If it could be arranged that we could secede from a nation where you and all your ilk were left behind, I'd support it.
i wouldnt
but, if it were possible to keep morons like him from voting, i MIGHT be able to be convinced to support that ;)

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