Anti Abortionists Are Criminals And Should Be Dealt With As The Violent Criminals That They Are

Pro-life people are sincere.
Pro-choice people are sincere.

Each side should use legal means to advance their cause.

Thanks to pro-choice people, a lot of potential violent criminals are not being born.
If you really,want to reach Women, stop lying to them when they know better.

YOU are the one lying when you claim the butcher is cutting out "her body."
```6 month old baby aborted.jpg

Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies, but not one woman and not one butcher abortion "doctor." This is an evil and perverse double standard of injustice supported by evil people.
I never made that claim. Try again.
YOU said "stop lying to them. They know better."

They do not know enough "better" to keep from saying "It's my body!" Whether you said it or not, it's a lie and they do NOT "know better." Try to follow. I know, it's hard when you have nothing but lies to parrot.
YOU said "stop lying to them. They know better."

They do not know enough "better" to keep from saying "It's my body!" Whether you said it or not, it's a lie and they do NOT "know better." Try to follow. I know, it's hard when you have nothing but lies to parrot.
Stop lying to women. Women have had abortions. They know they aren't depressed. Most are relieved. Painting dire portraits of women paralyzed by the depression of abortion isn't happening. Women have very silly reasons for abortion. Sometimes VERY silly. They have a vacation scheduled. They decided to get a divorce instead. They don't want to be pregnant during finals week. They just lost a lot of weight and don't want to ruin the figure they worked so hard to get. I knew an attorney, who badgered his wife for an early caesarian at 8 months because the birth conflicted with his trial calendar. So don't press your platitudes on me. For everyone that says I'm pro abortion there are two that swear I'm pro life. What I am is a a realist and if you're trying to scare women out of having an abortion, find something besides lying because THEY DO KNOW BETTER.
Stop lying to women. Women have had abortions. They know they aren't depressed. Most are relieved. Painting dire portraits of women paralyzed by the depression of abortion isn't happening. Women have very silly reasons for abortion. Sometimes VERY silly. They have a vacation scheduled. They decided to get a divorce instead. They don't want to be pregnant during finals week. They just lost a lot of weight and don't want to ruin the figure they worked so hard to get. I knew an attorney, who badgered his wife for an early caesarian at 8 months because the birth conflicted with his trial calendar. So don't press your platitudes on me. For everyone that says I'm pro abortion there are two that swear I'm pro life. What I am is a a realist and if you're trying to scare women out of having an abortion, find something besides lying because THEY DO KNOW BETTER.

MURDER is NOT a "platitude." Making lame excuses as you just did to murder a man's child, without his knowledge or consent is evil and you are consumed by it, as is the Democrat Party. Planned (sic) Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger to kill blacks. You Democrats must be proud of all you have murdered, far more than the KKK.
MURDER is NOT a "platitude." Making lame excuses as you just did to murder a man's child, without his knowledge or consent is evil and you are consumed by it, as is the Democrat Party. Planned (sic) Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger to kill blacks. You Democrats must be proud of all you have murdered, far more than the KKK.
Murder is statutory. It is only murder if there is a law against it. Abortion is a legal activity, therefore NOT murder. This is one of those things you can stop telling women. They know better. It is NOT murder. If you want it to be murder, PASS A LAW. It is a homicide however. You can be pro life without being an idiot about it. Maybe not you, but you could at least TRY.
Murder is statutory. It is only murder if there is a law against it. Abortion is a legal activity, therefore NOT murder. This is one of those things you can stop telling women. They know better. It is NOT murder. If you want it to be murder, PASS A LAW. It is a homicide however. You can be pro life without being an idiot about it. Maybe not you, but you could at least TRY.

You could TRY to be a decent human being, with feelings for an unborn infant being tortured to death, literally. But you will not. Evil is like that. You're not much different from Hamas baby killers. You really are "evil." It is a complete waste of my time reading anything you have to say. My IGNORE LIST just grew by you.
Ciao brutto
WASHINGTON -- An anti-abortion activist who led others on an invasion and blockade of a reproductive health clinic in the nation's capital was sentenced on Tuesday to nearly five years in prison.

Lauren Handy, 30, was among several people convicted of federal civil rights offenses for blockading access to the Washington Surgi-Clinic on Oct. 22, 2020. Police found five fetuses at Handy's home in Washington after she was indicted.

That includes stand your ground laws allowing for them to be shot if they in any way block access to any woman trying to enter a clinic. And the perpetrators family should have to pay for the bullet, and pay her $100,000.
Should have burned down 300 black owned businesses and ransacked a Federal Court. Just say you’re BLM and no charges.
It is not a living human until it takes its first breath. Consult your bible for more info
The Bible says God knew you before
It is not a living human until it takes its first breath. Consult your bible for more info
Jeremiah 1:5 kinda blows your ignorance. God states he knew you before he formed you in the womb. Maybe you should read the bible.

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