Why Should I Support John Kasich?

Because you want another bullshit politician to wax eloquently about his "poor" upbringing and do not a fucking thing to roll back liberal policy.

Because he isnt as far right as the corporate puppet without a degree walker, isnt as inexperienced as Carson, and can bring in independents which a tea makes you wee party candidate cant. Thats just a start. I like the guy. I think he can win and do good things. Although I do like trump the more I see of him. The rest? I'm smarter than all of them combined and I would stick it to the uber wealthy.
Naw ... You should vote for Drumpf.

If he's not the candidate, write him in.

And, drop him a line right now to ask him to name $arah Palin as his veep.
Who do you support?

Ted Cruz

Rand Paul

Scott Walker.

In that order. I would be comfortable with Carson, Fiorina, Perry, Jindal, Rubio (kinda) Santorum and if I have to suck it up... Trump.

I will not tolerate another "compromiser".

If we're going to go off the collectivist cliff I say we mash the gas peddle and go with the democrook over the republicrat RINO who will push us over it when we run out of our own money.

You don't have to support Kasich, although he is a good man, and likely would be a good president...but there are several Republican who would likely make good presidents.

I have never seen such a good bunch of candidates. Never have been in a position where I couldn't decide.

I was for Scott Walker for a while because he had the sack to take on Public Employee Unions--a great cancer on our society.

Then I was for Marco Rubio, who sounds like the most personable and well-informed.

Now, I think Carly Fiorina is the most intelligent and the most articulate.

And, there's Trump who at least has the sense to see that everyone in Washington is either a fool or a crook, or birth.

And Kasich may have the best portfolio of experiences...successful experiences...of them all.

Great field.

There are six or seven who will beat Mrs. Clinton.

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