Why Republicans want to privatize the VA.

  • Thread starter Thread starter rdean
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Okay, let's say we give every veteran a fully funded option to purchase an insurance policy on the Obamacare exchanges,

do you 'privatizers' like that idea better? I'm not endorsing that idea, I'm just asking.

So none of you like this idea?

Maybe we should just give vets a taxpayer funded blank check to go to a for profit doctor/hospital where the business can charge them anything they want for any treatment they feel like making some money off?
First republicans get us into a war of choice, get thousands of soldiers blown up looking for roadside bombs in soft side humvees, then cut the funding for the VA medical centers.

Then republicans claim they love the military, wars of choice and everything wrong is a democrats fault.

Pieces of shit are what republicans are. Pieces of shit.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.
That is just about the most retarded comment on the subject I've ever seen.
When it comes to waste, the government has no equal. When it comes to abuse, the government has no equal. When it comes to inefficiency, the government has no equal.

rdean, you are an idiot.
Okay, let's say we give every veteran a fully funded option to purchase an insurance policy on the Obamacare exchanges,

do you 'privatizers' like that idea better? I'm not endorsing that idea, I'm just asking.

So none of you like this idea?

Maybe we should just give vets a taxpayer funded blank check to go to a for profit doctor/hospital where the business can charge them anything they want for any treatment they feel like making some money off?
Way to go.

Answering yourself.

What privatizing does is gives veterans and active-duty the right to pick their doctor, which never was an option before. It reduces long lines at the post medical facilities, which was always a problem when I was active. I was active-duty and had to wait 5 hours for ex-rays during a physical because there was always long lines of dependents waiting with me. Now there are no lines. Now everyone has a choice where they can receive treatment.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.

It doesn't get any dumber than this folks.....single payer puts our healthcare in the hands of government bureaucrats not doctors. Ever heard of "death panels", moron? That's when those faceless gray creatures deem you too expensive to fix and let you rot in your own bedsores.

I thought we already had "death panels" from obamacare ? Lol!

If the cons would join the libs in creating comprehensive healthcare system , we wouldn't really need the VA now would we .

So progress is made, you admit that the dems can't do a damn thing by themselves.
The VA has waiting lists so long that Vets die from lack of care and some kill themselves from the pain they are in.

If you had the slightest bit of humanity in you, you'd think about that before you started vile ops like this.

You don't have to privatize it to make the VA larger and more able to handle the caseloads.
The government fails and when the government fails it doesn't give a fuck b/c it's the government.

you sue the government for fucking you, you get tax money, should they let you win.

Since a private company doesn't want to get sued, especially for fucking over Vets......

why am I explaining? you're a leftist and can't think for yourself

You're not explaining. You're jabbering like a monkey.
What a racist you are.
UPS and FedEx compared to the USPS.....nuff said

Not that I am disagreeing but I see little difference between the three for MY service. Except my little dog really hates the UPS truck. I have no idea why he has the level of hate it is really funny.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.

I'm willing to listen but after what we heard happening at the VA it'll be a hard sell to convince many of us that these costs associated with private healthcare which are held down by market forces are more inefficient than an uncontrolled bloated bureaucracy.

"It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators," to me sounds like a hallow sales pitch.
So you are saying you want administrators and not doctors to make medical decisions for you. Why even bother with a doctor. Sounds like you trust administrators more than doctors anyway.
The VA has waiting lists so long that Vets die from lack of care and some kill themselves from the pain they are in.

If you had the slightest bit of humanity in you, you'd think about that before you started vile ops like this.

It's also not required for vets to use the VA health system.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.

It doesn't get any dumber than this folks.....single payer puts our healthcare in the hands of government bureaucrats not doctors. Ever heard of "death panels", moron? That's when those faceless gray creatures deem you too expensive to fix and let you rot in your own bedsores.

I thought we already had "death panels" from obamacare ? Lol!

If the cons would join the libs in creating comprehensive healthcare system , we wouldn't really need the VA now would we .
you had your chance and you blew it. you gave us aca. I'm surprised a dem brain has enough voltage to power that body.
I'm a constitutional conservative, and a service connected disabled vet who uses the VA, and I'm all for privatizing vet health care. When I call the VA to set up an appointment because I got a letter stating I was supposed to report to have labs done, and I call on May 17th and can't get in until June 29th, that's pure bull shit. So I called my primary care team and spoke with my doctors nurse who had no idea why I had been told I needed labs done, when I'd just been at the VA 2 months prior and had them done then, so they canceled the appointment. And not only that, but the nearest VA clinic to me is 65 miles away, when I have a brand new private clinic less than a mile from me, and a great hospital only 12 miles away, it's stupid for me to drive to the VA for care. It's this kind of FUCKED UP CRAP you run into ALL THE TIME at the VA, and I'm sick of it.

I hope (President) Trump does exactly that, privatizes the fuck otta VA health care. It's a damn disaster while no one gets fired and they give themselves huge hundreds of thousand dollar bonuses while VETERANS DIE from lack of decent care. I hope Trump blows the whole fucking thing up.

Or get your own plan, go to that clinic that's a mile away from you and not use the VA at all.
I'm a constitutional conservative, and a service connected disabled vet who uses the VA, and I'm all for privatizing vet health care. When I call the VA to set up an appointment because I got a letter stating I was supposed to report to have labs done, and I call on May 17th and can't get in until June 29th, that's pure bull shit. So I called my primary care team and spoke with my doctors nurse who had no idea why I had been told I needed labs done, when I'd just been at the VA 2 months prior and had them done then, so they canceled the appointment. It's this kind of FUCKED UP CRAP you run into ALL THE TIME at the VA, and I'm sick of it.

I hope (President) Trump does exactly that, privatizes the fuck otta the VA. It's a damn disaster while no one gets fired and they give themselves huge hundreds of thousand dollar bonuses while VETERANS DIE from lack of decent care. I hope Trump blows the whole fucking thing up.

If we improved obamacare u wouldn't need to go to the va . You could go to regular doc.

The va is a relic .

Just put vets on Medicare and switch funding from VA to Medicare.
Well, yes! You are in error!

The Afghanistan Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) was passed by Congress Sept 14, 2001 and signed by Bush on Sept 18, 2001, enacting Public Law 107-40. The Iraq AUMF was passed by Congress Oct 11, 2002 and signed by Bush Oct 16, 2002, enacting Public Law 107-243.

Clinton had nothing at all to do with either of those two AUMF's...Clinton wasn't even in office at the time.

No, but Willy Jeff surely was responsible for the situation Bush inherited. He had a chance to take bin-Laden from Sudan and declined. He had a chance to rid Iraq of Saddam but instead let him rearm himself with the phony "oil for food" program. Once again the left can't see these events as anything but what they're told to see. So no, I'm not in error, fool...you are.

OR if the problems were inherited, then all of Obama's problems were inherited from Bush & Co. then? And likewise, Clinton's problems were inherited from Bush 41, ad nauseum? Just when does a President start taking responsibility for the issues that arise on their watch? That tired "argument" of talking points, aka propaganda, you used didn't hold water 13-14 years ago and it still doesn't today.

Now you've doubled down on your error! You're all hat and no cattle cowboy!
The VA has waiting lists so long that Vets die from lack of care and some kill themselves from the pain they are in.

If you had the slightest bit of humanity in you, you'd think about that before you started vile ops like this.

You don't have to privatize it to make the VA larger and more able to handle the caseloads.
The government fails and when the government fails it doesn't give a fuck b/c it's the government.

you sue the government for fucking you, you get tax money, should they let you win.

Since a private company doesn't want to get sued, especially for fucking over Vets......

why am I explaining? you're a leftist and can't think for yourself

You're not explaining. You're jabbering like a monkey.
you simply proved my point.

thanks, not that I needed it confirmed.
The VA has waiting lists so long that Vets die from lack of care and some kill themselves from the pain they are in.

If you had the slightest bit of humanity in you, you'd think about that before you started vile ops like this.

It's also not required for vets to use the VA health system.
another idiotic retort.

truly, the evilness that drips from the left never ends.

fuck those Vets they should have gone somewhere else.

should the government have kept their promise to these men and women?

not according to the left, the government is all and the Vets..., well fuck them for making the government look bad.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.

Who is the stupid idiot that fucked up the zip code.
Isn't the big mantra of you teabaggers......self-responsibility.
Oh! Until you can blame someone else when it is you that fuck up.
We got ya.!

UPS and FedEx compared to the USPS.....nuff said

Here's an experiment for you . Go down to fed ex and ask them to mail a letter to Nome, Alaska for 50 cents and see how far u get !

Good job Timmy....hey Timmy, forget to insure the letter or be off on the zip code by a single number and see what your 50 cents got you.
I'm a constitutional conservative, and a service connected disabled vet who uses the VA, and I'm all for privatizing vet health care. When I call the VA to set up an appointment because I got a letter stating I was supposed to report to have labs done, and I call on May 17th and can't get in until June 29th, that's pure bull shit. So I called my primary care team and spoke with my doctors nurse who had no idea why I had been told I needed labs done, when I'd just been at the VA 2 months prior and had them done then, so they canceled the appointment. It's this kind of FUCKED UP CRAP you run into ALL THE TIME at the VA, and I'm sick of it.

I hope (President) Trump does exactly that, privatizes the fuck otta the VA. It's a damn disaster while no one gets fired and they give themselves huge hundreds of thousand dollar bonuses while VETERANS DIE from lack of decent care. I hope Trump blows the whole fucking thing up.

If we improved obamacare u wouldn't need to go to the va . You could go to regular doc.

The va is a relic .

Just put vets on Medicare and switch funding from VA to Medicare.
Nope, doctors are refusing in some cases to take new medicare patients because Uncle Sam always stiffs them.
Private healthcare has to pay investors, administrators and GOP politicians. That money is skimmed off policies. How many policies does it take to pay for a private jet? Anyone?

This is why Democrats want single payer. It puts medicine back in hands of doctors and takes it out of the hands of administrators. Think of the amount of money it takes to pay for a private jet, a boardroom and dividends.

Seems like Democrats want single payer so they can skim the money.

Just an observation.
The VA has waiting lists so long that Vets die from lack of care and some kill themselves from the pain they are in.

If you had the slightest bit of humanity in you, you'd think about that before you started vile ops like this.

It's what he does.... he's a "free-shitter".
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