Why Should Private Insurance Pay For Virus Testing??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
America's Health System Will Likely Make the Coronavirus Outbreak Worse

If there isn't a real virus threat (especially anywhere near it is being hyped to be) -- why should your private insurance companies have to pay for a virus test?? Just because of your paranoia? This is like catching a cold, why should these businesses be forced to pay for a useless test just because you bought into the Democrat paranoia??

"More than 140 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the United States so far -- people must actually choose to get tested—a potentially expensive prospect for millions of Americans. While the government will cover the cost of testing for Medicaid and Medicare patients, and for tests administered at federal, state and local public health labs, it’s unclear how much patients will be charged for testing at academic or commercial facilities, or whether those facilities must be in patients’ insurance networks. Just recently, a Miami man received a $3,270.75 bill after going to the hospital feeling sick following a work trip to China."

The guy who had the $3000 bill, he didn't even have the virus, it was just flu -- so he was a moron for even going to get tested -- and his insurance provider should rightfully refuse to cover any of that bill....and why is the government covering the costs in the form of Medicare and Medicaid? How is that fair? That's practically socialism...

"More than 27 million Americans currently do not have health insurance of any kind, and even more are underinsured -- for many Americans, paying down an unexpected bill of that size is almost unthinkable. Nearly 40% of U.S. adults say they wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit card they could easily pay off, according to the Federal Reserve."

You already know people are going to use this made-up crisis to talk about improving healthcare and getting more people healthcare -- but if these people have jobs and are still irresponsible to have enough money to pay the insurance providers what they rightfully deserve, then that is their problem, not ours....as Ron Paul famously said, let them die -- that is the cost of freedom....and it will only improve the country overall if these people too poor to pay did die.....
We have ObamaCare, so those “27 million” can get health insurance if they really wanted. The reality is most are bottom-feeders that would rather buy some stupid 22 inch rims with spinners for their POS car, a big screen TV, or drugs.
Nearly 40% of U.S. adults say they wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit card they could easily pay off, according to the Federal Reserve."

In Canada this number is under $200. In fact, in comparison the U.S saves approx. 7% of your income (on average), while Canada is 1.5%

Guess which nations citizens save the most by far? China. 36%! Second is Switzerland at 18% or so. Another reminder of what battles the future holds if certain systems are allowed to expand their influence.

To answer the original question, I would hope the companies offering this testing consider the circumstances. If the virus can't spread, there are a whole lot of Americans who would benefit.
Nearly 40% of U.S. adults say they wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit card they could easily pay off, according to the Federal Reserve."

In Canada this number is under $200. In fact, in comparison the U.S saves approx. 7% of your income (on average), while Canada is 1.5%

Guess which nations citizens save the most by far? China. 36%! Second is Switzerland at 18% or so. Another reminder of what battles the future holds if certain systems are allowed to expand their influence.

To answer the original question, I would hope the companies offering this testing consider the circumstances. If the virus can't spread, there are a whole lot of Americans who would benefit.
I guess we can all relate at some point in our lives. When we first left home for example but that, for most of us, was in our late teens or early twenties.
It is a painful result of credit driven culture. Why have cash in the bank when you can just borrow it? Insanity.

Fail to plan...plan to fail.
All this money winds up in the hospitals who distribute it to their shareholders ...

Oh you don't own stock? ...

I sense the problem here ...
Hmmmmmmmm Americans need to vote only for those who will open this door for those that want it....

Single payer = 2.6 million jobs -- $317 billion in new business and public revenues -- $100 billion in wages

Three of the country’s top organizations of direct care registered nurses have come together to form a new national nurses’ union that is 150,000 strong advocating for a single-payer national health insurance program.

The new union unifies the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, United American Nurses, and the Massachusetts Nurses Association into a 150,000-member association, making it the largest registered nurses union in US history.

Hear Geri Jenkins, a registered nurse and co-president of the union.

In reality taxes may not need to be increased because the money saved on taxpayer funded single payer insurance will more than offset. Also the budget can be redirected from war spending and corporate subsidies to cover whatever costs surface. Medicare, Medicaid, VA etc etc etc dollars can be moved into Single Payer funding thus reducing the cost further.

At least 150 million in the USA will pay substantially less .No health care coverage will be lost under the single payer insurance coverage.

What will be lost is boat loads of campaign money. There are 8 lobbyists per elected official in this mess. There are tons of misinformation scams being perpetrated in this mess.
Both lobbyists and misinformation scams are being funded with health care dollars.

The industry has been known to blow $1.4 million dollars a day to save their multi trillion tax dollar subsidized guaranteed profit system. This misinformation money was funneled
through the US Chamber of Commerce.

== Misinformation campaigns @ $1.4 million health care dollars a day could fund many families

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