Why should anyone believe the GOP cares about anyone in the middle class or poor?

Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.
All federal tax money ends up staying in DC dumbass
No it doesn't it goes to red states who pay less than they get.
Urban areas in red states but the vast majority of it stays in DC
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.

Have you noticed that Lefties always seem to have a “I know this one guy” story for everything? You ever notice how they like to pretend the .002% represents the rule and not the exception?
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Nice to know you have no values nor morals beyond what you imagine are the values and morals of others. What if you're wrong? That would mean you have no values nor morals at all. Not a one.

Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.

Have you noticed that Lefties always seem to have a “I know this one guy” story for everything? You ever notice how they like to pretend the .002% represents the rule and not the exception?
What jumps out at me are all the "But Obama" and "But Hillary" responses.

Especially with all the Trump indictments and felonies, with more to come.
Collectively, the Republicans really don't give a $hit about the poor...

Then again, neither do the Democrats, collectively...

In support of this...

One need look no further than dozens of Democrat -controlled Inner City Plantations Ghettos to know the truth of it...
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.

Great, what's your excuse?
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.

If you are Middle Class, you are taking more of your paycheck home. Contrast that with the last guy that told US our healthcare costs would go down $2,500 per year yet it ended up costing more?
There has to be a reason why average Joe republican still votes GOP. I don’t give a shit if they don’t like democrats as the alternative. Voting republican just doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t in the top 5% of earners and why this basic understanding escapes these voters is way beyond me. If you don’t like the democrat, then vote for the independent conservative. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Well, because Democrats have allegedly been fighting for this and that all these years but none of the career polititions in your party have fixed any of the issues they run on.

No legislation protecting abortion, thus abortion a yearly case at the SCOTUS.

Gun control, they promis over and over to fix it, yet all of the times they held majorities they never did.

Racisem? Yeah, according to democrat they have been fighting for equality ever since y’all hung up y’all klan robes, yet here we are in 2019 with racisem STILL an issue?

Far as embarrassing ones self, you retards keep buying the same shit from the same people who have nothing to show for their efforts.
Did you know Obama's Net Worth is hovering around 100 million now?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!

And did you know Nancy Pelosi's 10ft walls around her Democrat Plantation were specifically built to keep average folks out?

Damn those RICH Republicans !!!
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.
You don't give the nationality of your grandfather or his race or if he came here illegally. 1000s came here legally and became wealthy because of it. Matters not. The majority coming here illegally are peasants and you damn well know it. They are here for the free shit. I take it you ancestors didn't come here for the free shit.
The problem is policy that ONLY benefits them and no one else.


So, you really believe that ONLY Republicans in Congress and republicans in general only work to enrich themselves while Democrats are the source of societal charity huh? Congratulations! You've been successfully brainwashed and indoctrinated.

1). You have no clue. None. Total unabashed ignorance.

Wait'll Socialism kicks in in a few more years, you'll be BEGGING for good old Republican capitalism to come back.

You desperately need to spend a few months in Venezuela. The left was able to completely take over there.
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.

Have you noticed that Lefties always seem to have a “I know this one guy” story for everything? You ever notice how they like to pretend the .002% represents the rule and not the exception?
Listen. For the record, I fully agree I want less people in this country not more. But corporations and republicans will eventually tell you that we need these poor immigrants for growth. And the sad fact is no one from Europe Canada or Australia wants to come here.

So the corporatists, even in your party, will take muslims Mexicans and blacks.

When rush and fox change your minds on this I’ll be sure to point out your evolution on the subject.

If immigration is down I’ll give trump credit for it. I don’t want mor3 coming I want less. We are overpopulated
Doesn’t matter how rich a democrat is. They advocate for middle class first policies. Not trickle down.

Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.
You don't give the nationality of your grandfather or his race or if he came here illegally. 1000s came here legally and became wealthy because of it. Matters not. The majority coming here illegally are peasants and you damn well know it. They are here for the free shit. I take it you ancestors didn't come here for the free shit.
One grandfather came illegally, the rest came legally.

Come here for the free shit? If you mean social security and Medicare he died at 62 so he never collected. But my grandmother collected till she was 92.

He owned a restaurant. It’s what Greeks did when they came.

Nothings free. Most come to work. But I do agree a lot of Arab immigrants rape the system for all its worth
Hold on a minute...what policies have Democrats pushed to benefit the middle class? The Democrats have been hell-bent on expanding America’s underclass for years, all they’ve done is bend over backwards for illegals and barely legals.
This underclass they insist on growing has almost no affect on the top 20%....These needy, tax payer dependent bottomfeeders fuck the middle working classers over big time. If you can’t see that you’re blind or stupid.
Just ridiculous. If you cons were honest you would admit that we need more immigrants. We don't have enough people right now. You are making the right arguments if we were still in the 2007 great recession but we are not.

So when your party leaders start increasing legal immigration because of this fact, LONG before blue collar wages go high enough to make a difference in their lives, let me know what you have to say about that.

We are for high paying union jobs. You demonized those jobs till they went overseas. Now they are coming back at $15hr? MAGA. LOL
They are sending us peasants who don't have a 3rd grade education. We don't need that and why should obvious. Why turn our country into a shithole so Democrats can live behind walls in gated communities?
That’s funny. My grandfather came here with a 3rd grade education and his son became a cpa and vp of a Fortune 500 company.

My father came here at 15 and didn’t graduate high school. He has $500k and his son, my brother, is a vp at a Fortune 500.

So yes we do need dumb immigrants because their kids surpass yours.

Have you noticed that Lefties always seem to have a “I know this one guy” story for everything? You ever notice how they like to pretend the .002% represents the rule and not the exception?
What jumps out at me are all the "But Obama" and "But Hillary" responses.

Especially with all the Trump indictments and felonies, with more to come.
All the guys who said lock her up are literally locked up. Lol

Flynn and Michael Cohen both said or tweeted lock her up. How fucking ironic is that?
Collectively, the Republicans really don't give a $hit about the poor...

Then again, neither do the Democrats, collectively...

In support of this...

One need look no further than dozens of Democrat -controlled Inner City Plantations Ghettos to know the truth of it...
If only republican policies would benefit black people. Now that would get them to vote for ya.

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