Why progressives should surrender their ideology, swallow their pride, and get onboard

Donā€™t fix it huh? So we shouldnā€™t fix our crumbing infrastructure, our wages being way behind on the cost of living, and broken and terrible healthcare system?
How can all those things be broken, when leftists have been in charge of them for decades?
There is no socialism in this nation. Not a trace. Only kookoos think it is actually a threat. Fear rhetoric is bought up by dupes. Thanks to patriot i am going full third party. Two less votes you think I should donate to your side. NEITHER main party deserves my vote.
Benefit how? Unemployment down, wages stagnant. Looks like Putin's plan is working.
Only an idiot progressive could attempt to convince others that low unemployment is somehow a negative thing. If ā€œPutinā€™s Planā€ was to lower unemployment in the U.S., then count me on board for the ā€œPutin Planā€. And ask yourself who would be against if? Oh thatā€™s right, an anti-American tool such as yourself.

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