Why Public Schools Are Failing


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A big part is of course the rotten, corrupt, Marxist unions.

Dumping ever more money into these schools has proven fruitless. But it has been a boon for the unions and their pals in the Democratic Party.

The growth in administrators is so typical of government bureaucracy.

Who cares about the reasons why they are failing.

More to the point, better than 3/4'ers of America's children won't be going to school when they fail!
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Because we as Teachers don't have "The Choice" to throw out all the students that don't give a damn, like Private Schools.

Give us that "Choice" and you will see massive school Improvement.

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School choice laws in at least 10 states.

If you have the money depending on what state you live and have choices what school to send your children. Benefits the rich and higher income families. Tax payer money now is used to prop up these alternative choice schools.

Thus enrollment is going down in regular schools and teaches may opt for the higher paying school.
A big part is of course the rotten, corrupt, Marxist unions.

Dumping ever more money into these schools has proven fruitless. But it has been a boon for the unions and their pals in the Democratic Party.

The growth in administrators is so typical of government bureaucracy.

Now they have the added burden of illegal immigrant kids who will require tutors, special classrooms, more bilingual, multi-lingual teachers, more money for school lunch programs, more more more.
A big part is of course the rotten, corrupt, Marxist unions.

Dumping ever more money into these schools has proven fruitless. But it has been a boon for the unions and their pals in the Democratic Party.

The growth in administrators is so typical of government bureaucracy.

The government is failing so why would their schools be any different?
<snipo> "The growth in administrators is so typical of government bureaucracy."
I agree that something turned a principle and a vice principle into 17 people. I love capitalism and greed. Where would we be without it?

edit: excalibur
A big part is of course the rotten, corrupt, Marxist unions.

Dumping ever more money into these schools has proven fruitless. But it has been a boon for the unions and their pals in the Democratic Party.

The growth in administrators is so typical of government bureaucracy.

Throwing money at things that don't work doesn't make them work. If an education system is failing, then the curriculum is wrong (which is in most countries), and then employ educators as opposed to teachers.
A big part is of course the rotten, corrupt, Marxist unions.
Calling someone or something "Marxist" is like calling someone or something "racist." It is not an attempt to advance a learned discussion on an important issue. It is name calling name calling is the lowest form of discourse.

Those who use the word "Marxist" to condemn someone or something have rarely read much or anything by Karl Marx I have. My reasonably thorough study of the writings of Marx lead me to the conclusion that he had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything.

Also, Marxism has never had much prominence in the United States.

Marxist Leninism can be seen as the third great religion to emerge from Judaism. It is also a dying religion. Hardly anyone takes it seriously any more.
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Because we as Teachers don't have "The Choice" to throw out all the students that don't give a damn, like Private Schools.

Give us that "Choice" and you will see massive school Improvement.

View attachment 962412
We know this. And nothing has gotten better in the last half century or so with all of the increases in resources for the schools. And in some districts the teachers have to struggle with things needed to do their profession.

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