Why should anyone believe the GOP cares about anyone in the middle class or poor?

Billy thread, nothing of substance to see here. (Except his emotions)
Nah, as usual, you can’t explain why I am wrong.
You're right, I can't. Your arguments, and I use that term lightly, are nothing more than incoherent emotional psyco babble.
Hmm well we both know that isn’t the reason why you have no argument but go with whatever feels good, gramps. You and your ilk are best at that.
You're just a whiney little bitch who creates endless threads based on your child like emotions.
I have nothing more to say to you
Billy thread, nothing of substance to see here. (Except his emotions)
Nah, as usual, you can’t explain why I am wrong.
You're right, I can't. Your arguments, and I use that term lightly, are nothing more than incoherent emotional psyco babble.
Hmm well we both know that isn’t the reason why you have no argument but go with whatever feels good, gramps. You and your ilk are best at that.
You're just a whiney little bitch who creates endless threads based on your child like emotions.
I have nothing more to say to you
Lol you keep saying that but we both know the truth why you have nothing more to say.
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense
neither does voting democrat.....
Yes it does. Let me give you an example. Obama won in 2008. Why didn’t you stupid poor people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionist republicans? Instead you gave them the house then eventually the senate.

We will never know because Americans are stupid and midterms are the cons secret weapon.

You blame democrats for the destruction of the middle class meanwhile we constantly tell you about gop policies that hurt the middle class and grow the gap between the rich and poor.
bobo go and vote for the people who are dragging this country down....there is a reason these useless jerks have a 25% approval rating...because dumbasses like you keep on voting them in.....my sister in law moved to your state,the stories she has told my wife,why are you guys so backwards?....
Who makes people wealthy?

Who makes companies wealthy?

Banks use their customers money to make loans
and make money off the interest and fees of those loans
Umm, what?
Where’s my share?

You have our browsing habits and other info,
being collected and sold to God knows who...
Excuse me...where’s my share?

You have companies that don’t create jobs here,
but, sell their shit here for way more than it cost to make
WTH...pass the savings on to the consumer

If people were willing to take a stand,
and forgo the things they buy or subscribe to...

A 70% tax on the wealthy
would only give politicians more money to misuse
Why should anyone believe the GOP cares about anyone in the middle class or poor?

Easy....All the evidence has shown that Democrats are consistently the biggest cheapskates when it comes to voluntarily supporting private charity.

When push comes to shove, non-lolberals help with their money, hands, and hearts, while lolberals claim that paying their taxes and spreading bureaucracy is the solution to all social ills.

There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense
neither does voting democrat.....
Yes it does. Let me give you an example. Obama won in 2008. Why didn’t you stupid poor people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionist republicans? Instead you gave them the house then eventually the senate.

We will never know because Americans are stupid and midterms are the cons secret weapon.

You blame democrats for the destruction of the middle class meanwhile we constantly tell you about gop policies that hurt the middle class and grow the gap between the rich and poor.
bobo go and vote for the people who are dragging this country down....there is a reason these useless jerks have a 25% approval rating...because dumbasses like you keep on voting them in.....my sister in law moved to your state,the stories she has told my wife,why are you guys so backwards?....
You keep voting gop because I’m killing it. Are you? Then continue to vote gop.

I’m just guessing you aren’t killing it and when they make cuts to social programs you benefit from so the rich can get more tax cuts, don’t blame the democrats for your woes. You voted for it.
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Being wealthy isn’t the problem. We need wealthy people to make our economy work. The obvious issue is when economic policy benefits them and no one else. May god have mercy on your soul if you still think trickle down economics is actually a thing.

Billy, when will you make the admission to yourself...you lowlife degenerates vote Democrat because the Party Of Filth promises to steal the most from America’s most productive. Simple shit.
What is this “economic policy” you speak of? The only “economic policy” you would/could take advantage of is one which provides you with something for free.
Think about it; nobody educated, ambitious and driven to succeed begs for shit like you do...why do you think that is?
The road map to success has been proven over and over again...it’s so fucking simple for anyone who’s not a whining beggar. Stop with the envy and go get yours bud.
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Tax cuts. Trickle down economics. Anti-abortion. Anti-illegal immigration. Anti-homosexual. People have been voting GOP for much of the same reasons for decades.
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense
neither does voting democrat.....
Yes it does. Let me give you an example. Obama won in 2008. Why didn’t you stupid poor people show up in 2010 and vote out the obstructionist republicans? Instead you gave them the house then eventually the senate.

We will never know because Americans are stupid and midterms are the cons secret weapon.

You blame democrats for the destruction of the middle class meanwhile we constantly tell you about gop policies that hurt the middle class and grow the gap between the rich and poor.
bobo go and vote for the people who are dragging this country down....there is a reason these useless jerks have a 25% approval rating...because dumbasses like you keep on voting them in.....my sister in law moved to your state,the stories she has told my wife,why are you guys so backwards?....
You keep voting gop because I’m killing it. Are you? Then continue to vote gop.

I’m just guessing you aren’t killing it and when they make cuts to social programs you benefit from so the rich can get more tax cuts, don’t blame the democrats for your woes. You voted for it.
unlike you bobo i dont vote for anything gop or dnc...i understand why these failures have such a low approval rating,something you apparently just cant figure out....but keep acting like you do if it makes you feel better...
No saying people who voted for Trump are stupid and got conned is ridiculous it’s right up there with calling them deplorable, irredeemable, and un-American

You don't have to be a Democrat to affirm all of that.

One small problem though....by EVERY single metric, America is better on Trumps watch in all categories that actually matter. Sucks huh?
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Policies that create jobs is a good reason.
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Being wealthy isn’t the problem. We need wealthy people to make our economy work. The obvious issue is when economic policy benefits them and no one else. May god have mercy on your soul if you still think trickle down economics is actually a thing.

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