I'm a constitutional conservative, and a service connected disabled vet who uses the VA, and I'm all for privatizing vet health care. When I call the VA to set up an appointment because I got a letter stating I was supposed to report to have labs done, and I call on May 17th and can't get in until June 29th, that's pure bull shit. So I called my primary care team and spoke with my doctors nurse who had no idea why I had been told I needed labs done, when I'd just been at the VA 2 months prior and had them done then, so they canceled the appointment. And not only that, but the nearest VA clinic to me is 65 miles away, when I have a brand new private clinic less than a mile from me, and a great hospital only 12 miles away, it's stupid for me to drive to the VA for care. It's this kind of FUCKED UP CRAP you run into ALL THE TIME at the VA, and I'm sick of it.
I hope (President) Trump does exactly that, privatizes the fuck otta VA health care. It's a damn disaster while no one gets fired and they give themselves huge hundreds of thousand dollar bonuses while VETERANS DIE from lack of decent care. I hope Trump blows the whole fucking thing up.